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gofed - next generation

Golang analysis system

System Overview

Gofed next generation (gofed-ng) is a system based on original gofed tool. It tends to utilize original approach and extend it with distributed computation and data storage. The whole system consists of 3 main components - a service registry, a client and services.


The concept of gofed-ng is based on services, which are provided for clients. These services can run remotely and locally as well, based on user configuration. Running analysis remotely allows a user to use up-to-date analysis and use the power of the system in order to get the most accurate results. Local execution acts like local function call, so it does not affect performance anyhow (network communication overhead is bypassed).

A service is semantically uniquely identified by its name, but its name does not necessarily restricts system to have only one service of a type. There can be multiple services with the same name (implementing same actions). This scenario is suitable for load balancing.

A service provides actions for a client, which can be done. Each action has predefined input and output. It's implementation is hidden for the client.

Actions are encapsulated with a service envelope. The service envelop is responsible for service execution, configuration loading and communication; moreover it is shared across all services, so one code rules them all!


Each service can register to a registry. The registry is the main point of contact if a client wants to use a service, but does not know its location (IP, port). The registry holds information about connection information (IP, port), service name for all active services (it is responsible for dead service detection as well).


A client is able to connect to the system and use its resources. If the client does not know service location, it queries registry to get list of all services with a name.

The main concept of the client is hidden in scenarios. A client implements scenarios, which describe data flow across actions. Client can modify, specify or adopt actions output in scenarios.

The client can be configured to use specific actions remotely or locally, as desired.

Data Flow Overview

The system provides analysis (code) and data as well. We can look at database as a service we provide besides analysis, so databases are services too. Databases implement API which is shared across the whole system, so service or even client can access data by its API implemented in database driver.

A client has a power to specify which data will be used in which action. The client can use precomputed data stored in database services, or can pass it's own data, which will be accessible to service via database API.

If a client does not provide database driver, called service uses system in order to get data needed to perform specific action.



python, pyhon-plumbum, python-rpyc

For development, install following packages as well:

python-jinja2, python-ast


To run the service registry, use following command in the root of git tree:

$ ./registry
Starting registry on port 18811...
DEBUG:REGSRV/UDP/18811:server started on

You can configure registry in registry.conf. For all supported options, see:

git/$ ./registry --help

To run a service, enter services directory and prepare services to be run (add service envelope and configuration for each service):

git/services/$ ./

Now you are ready to run a service:

git/services/$ ./service1/ --config ./service1/service1Service.conf
INFO:SERVICE1/18236:server started on []:18236
INFO:SERVICE1/18236:started background auto-register thread (interval = 60)
INFO:REGCLNT/UDP:registering on localhost:18811
INFO:REGCLNT/UDP:registry acknowledged

You can adopt configuration file to your needs. To see all available options, run service with --help option.


gofed-ng: The next generation of gofefd







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