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A short overview of current scripts

The scripts folder in this repository contains scripts that interact with the Digital Marketplace APIs ( data API and search-api).


    LEGACY script from when CCS used to send us zip files of documents to upload, saved for now just in case it might be of use again in future.


    Script for uploading framework result letters and agreement signature pages.


    Scripts to extract CSV reports about all draft services submitted to a Digital Ouctcomes and Specialists style framework, generally to be run after applications have closed and supplier pass/fails have been set in the database.


    Extracts the "about you" data for all suppliers who applied to a framework, to enable CCS to get in touch with suppliers when they need to.


    To be run when a framework closes for applications - produces three CSV files for pass, fail and discretionary results, with relevant data to be passed to CCS.


    Generates a list of buyer users name and email address, optionally with a list of their requirements.

  • and

    Scripts used to generate framework agreement page PDF files from the template in


    To be run when a framework closes for applications - extracts a CSV report of all suppliers who expressed an interest in the framework and their eventual application status (did they make an application, only fill in the declaration, how many services submitted/left in draft per lot, etc.)

  • and

    LEGACY scripts used to generate framework agreement page PDF files for G-Cloud 8 from the template in - saved for now because we may still need to re-generate some of these.


    Script that generates a CSV file for the supplier declaration and questions in the 'edit submission' manifest (i.e. service questions) for a given framework.


    Iterate through one or more models and dump the data into a CSV according to supplied config.


    Outputs details of a random active unlocked user with a given role.

  • Runs nightly on Jenkins. Reads services or briefs from the API endpoint and writes to search-api for indexing.

  • Reads a csv file of results for suppliers who have/have not been accepted onto a framework and posts to the API to set the on_framework value in the supplier_frameworks table.

  • For a DOS-style framework (with no documents to migrate) this will make draft services for suppliers "on framework" into real services.

  • For a G-Cloud-style framework (with documents to migrate) this will make draft services for suppliers "on framework" into real services.


    Marks suppliers as having passed/failed a framework, where the result can be determined "automatically" not requiring human involvement (i.e. not "discretionary" results).


    Runs nightly on Jenkins. Send email notifications to buyer users reminding them to award their closed requirements.


    Runs nightly on Jenkins. Send email notifications to buyer users about closed requirements.


    Email suppliers who have at least one successful lot entry on the given framework. Should be run once per framework, at the beginning of the standstill period when results from CCS are delivered to suppliers.


    Runs every morning on Jenkins. If a buyer has posted a new question/answer on a brief in the last 24 hours, send an email to any suppliers who have started an application, completed an application or asked a question about the opportunity. If a supplier is interested in more than one brief that has had a question or answer posted, then these are grouped into a single email.


    Checks all free-text fields in G-Cloud services for "bad words" and generates a CSV report of any bad words found.


    Runs Mon-Fri 8:00am on Jenkins. Send emails with new opportunities on a lot to suppliers who are on this lot.


    Fetches application statistics for a framework from the API and pushes them to the Performance Platform.


    Sets supplier "on framework" status to a specified value for all supplier IDs read from file.


    Script used to upload countersigned/counterpart agreement PDFs to S3. This MUST be used rather than because the "countersigned agreement path" needs to be set in the DB at the same time as the file is uploaded.


    Makes it easier for humans and computers (namely Jenkins) to update the alias of an elasticsearch index. It was written to assist with indexing services after migrating data between environments periodically with Jenkins.


    Runs a virus scan utilising a provided clamd (ClamAV) backend against a given S3 bucket, optionally restricting by path prefix and last modified datetime.

Running scripts with Docker

One way to run common scripts locally without setting up dependencies is to use the pre-built Docker image. If you have Docker set up, you can use docker pull digitalmarketplace/scripts to download the latest image version. Then you can run any of the scripts with:

docker run digitalmarketplace/scripts scripts/... [options]

docker run digitalmarketplace/scripts without an explicit command will display the Python version, release tag the container was built from and a list of available scripts.

If the script is connecting to any local apps/services you need to forward the ports to the docker container. The easiest way to do this is to use --net=host argument for docker run:

docker run --net=host digitalmarketplace/scripts scripts/ services dev ...

This won't work however if you are running Docker for Mac; instead, see below.

If the script is generating output files you need to map a local directory to the output directory in the container using a volume:

docker run --user $(id -u) --volume $(pwd)/data:/app/data digitalmarketplace/scripts scripts/ ...

Docker for Mac workaround

If you are running in Docker on macOS and have local apps/services then --net=host will not work for you. Instead, a workaround script has been provided that runs inside the container to forward the scripts to the Docker host. To use it, run Docker like this:

docker run --entrypoint digitalmarketplace/scripts scripts/ dev ...

A general approach to writing new scripts

Historically (and currently), this respository has been filled with small files that slightly diverge from one another. The idea has been that scripts are written for things that happen once (slash infrequently) in the lifecycle of a framework -- so we write our script, run it once, and then walk away.

This is a good thing. It means we have a cleaner API and less code to maintain.

However, we've ended up with a lot of scripts doing similar things, so there has been an effort more recently to introduced some more general code to help make these behaviours easier.

If you are writing a script that:

  • iterates through all of something from the API (eg "get all buyer users")
  • transforms specific values in your data collection (eg "get the domain name of user email addresses")
  • merges data between two different models (eg "get number of draft briefs per buyer user")
  • getting counts in one-to-many relationships (eg "get number of users per supplier")

then you should be strongly biased to using the following reusable code.

Iterates through a set of models. Returns only specified keys (including nested keys). Default behaviour is to return all keys.

mt = ModelTrawler('users', data_api_client)
mt.get_data(keys=('id', 'emailAddress', ('supplier', 'name'), 'role'))
data.to_csv(filename, index=False, encoding='utf-8')

CSV output

1,,Stanley Cooper Draper Price, supplier
2,,Dunder Mifflin, supplier

This file contains the logic you need for joining files, as well as sorting, counting or processing values.

# assumes `suppliers.csv` and `users.csv` exist in the `./data` directory
data = join(
    ({'model': 'suppliers', 'key': 'id'},
     {'model': 'users', 'key': "supplierId"}),
data = data[('supplierId', 'name', 'dunsNumber', 'emailAddress')]
data.to_csv(filename, index=False, encoding='utf-8')

CSV output

101,Stanley Cooper Draper Price,123456789,
101,Stanley Cooper Draper Price,123456789,
102,Dunder Mifflin,111111119,

We want to be able to write everything as config dictionaries and then run it all through the same generalised logic. The script gives a good example of how to do this.


Various scripts that run against the Digital Marketplace APIs







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  • Python 93.9%
  • HTML 3.6%
  • Shell 1.5%
  • Other 1.0%