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Texture Synthesis in PyTorch

This is a PyTorch implementation of the Texture Synthesis Using Convolutional Neural Networks paper ( by Gatys et al. (2015). The code is based on the original Caffe codebase by the authors of the paper (

Example Inputs (left) and Outputs (right)

pebbles_in pebbles_out

How can I generate my own texture?

  • CPU Version: Inside the project folder, run conda env create -f environment_cpu.yml to create a Conda environment with all the dependencies. It is recommended to run this command as administrator. Activate the environment by running conda activate texture_synthesis_cpu.
  • GPU Version: Inside the project folder, run conda env create -f environment_gpu.yml to create a Conda environment with all the dependencies. It is recommended to run this command as administrator. Feel free to modify the cudatoolkit version in the .yml file, so that it corresponds to your CUDA version. Activate the environment by running conda activate texture_synthesis_gpu.
  • Run python for a run with default arguments. This will generate a pebble texture similar to this one.
  • Run python -h to see how you can choose your own input textures and tweak the optimizer settings.

I'm getting a pickle-related error when running the code, what should I do?

The model is stored in this repository using Git LFS. It is therefore recommended to have Git LFS installed in order to fetch the model file. However, it is also possible to download it manually.

This also applies to the file containing reference values for unit testing.

Can you explain more about the model? What are and for?

Gatys et. al use pretrained VGG19 with the following modifications:

  • Fully connected (FC) layers are removed
  • MaxPool layers are replaced by AvgPool
  • Weights are scaled, so that the mean activation of each filter over images and positions is equal to 1.

Gatys et al. provide the model in Caffe format and converts it to PyTorch via the following steps:

  1. Weigths are converted from .caffemodel to .pt using which comes from
  2. Pretrained torchvision.models.vgg19 is loaded, FC layers are removed and MaxPool replaced by AvgPool
  3. .pt weights are loaded into the PyTorch model.
  4. The PyTorch model along with the weights is saved into a pickle using a custom function called VGG19_normalized_avg_pool_pytorch.

Dependecies for these conversion scripts are not part of the Conda environment definition file because the converted PyTorch model can be used directly.

How do you know that the reproduced results are correct?

A set of unit tests is included in the repository. These tests compare values from the converted PyTorch model with those from the original code. Inputs and expected outputs for these tests are stored in a separate file.


The texture img/pebbles.jpg is from the original paper by Gatys et al. ( img/flowers.png comes from Pixar 128 texture package ( where it is called Woven_flower.

The code is based on the original codebase by Gatys et al. (, includes a Caffe to PyTorch converter by Vadim Kantorov ( and a model load/save functionality by Pauli Kemppinen.


Just like the original codebase, this software can only be used for academic or non-commercial purposes.


A PyTorch implementation of texture synthesis by Gatys et al. (2015) (






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