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Ethereum Computation Marketplace

Documentation Status

A semi-trustless on chain marketplace for purchasing the execution and result of expensive computation.


2015-11-16 - Fully functional proof of concept for this service. It still needs some work to be a robust enough solution, as well as thorough documentation on the API that the on-chain computation contracts must implement.

2016-02-04 - In development.

Initial Idea

Credit for this idea goes to Tal Serphos

Some computations are too expensive to justify doing them on the blockchain, yet may be necessary for certain contracts to operate. The Ethereum Computation Market aims to solve this problem.

The general process works as follows. We'll use computation of the fibonacci sequence as an example.

  1. First, we implement the algorithm as a contract.
  2. A contract wanting the Nth member of the sequence would submit their computation request to the service.
  3. The request is picked up by an off-network entity, computed, and the result submitted to the service along with a deposit sufficient to cover the on-chain computation.
  4. A group of verifiers monitors the computation responses, checking them against their computed version of the correct answer. Any verifier may challenge the answer by providing an equal deposit.
  5. If not challenged, the answer is finalized and can be trusted after some waiting period.
  6. If challenged, the computation is executed on-chain, and whichever party was wrong (submitter or verifier) pays the gas costs for the computation. The other part is refunded their deposit plus a payment for their service.



This is the primary contract which manages computation requests and fulfillment of a given computation.


A Factory is a contract which exposes a function which will deploy an new instance of a certain type of Executable contract.


A contract which implements an algorithm such that it can be computed on chain. This likely involves a mechanism for splitting the computation across many steps. In order to be sufficiently abstract, these contracts operate exclusively on the bytes type, both as the input, as well as storage for intermediate steps during the computation. This provides a high level of flexibility in exchange for requiring computations to implement their own serialization/deserialization logic.

The required API for an executable is as follows:

  • An executable contract takes a bytes value in it's constructor which represents the input parameters to the computation.
  • The executable must implement a step(uint currentStep, bytes _state) returns (bytes _nextState, bool _isFinal) function. currentStep is the 1-indexed step number for the current state of computation. _state is the return value from the previous step. If this is the first step (step #1) then the _state value will be the bytes value that was passed in as the constructor.
  • The step(..) function must return a 2-tuple of (bytes, bool). The bytes value is the updated _state that will be passed into the next step. The bool value indicates whether the computation has completed.

Stateful vs Stateless executables


An executable is stateless if the implementation does not require any additional data beyond the output from the previous step.

A fibonacci implementation that was stateless would return a bytes value that represented the previous two computed fibonacci numbers at each step. This would allow for computation of the 3rd fibonacci number to be executed as follows.

  • f_3 = fib.step(3, fib.step(2, fib.step(1, "3")))

Each of these calls could be made using .call() requiring all computation to be done using the on-chain implementation without actually sending any transactions.

Executable contracts that are stateless are vastly superior to stateful implementations in cases where the stateless implementation does not introduce unacceptable complexity. The reason for this is that it allows for participants in the computation market to compute the requested computation using the actual on-chain implementation.

The fibonacci example is best done as stateless since the implementation overhead is small.

An algorithm like scrypt could theoretically be done as a stateless contract, but each step would have to return a very large lookup table due to the memory-hardness feature of scrypt. This large input and return value would reduce the number of actual computations that could be executed in a single step which would cause a significant increase in the total number of steps necessary to complete the computation.


An executable is stateful if the implementation requires additional information beyond the return value of the previous step.

A fibonacci implementation that was stateful might store each computed number in contract storage, only returning the latest computed number. On each step, this function would need to lookup the computed number from two steps ago in order to compute the next number. This reliance on local state is what makes the contract stateful. It also disallows using .call() to compute the final result since each execution of the step function must be done within a transaction in order to update the local state of the contract.


A marketplace for trustless off chain computation.






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