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Lightweight Docker Airflow

A simple Apache Airflow [Alpine Linux] Docker image with as little magic as possible.

Build Status



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This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 Licence. See LICENCE for more information.

Notes and Overview

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The image is build mainly for learning purposes and depends on Python Alpine Linux.

The versioning scheme is <Native Airflow Version>[-<Optional Numeric Suffix>]. Like, "1.10.9" or "2.0.0-2".

Some notes:


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Building and Running

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To build it without docker-compose:

docker build -t jjjax/airflow-docker-light -f Dockerfile .

It's easier to use the sample compose file:

cp docker-compose.{sample,}.yml

docker-compose build

# Will run:
# 1. PostgreSQL.
# 2. Airflow Scheduler which upgrades the db backend.
# 3. Airflow Webserver which will be available under http://localhost:8080.
docker-compose run

Build Arguments Table:

Argument Default Comment
AIRFLOW_VERSION 1.10.9 The version will be installed at build time
AIRFLOW_HOME /opt/airflow If modified, don't forget to sync your docker-compose.yml and other stuff.
AIRFLOW__CORE__FERNET_KEY "" If provided, the will use the value as is; else, the value from ${AIRFLOW_HOME}/fernet.key will be used.
AIRFLOW_DEPS "" Provided as "mysql,gcp,hdfs"
PYTHON_DEPS src/requirements.sample.txt The default file is empty; you may put a custom file into src/ and it will be installed with pip
LINUX_DEPS bash Provided as "bash gcc make"
TIMEZONE UTC For example, "Europe/Moscow"


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There is almost zero magic in the, so you may want to keep it. It has only two actions:

  1. If AIRFLOW__CORE__FERNET_KEY env is set, it will be used as is. Else, the value from AIRFLOW_HOME/fernet.key will be used. That's a reason why you should share the AIRFLOW_HOME via a volume for multiple airflow containers.
  2. if UPGRADE_DB env is set, the "airflow upgradedb" command will be executed.

The build argument table is provided above. Checkout the Dockerfile to understand their behavior.

The docker-compose.sample.yml provides a practical example. You should note that the scheduler and webserver have either share their AIRFLOW_HOME, if you want to leverage an auto-generated AIRFLOW_HOME/fernet.key, or you should provide the key via AIRFLOW__CORE__FERNET_KEY.

Auto Testing

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Build the test image which differs by PYTHON_DEPS (the requirements will be installed from requirements.test.txt):

docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml build

Run tests "service" (target) and stop its dependencies after completion:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml run --rm airflow_tests
docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml down

Development and Exploration

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Build the test image, like in Auto Testing:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml build

Run the image dependencies:

# While the containers are running, we can call our tests from IDE.
docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml run --rm --name airflow_scheduler airflow_scheduler

After you've finished experimenting, stop the dependencies:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml down


-> Outline

I've ( made it just for fun: to learn and explore the Airflow hands-on. Thanks to Matthieu "Puckel_" Roisil ( for a starting point.


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  • No hardcoded AIRFLOW_HOME (env files and build arguments)

  • Decouple from PostgreSQL. It should get by SQLite and SequentialExecutor by default

  • Provide an easier way to turn-off the encryption (AIRFLOW__CORE__FERNET_KEY).


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