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Adaptive Comparative Judgement (ACJ) is based on the law of comparative judgement conceived by L. L. Thurstone in 1927 as a method for psychological measurements. First used for psychological measurements, today it offers an alternative to marking, especially for performance assessments for which achievement can be difficult to describe in mark schemes and for those where inter-marker reliability is often a problem.

This application is based on an updated 2012 paper which details ACJ's method and history. Students answer questions asked by instructors or other students and are then able to compare and judge the given answers. From these comparisons, a score for each answer is calculated according to ACJ's methods.


The frontend is purely written in Javascript, using AngularJS as a MVC-framework and Bootstrap for the design. The backend uses the python web application framework Flask with Flask SQLAlchemy for database persistence. [Alembic] ( is used to maintain database updates.

Developer Installation - Docker


Clone Repo and Start Server

git clone compair
npm install
docker-compose up -d

After initialization is finished, run the following command if it is the first time:

docker exec -it compair_app_1 python database create

ComPAIR is accessible at


Check Logs

# app
docker logs -f compair_app_1
# nginx
docker logs -f compair_web_1
# db
docker logs -f compair_db_1

Stop Server

docker-compose stop

Stop Server and Clean Up

docker-compose down
rm -rf .data

Access Database

docker exec -it compair_app_1 mysql

Upgrade Database

docker exec -it compair_app_1 alembic upgrade head

Run Management Command

docker exec -it compair_app_1 python COMMAND

Build Docker Image Locally

docker build -t ubcctlt/compair-app .


docker-compose down
docker pull ubcctlt/compair-app # download latest ComPAIR image
docker-compose up
docker exec -it compair_app_1 alembic upgrade head # upgrade database

Generate Production Release

Run gulp prod to generate the production version. This currently just does two things:

  1. Combine all Bower managed javascript libraries into a single minified file.
  2. Compile and minify the less files into a single css file.

Setting up Learning Analytics

ComPAIR uses the Experience API (xAPI) for collecting learning analytics. xAPI requires a Learning Record Store (LRS) to use. ComPAIR currently only supports basic OAuth1 authentication connections to the LRS. Authentication can be set with either LRS_USERNAME+LRS_PASSWORD or LRS_AUTH.

For development, you can set LRS_STATEMENT_ENDPOINT to either the 'local' setting (to dump statements into the xapi_log table) or to an account on for your LRS. Note that is set up for testing purposes only and they can clear their data at any time (do not use in production).


XAPI_ENABLED: Set to 1 to enable collecting learning analytics (disabled by default)

LRS_STATEMENT_ENDPOINT: Set the url LRS. Use 'local' for dumping statements into xapi_log table ('local' by default)

LRS_USERNAME: The username for the OAuth1 account.

LRS_PASSWORD: The password for the OAuth1 account.

LRS_AUTH: Must be in the format Basic LRS_USERNAME:LRS_PASSWORD where LRS_USERNAME:LRS_PASSWORD has been base64 encoded.

XAPI_APP_BASE_URL Optionally set a base url to use for all statements. This is useful to help keep statement urls consistent if the url of your instance changes over time or is accessible though different routes (ex http+https or multiple sub-domains). (Uses base url of request by default)

xAPI statements require an actor (currently logged in user) account information. The ComPAIR account information will be used by default unless the following settings are changed.

LRS_ACTOR_ACCOUNT_USE_CAS: Flag indicating if CAS account information should be used by default if available (disabled by default)

LRS_ACTOR_ACCOUNT_CAS_HOMEPAGE: Set the homepage of the CAS account

LRS_ACTOR_ACCOUNT_CAS_IDENTIFIER: Optionally set a param to set as the actor's unique key for the CAS account. (uses CAS username by default)

LRS_USER_INPUT_FIELD_SIZE_LIMIT: Set the byte limit on xAPI statement fields containing user input. Set this in order to prevent sending large statements to the LRS that it can't handle (1048576 by default or 1MB)

Restart server after making any changes to settings

(Optional) Setting up Background Tasks


CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER: Set to 1 to disable background tasks (off by default)

CELERY_BROKER_URL: Set the url for the broker tool to be used (ex: redis or rabbitmq instance url)

CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND: Set the backend to store results (disabled by default)

CELERY_TIMEZONE: Set the timezone used for cron jobs. Currently only used for demo installations ('America/Vancouver' by default)

Workers will need to be restarted after any changes to them.

if CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER is on, then all background task calls will run locally and block until completed (effectively disabling background tasks). See the Celery CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER docs.

Restart server after making any changes to settings

User Authentication Settings

APP Login Settings

APP_LOGIN_ENABLED: Enable login via username & password (default: True)

Restart server after making any changes to settings

CAS Login Settings

CAS_LOGIN_ENABLED: Enable login via CAS server (default: True)

CAS_SERVER: Url of the CAS Server (do not include trailing slash)

CAS_AUTH_PREFIX: Prefix to CAS action (default '/cas')

CAS_USE_SAML: Determines which authorization endpoint to use. '/serviceValidate' if false (default). '/samlValidate' if true.

Restart server after making any changes to settings

LTI Settings

LTI_LOGIN_ENABLED: Enable login via LTI consumer (default: True)

Restart server after making any changes to settings

In addition, you must create a LTI consumer key/secret by:

  • Logging into ComPAIR as a system administrator
  • Clicking on 'Manage LTI' in the header
  • Clicking 'Add LTI Consumer'
  • Entering a unique key and a hard to guess secret and clicking 'Save'

You can enable/disable consumers from the Manage LTI screen as needed

(Optional) Email Notification Settings

Run gulp prod in order to generate the combined minified css used in the html emails.

MAIL_NOTIFICATION_ENABLED: Enable email notifications application wide (default: False).

Even if notifications are enabled, users can disable them for themselves on the edit account screen.

See Flask-Mail for details on configuration settings for mailing notifications.

Disable outgoing https requirements

ENFORCE_SSL: Enforce https on all requests made though LTI and CAS (default: True)

Can be used to disable secure SSL requirements for outgoing and incoming traffic from LTI and CAS. This should only be used for development or staging purposes.

Setup a demo installation

Demo installations have default data of one course, 2 assignments, 1 instructor, and 30 students. Demo installations do not allow editing/deleting the course, assignments, student answers, or enrollment of any automatic generated default data. Users can still create other courses, assignments, etc and modify them as needed. Demo installations also allow anyone to create system administrators, instructors, and students at any time. If the cron job is setup, all data will be automatically reset to defaults every day at 3:00 a.m.

You should never turn a server with existing data into a demo. Always delete all existing data first with:

python database drop

Demo Settings

DEMO_INSTALLATION: Turns the ComPAIR installation into a demo (default: False)

Setting DEMO_INSTALLATION to True will also force APP_LOGIN_ENABLED to True and CAS_LOGIN_ENABLED to False. LTI_LOGIN_ENABLED may still be optionally set to True or False if you want to allow LTI connections to be made to the demo installation.

Additional Setup

In order for the cron job to work properly, you must also create an additional celery process (ex: celery beat -A celery_worker.celery). You should also set CELERY_TIMEZONE to your preferred timezone so that the automatic scheduler will reset properly at 3:00 a.m. in your timezone.

You can set the data the first time by running:

python database create

(Optional) Kaltura Media Attachments

You may optionally enable Kaltura uploads to support more media file attachment types with better cross browser playback compatibility.

It is highly recommended to create a seperate account for ComPAIR so it does not interfere with other content. ComPAIR treats the account provided as a bucket account to store all video/audio uploads. You should have a Kaltura player setup and configured for the account.

Currently only version 3 of the Kaltura api is supported.


KALTURA_ENABLED: Set to 1 to enable uploading media attachments to a Kaltura account (off by default).

KALTURA_SERVICE_URL: The base url of the Kaltura server.

KALTURA_PARTNER_ID: The partner id of the Kaltura account.

KALTURA_SECRET: The secret for the partner id provided.

KALTURA_USER_ID: The user id (email) of the Kaltura account.

KALTURA_PLAYER_ID: A Kaltura player id (conf ui id) to display the media in.

ATTACHMENT_UPLOAD_LIMIT: The file size upload limit (in bytes) for all attachments including Kaltura uploads. (default 250MB).

KALTURA_VIDEO_EXTENSIONS: Set of video file extensions that will be uploaded to the Kaltura instead of ComPAIR (default: mp4, mov, and webm).

KALTURA_AUDIO_EXTENSIONS: Set of audio file extensions that will be uploaded to the Kaltura instead of ComPAIR (default: mp3).

Restart server after making any changes to settings

Google Analytics Web Tracking

  1. Register for a Google Analytics web property ID at
  2. Set GA_TRACKING_ID to your web property id (ex: 'UA-XXXX-Y')

Restart server after making any changes to settings


ComPAIR a learning application







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  • Python 59.4%
  • JavaScript 29.8%
  • HTML 8.4%
  • Gherkin 1.2%
  • CSS 1.0%
  • Shell 0.1%
  • Other 0.1%