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installing and running debexpo

For installation instructions, see docs/installing.rst

running tests

Hooray! Now you're ready to run the automated tests. (The code for the
tests lives in debexpo/tests/*. This is a test suite; you can read more at .)

  % nosetests --with-pylons=test.ini

As of the time of writing, all the tests do not pass. That means there is
work to do on the test suite.

They should at least run, though.

(Nosetests is a "test runner" package that provides some useful add-ons. It
has its own idiosyncracies, though.)

debugging a debexpo test that fails

So you've found a test that fails (F) or exits with an unhandled exception (E)?
Time to use the Python debugger.

Run the test suite with these parameters:

  % nosetests --with-pylons=test.ini --pdb-failures --pdb-errors

(If you've used pdb.set_trace(), this is an automatic way that Nose gives
you that functionality.)

debexpo documentation

The debexpo documentation is being stored in restructured text inside the
docs/ directory. You can find the current installation guide at
docs/installing.rst. You should build and view the html docs by executing:

  % sudo apt-get install python-sphinx # needed to build the docs
  % cd docs/
  % make html
  % sensible-browser .build/html/index.html


Web app to help collaboration on Debian package review






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