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pigoda - Introduction

Sensing station project on Raspberry Pi. The project is divided into software and hardware. The software parts consist of 3 main bits: daemon called mqtt_rpi which runs on raspberry Pi and is used to send statistics. Application called mqtt_channel used to collect sent statistcs. And the plotting software which are basically shell/python scripts. The hardware part includes board designs as well as designs of 3D printed parts (n/a yet). Everything works via MQTT protocol. An example of MQTT client is available in here

The software

The standard installation assumes that You have an access to MQTT broker and a VPS or something like that to collect the statistics. Since I use rrdtool as a plotting library the statistics require continuity. You should provide a stable connection with accetable latency (can't be too slow). It is not recommended to run mqtt_channel on the same raspberry Pi where You run mqtt_rpi because of SD card overload (It could simply kill Your SD card).



mqtt_rpi is a broker client as all software pieces written here. it sends statistics from previously configured gpios/i2c devices specified in a config file mqtt_rpi.yaml. Also it handles some basic commands including relay switch on and off.


Normally it is supposed to be invoked via startscript placed in /etc/init.d/pigoda It has few useful command line options described below. -V Prints build date and time usage() information and then exits with exit(2) code EX_USAGE. -c Path to config file. If not defined defaults to /etc/mqtt_rpi.yaml -v Verbose mode. (not implemented yet) -d Debug mode. (Ditto) -f Stay in foreground

Config file directives:

An example config file included below:

%YAML 1.1
pidfile: "/var/run/"
logfile: "/var/log/mqtt_rpi.log"
debug: 4
daemon: false
delay: 5000000
identity: "mrpi_pooler"
mqtt_host: "localhost"
mqtt_port: 1883
mqtt_user: "mqtt_rpi"
mqtt_password: "CHANGE_ME"
mqtt_keepalive: 120
# configuration of channels
        - name: "tempin"
          type: "ds18b20"
          address: "28-00000XXXXXXX"
          channel: "/environment/tempin"
        - name: "tempout"
          type: "ds18b20"
          address: "28-0000XXXXXXXX"
          channel: "/environment/tempout"
        - name: "pressure"
          type: "i2c"
          i2ctype: "bmp85"
          channel: "/environment/pressure"
        - name: "light"
          type: "i2c"
          i2ctype: "pcf8591"
          address: "0x48"
          config: "0"
          channel: "/environment/light"
        - name: "green_led"
          gpio_pin: 2
          type: "failure"
        - name: "red_led"
          gpio_pin: 0
          type: "notify"
        - name: "pir_case"
          gpio_pin: 6
          type: "pir_sensor"
        - name: "power button"
          type: "pwr_btn"
          gpio_pin: 5


Let's describe first set and meaning of system related variables

Variable name Possible values Description
pidfile STRING Includes a valid path in *NIX like system. Defaults to > /var/run/
logfile STRING Defaults to "/var/log/mqtt_rpi.log"
debug NUMERIC When greater than 0 activates extra debug messages
daemon BOOL daemon mode
delay NUMERIC Defines delay in a pooling loop. Defaults to 5000000

Other variables are related to MQTT connection, like identity user and password used to authenticate on a remote mqtt_host

Variable name Possible values Description
identity STRING Change this variable in case of having more than one station.
mqtt_host STRING A valid FQDN address for MQTT broker. Defaults to "localhost".
mqtt_port NUMERIC Port number. Defaults to /1883/.
mqtt_user STRING User name used to authenticate the client.
mqtt_password STRING Password.
mqtt_keepalive NUMERIC Delay between keep alive probes


Ready to use version is available. However it's missing some documentation

Part Task Priority Status
mqtt_rpi, mqtt_channel Reconnecting on MQTT error - Done
mqtt_rf Need to integrate with mqtt_rpi High Not started
mqtt_pir Need to integrate with mqtt_rpi - Done
new pigoda v2 board redesign, include more gpio protection (with optocoupler and or overcurrent protection) High design ongoing
website Make a simple responsive website High In progress
mqtt_channel Change database engine to MySQL from Sqlite3 Medium Not started
mqtt_channel code checkout Low Not started
3D models Models for boxes used to isolate sensors etc. Low Not started

How it really works?!

The basic knowledge about MQTT protocol is required More info on

There are 4 applications:

  • mqtt_rpi - Gets the data from sensors, process it, and publish on a given MQTT channel.
  • mqtt_channel - Listens on a given channel and stores the obtained data to Sqlite3 database.
  • mqtt_rf - Gets statistics from nRF24+ and pushish it on a given MQTT channel.

How to use it?

Download the source repository, compile* the sources and install it:

git clone
cd mqtt_rpi
make && make install

there are some dependencies like libyaml libmosquitto libsqlite3 and libbsd The application is located in /usr/bin/mqtt_rpi. It installs the configuration file placed in /etc/mqtt_rpi.yaml. The syntax is a YAML syntax. You need a MQTT server which defaults to, change it to Your server. You have to configure daemon mode in /etc/mqtt_rpi.yaml ( mqtt_rpi does not detach from terminal by default and it prints loads of debug messages) like this:

daemon: true


Ready to use/develop version is available and there's no documentation

Working version available


Ready to use/develop version is available


Under development (Proof of concept version already works and stores data into db, however the code needs to be polished a bit)

The hardware

pinheader board

In a directory eagle of github repository there are available boards designs ready to fabricate. The width of connections is thick on purpose. More information will be available soon.


It takes 58seconds to start rpi 350mA while it's running and ~400mA on a startup