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Extremely Advanced T-Robots

xatrobots is a game somewhat like AT-Robots, but instead of progamming single bots, you must create a team of bots.



Each game is played on a board of squares. Bots are members of a team. Several squares on the board contain a pylon which can be captured by bots. A team wins when it has captured all the pylons on the board.

Bots have limited (but renewable) amounts of health and energy. Using energy, bots can deal damage to other bots by shooting them with cannons, may heal other bots by using repair kits, may move to adjacent squares and may capture pylons. Bots can perform work to gain more energy.

Each square contains a certain amount of ore. Ore can be converted into cannons, repair kits or bot portals.

Bots can not communicate on the server. It is expected that communication and coordination will happen on the client's computers (that's the whole point).


Each game is played on a board of squares. Boards aren't necessarily rectangular. For instance, here's an example board:

+---+---+   +---+
|0,0|   |   |   |
|   |   |   |   |   |
|   |   |   |3,2|

Each square of the board is indexed by a coordinate. There may not be a square at (0,0) in every game. When displaying the board visually, for consistency, increasing x moves to the right and increasing y moves down (sorry, math).

Game pieces

These are the game pieces:

  • Square
  • Bot
  • Pylon
  • Ore
  • Lifesource

Following is more detail about them and the attributes they have (including what a JSON representation of them would look like).


Squares make up the playing field. Squares can contain Pylons, Bots, Ore and Lifesources.

  "id": "7b06a48f-6af9-4972-b3ee-5cb9522968e9",
  "object": "square",
  "coordinates": [0, 2],
  "ore_count": 9,
  "pylon_count": 1
Attribute Details
id UUID of the square.
object Always "square".
coordinates A tuple of the x and y coordinates of the square.
ore_count The integer amount of ore in this square.
pylon_count The integer number of pylons in this square.


Bots are used by players to play the game.

  "id": "7b06a48f-6af9-4972-b3ee-5cb9522968e9",
  "object": "bot",
  "hp": 8,
  "team": "A-Team",
  "name": "Joe the Builder",
  "tool": "cannon",
  "energy": 3
Attribute Details
id UUID of the bot
object Always "bot"
hp Integer health remaining.
team String team name
name String bot name
tool String name of the tool currently equipped.
energy Integer amount of energy available for actions.


All the pylons must be captured in order to win the game.

  "id": "7b06a48f-6af9-4972-b3ee-5cb9522968e9",
  "object": "pylon",
  "locks": 2,
  "team": "bob",
Attribute Details
id UUID of the pylon
object Always "pylon"
locks Integer number of locks on the pylon.
team The team that currently controls this pylon. Will be null if no team controls it.


Ore can be forged into tools (such as a cannon, a repair kit or a portal).

  "id": "7b06a48f-6af9-4972-b3ee-5cb9522968e9",
  "object": "ore"
Attribute Details
id UUID of the ore
object Always "ore"


A Lifesource is what replaces a piece of Ore when a tool is made. If the Lifesource for a tool is destroyed, the tool is also destroyed.

  "id": "7b06a48f-6af9-4972-b3ee-5cb9522968e9",
  "object": "lifesource",
  "hp": 59
Attribute Details
id UUID of the lifesource
object Always "lifesource"
hp Integer health remaining.

Phases of the Game

Note that all the hard-coded numbers in this doc should be configurable (energy requirements, etc...)

Pre-Game Phase

After the board is created bots can join the game and examine the board to determine where to start. Each square may have a different amount of ore, which may influence the decision.

During this phase, the following commands are available to bots:

  • listSquares() -> [<Square>, <Square>, ...]

    List the Squares that make up the board. Among other things, it will show much Ore is in each Square and the coordinates of the Square

  • workToLand(square_id) -> (nonce, goal)

    Return the goal portion of the work that will be required to land on this square during the Landing Phase. During this phase nonce will always be null.

The game is then started by the server and enters the Landing Phase.

Landing Phase

The goal of this phase is to get a bot on the board in a square. To land, one of the team's bots must use the land command with an acceptable solution to the work for a square.

In addition to the listSquares() command also available during the Pre-Game Phase, the following commands are available to bots:

  • workToLand(square_id) -> (nonce, goal)

    Same as in Pre-Game Phase except nonce is now a string that can be used to do work.

  • land(square_id, solution)

    Put the bot on the designated square. solution must be a solution to the problem returned by workToLand.

Once any bot from a team lands on a square, the bot enters the Play Phase and the bot's team members enter the On-Deck Phase. All other teams remain in the Landing Phase until they have successfully landed a bot in a square.

Play Phase

When a bot is in play, the following commands are available:

  • status(bot=None) -> <bot>

    Requires 0 energy if bot=None, otherwise requires 1 energy.

    If bot is None return status of self, otherwise, bot should be the id of a bot in this square.

        'team': string,
        'health': integer,
        'energy': integer,
        'equipment': string,
  • workToCharge() -> dict

    Requires 0 energy.

    Once the charger is available, returns a piece of work to be done to generate energy with charge()

    Work(nonce, goal)

    The charger will not be available until the previous energy produced by the charger is used.

  • charge(solution)

    Produces 1 energy.

    solution is an acceptable solution of doing the work identified by charger().

  • look() -> list of things in the square

    Requires 1 energy.

    Returns a dict of all the things in the square, including bots and ore. It looks like this:

        'jim': <bot dict>,
        'bob': <bot dict>,
        'o-1': <ore dict>,
  • pylon() -> dict

    Requires 1 energy.

    Returns a dict describing the current square's pylon:

        'team': None,
        'locks': 1,
        'tolock': <Work>,
        'tobreak': <Work>
  • breakLock(solution)

    Requires 3 energy.

    solution is the solution of doing the work defined by pylon()['tobreak'].

    Unlocks one of the locks on the pylon. If doing this reduces the number of locks to 0, then this bot's team takes control of the pylon.

  • addLock(solution)

    Requires 3 energy.

    solution is the solution of doing the work defined by pylon()['tolock'].

    Adds another lock to the pylon.

  • makeTool(ore, tool_type)

    Requires 1 energy.

    Convert the ore into a tool and equip it. tool_type can be 'cannon', 'repair kit' or 'portal.' (Well, it could be any string you want, but only those strings will result in useful tools.)

  • move(square)

    Requires 2 energy.

    Moves the bot to the identified square (if it is adjacent and the bot has enough energy).

  • heal(what, amount)

    Requires energy proportional to the amount you want to heal.

    1 health requires 1 energy 3 health requires 2 energy 6 health requires 3 energy

    This bot must have a 'repair kit' tool.

  • shoot(what, damage)

    Requires energy proportional to the amount of damage you want to do.

    1 damage requires 1 energy 3 damage requires 2 energy 6 damage requires 3 energy

    This bot must have a 'cannon' tool.

  • openPortal(password)

    Requires 1 energy.

    This bot must have a 'portal' tool.

    Open a portal so that an On-Deck bot can use it.

  • shareEnergy(who, amount)

    Lend energy to another bot in this square.

    The chargers used to generate the energy will not be replenished until the energy is used by the other bot (or the bot perishes).

On-Deck Phase

Bots who connect to the game after the captain has landed on the board will be in the On-Deck Phase, waiting for a portal to be provisioned for them. When in this phase, bots can do the following:

  • usePortal(bot, password)

    Land the bot on the ground and link them to the portal held open by bot. password is the password bot used when opening the portal.

  • listSquares()

    Same as in Pre-Game phase.

Once a bot lands, they will be in the Play Phase.

Converted Ore

Prior to being converted into tools, ore is indestructable. After converting, the ore becomes a life source for the tool. Destroying the life source will destroy the associated tool. If a portal is destroyed, the bot that landed with that portal will die.

Likewise, if a bot carrying a tool dies, the life source used to make the tool and the portal used to land the bot will both be destroyed and revert back to ore.


Most of the moves that bots can make require energy, which is produced by doing "work", similar to the work done in mining bitcoins. Landing and unlocking and locking pylons also require work.

A piece of work is defined by a nonce and a goal:

  1. nonce or n

    a byte string of some non-zero length

  2. goal or G

    an integer between 0 (easiest) and MAX_SHA (hardest). MAX_SHA is 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff by default.

The result of a piece of work is any byte string R which satisfies this equation:

int( sha1( n + R ) ) > G

Here is a Python function that will determine if a given R is an acceptable result:

from hashlib import sha1

def validAnswer(nonce, goal, result):
    result = int(sha1(nonce + result).hexdigest(), 16)
    return result > goal


XAT-Robots - Team Bots






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