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qpub - q(uick) publishing of python projects

qpub is an opinioned collection of conventional tasks for distributing python packages, tests, and documentation. qpub is a consistent CLI for publishing different forms of content in different environments (e.g. local develop/install, Github Actions testing, publishing to Github Pages, deploying Binders). It encodes different opinions for building, installing, testing, and documenting applications. Tool churn is real challenge for open source python development. qpub tries to aggregate best present and future practices for publishing different code artifacts.

qpub is good for small projects where content is 👑. For existing projects, qpub may be a good test for transitioning old build chains to modern python conventions and for unifying testing and build frameworks across projects.

What does qpub do?

qpub infers environment conditions using system variables and files in a git repo. From these partial initial conditions, qpub expands configuration files to aid in producing different forms of content. Content can include Python, RST, Markdown, or Jupyter Notebooks.

some features of qpub are:

blog infer the nikola blog documentation configuration. build build the python project. conda install conda requirements config infer the jupyter_book documentation configuration. develop install the project in development mode. environment_yaml infer the project dependencies and write them to an environment.yaml install install the packages into the sys.packages jupyter_book build the documentation with jupyter-book jupytext attach jupytext to the project to render python files. lint lint and format the project with pre-commit mkdocs build the documentation with mkdocs mkdocs_yml infer the mkdocs documentation configuration. nikola build the documentation with nikola pip install pip requirements precommit configure .pre-commit-config.yml for linting and formatting pyproject infer the pyproject.toml configuration for the project requirements_txt infer the project dependencies and write them to a requirements.txt setup_cfg infer the declarative setup.cfg configuration for the project sphinx build the documentation with sphinx test test the project with pytest toc infer the table of contents for the jupyter_book documentation. uml generate a uml diagram for the project with pyreverse

extra configuration

qpub will merge and append to existing configurations in smart ways. Extra configuration can be provided to any tool by seeding the correct configuration file with partial information.


qpub requires a git repository with content.


the nox file encodes common development tasks.

should we pre install a bunch of different pytest opinions?


qpub - q(uick) publishing of python projects

qpub is an opinioned collection of conventional tasks for distributing python packages, tests, and documentation. qpub is a consistent CLI for publishing different forms of content in different environments (eg. local develop/install, github actions testing, publishing to github pages, deploying binders). it encodes different opinions for building, installing, testing, and documenting applications. tool churn is real challenge for open source python development. qpub tries to aggregate best present and future practices for publishing different code artifacts.

qpub is good for small project where content is 👑. for older projects, qpub may be a good test for transitioning old build chains to modern python conventions.

what does qpub do?

qpub infers environment conditions using system variables and files in a git repo. from these partial initial conditions qpub expands configuration files for different publishing to aid produces different forms of content. content can include python, rst, markdown, or notebooks.

the collected features of qpub are:

blog               infer the nikola blog documentation configuration.
build              build the python project.
conda              install conda requirements
config             infer the jupyter_book documentation configuration.
develop            install the project in development mode.
environment_yaml   infer the project dependencies and write them to an environment.yaml
install            install the packages into the sys.packages
jupyter_book       build the documentation with jupyter-book
jupytext           attach jupytext to the project to render python files.
lint               lint and format the project with pre-commit
mkdocs             build the documentation with mkdocs
mkdocs_yml         infer the mkdocs documentation configuration.
nikola             build the documentation with nikola
pip                install pip requirements
precommit          configure .pre-commit-config.yml for linting and formatting
pyproject          infer the pyproject.toml configuration for the project
requirements_txt   infer the project dependencies and write them to a requirements.txt
setup_cfg          infer the declarative setup.cfg configuration for the project
sphinx             build the documentation with sphinx
test               test the project with pytest
toc                infer the table of contents for the jupyter_book documentation.
uml                generate a uml diagram for the project with pyreverse

partial configuration

qpub will merge and append to existing configurations in smart ways. extra configuration can be provided to any tool by seeding the correct configuration file with partial information.


qpub requires a git repository with content.


the nox file encodes common development tasks.

should we pre install a bunch of different pytest opinions?



deathbeds generalized automation framework



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No releases published


No packages published


  • Python 80.3%
  • Jupyter Notebook 19.7%