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1. Snakevolution

Snakevolution is a project applying the concept of evolutionary computing to the game of Snake.

2. Evolutionary Algorithms

An evolutionary algorithm is a strategy to solve optimisation problems. Finding solutions for such tasks is often difficult due to the large search space, i.e. the set of possible solutions is too large to find an exact solution. An evolutionary algorithm approximates the solution to an optimisation problem by evolving a set of candidate solutions until a stop criterion is reached.

The evolutionary algorithm works as follows:

  1. First, a set of so-called candidate solutions is randomly initialised.

  2. Thereafter, these solutions are evaluated and assigned a fitness score depending on how well they solve the problem. Usually, there is a positive correlation between the fitness score and the performance of a solution, i.e. the higher the fitness score, the better the individual performed.

  3. A better performing individual has more desirable traits, so the next step is to select a subset of the population with desirable traits that we will recombine to create the next generation. To create the next generation, we use crossover operators which will combine the genes of two parents to create two offspring that inherit traits from both parents.

  4. Finally, the solutions are mutated, i.e. some genes are randomly changed, and we create a new generation of solutions with the recombined and mutated solutions.

  5. Now repeat steps 1-3 until solutions have converged or the max number of iterations has been reached.

Steps in the evolutionary algorithm

3. Snake

Snake is a video game where the player controls a line representing the snake with the goal to grow the snake as long as possible by eating food. Each food consumed grows the body of the snake by 1 block. Initially, the snake starts out with a length of 1. The game is won when the snake takes up every single block in the game, i.e. 100 blocks for a 10x10 grid. The game is over if the snake either hits any of the walls or itself.

Example of a Snake that has
been evolved for 1000 generations

This project uses my pysnakegym package for simulating the game. More details about this package can be found on its github page.

4. Snake + Evolution

How is the concept of evolution combined with the game of snake? The phenotype of an organism consists out of its properties that are observable to the outside world, e.g. behaviour and appearance. In this case, the phenotype is a Feed Forward Network (FFN) which receives an input representing the current state of the game and then outputs an action for the snake to take. The state of the game can be thought of as what the snake sees at a given point in the game.

The genotype of an organism are the genes that it carries and which determine the phenotype. In this case, the genotype are the bits and pieces that make up the neural network, i.e. the weights, connections, and nodes.

The individual weights of the network are the genes of the genotype. By evolving these weights, the algorithm can produce phenotypes which are capable of playing the game of snake.

The genotype is part of the search space in which we look for good combinations of genes to solve the problem. It maps to a phenotype which exists in a solution space where the external attributes of the solution are evaluated against the problem to compute the fitness score.

5. Project Structure

  • agents: contains classes that interfaces with the game
  • docs: contains documentation
  • evolution: contains the logic for the evolutionary algorithm
  • test: contains tests
  • util: contains classes for io and analysis operations

6. Setting up the Project

6.1 Install conda

snakevolution is a conda project, so conda needs to be installed to run the program. Follow the instructions on the official conda page.

6.2 Setup the conda environment

After installing conda, the conda environment needs to be set up. The environment is described with the environment.yml file. To create a conda environment from the file execute the following in the root directory of the project:

conda env create -f environment.yml

6.3 Activate the conda environment

The conda environment needs to be activated for the program to run.

conda activate snakevolution

7. How to train the evolutionary algorithm

Evolutionary algorithms have many hyperparameters that affect the performance and convergence of the algorithm. Many of the hyperparameters affect the selection pressure experienced by the population. Read 8 for an explanation of selection pressure. Below is an explanation of the available hyperparameters.

hyper parameter type legal values explanation
generations int (-inf, inf) the number of generations that the population will evolve for
population_size int (-inf, inf) the number of individuals in the population
mutation_rate int [0.0, 1.0] the probability of a random mutation occurring for each gene
crossover_rate float [0.0, 1.0] the probability that a crossover between two parents will occur
selection_type string {"TOURNAMENT", "RANK", "ROULETTE"} the name of the selection function to be used
selection_params {} depends on the fitness function additional parameters that will be passed to the selection function
type string {"GENERATIONAL", "STEADY_STATE"} the type of algorithm to be run
replacement_function string {"REPLACEMENT"} the type of replacement function to be used
elitism float [0.0, 1.0] the percentage of best performing individuals that will be copied to the next generation unchanged
graphics bool {true, false} whether to show the graphics of the snake game
neural_network [int] any positive integer the hidden layers to be used in the neural network. [5] means a single hidden layer with 5 nodes

These hyperparameters are passed to a program in a .json file. The hyper_params.json file is an example file, though the file can live anywhere on the file system. Once the file is created, the training can be started as follows:

python -hp=hyper_params.json -ex=1

The -hp flag takes the path to the parameters file and the ex flag is how often the training should be executed. If you want to gather some data on how a set of hyper parameters performs you can specify to run it as many times as needed.

After each execution of the evolutionary algorithm, the following are saved in models/evolution/<datetime>:

  • a csv file fitness_data.csv containing fitness data where columns are the generations and rows are individuals
  • a json file hyperparameters.json containing the hyper parameters that were used to run the algorithm
  • the best performing individual of each generation saved as a .pth file

8. Understanding selection pressure

In biology, selection pressures are external factors which affect an organism's ability to survive in an environment. If the selection pressures are high, only the individuals with the most desirable traits are able to reproduce. Contrary, if the selection pressures are low, weaker individuals are also able to reproduce.

Within evolutionary computing, a high selection pressure means that we are more likely to select individuals that have a high fitness score for reproduction. A low selection pressure means that individuals with lower fitness scores are also able to reproduce.

If the selection pressure is high and only the fittest individuals are allowed to reproduce, the diversity within the population will decrease, causing the explored search space to shrink faster, which in turn means that the algorithm to converge faster. A lower selection pressure then means that we keep a more diverse population and can keep exploring a larger search space at the cost of slower convergence.

9. How to replay a trained model

After the evolutionary algorithm has finished, the game that was played by the best individual is saved in a sequence.json file. This file can be used to replay that game again.

  • -s: the path to the sequence file.
  • -r: will record the sequence
python -s=path_to_sequence.json -r

10. How to play with a trained model

To play with a trained model you need to run with a path of the torch model.

  • -m: takes the path to the model file.
  • -r: optional flag specifies whether to record the game. If recorded, an .mp4 file will be saved in /docs/<path of model>.
python -m=path_to_model.pth -r


Applying the concept of evolutionary algorithms to the classic game of Snake







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