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Convert a modular repo. into a "compatible" repo. (works without module tools)

tl;dr Run ./ and it'll download from the repos. specified in reposync.conf and generate compat. repos. named fedora-compat-*.

The longer explanation is that the we download the modular repo. and then go through each module within it and:

  1. Extract the rpm file data.
  2. Rebuild the rpm within the namespace of the module/stream it's from, Meaning all the requires are namespaced; including the package names themselves. All of the requires are then filtered to only apply within the module; so the rpm requires data won't pull in a packge not contained within the module.
  3. Change the module data to reflect the new rpm names.

We also obey the blacklist-n-mods.conf and blacklist-n-rpms.conf files for names of modules and rpms that we don't want to convert.

Also has a bunch of commands for looking at module repodata, and altering it in specific ways (extracting modules, renaming, merging, or just listing).


Convert Fedora modularity modules to compat. repo.






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