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The marginAlign package can be used to align reads to a reference genome and call single nucleotide variations (SNVs). It is specifically tailored for Oxford Nanopore Reads.

The package comes with three programs: marginAlign, a read aligner, marginCaller, a program to call single nucleotide variations, and marginStats, a program to compute simple qc stats on a sam file (alignment identity, coverage, insertion and deletion rates).


  • git
  • python 2.7
  • pip/virtualenv (see below)


To install the code run:

git clone git://
cd marginAlign
git pull
git submodule update --init

This will build the code. Three executables: "marginAlign", "marginCaller" and "marginStats" are in the base directory of the package. Place these binaries on your path if you wish to use them without referring to their absolute path on the filesystem.

Creating a virtual environment to handle python dependencies

marginAlign uses numpy, pysam and PyVcf (see requirements.txt for versions used). The system python could be used if these dependencies are present. Otherwise, a virtual environment can be created by running the following command in the margin base directory:

virtualenv --no-site-packages --distribute env && source env/bin/activate && pip install -r requirements.txt

Creation of a virtual environment requires that machine has an existing installation of pip and virtualenv.


To test the installation run:

make test

This will run demo sequences through marginAlign and marginCaller.

Updating the installation

To update a marginAlign installation, from the base directory type:

git pull
git submodule update --init
make clean
#If you're using virtualenv run the following command to update the python dependencies:
virtualenv --no-site-packages --distribute env && source env/bin/activate && pip install -r requirements.txt


Both marginAlign and marginVar are jobTree scripts. This allows you to parallelise the execution of the scripts either using a single multi-processor machine or a cluster. The most important thing to note is that a jobTree script creates a "jobTree", a directory of files that manages the running of the job. As a result both scripts take a --jobTree DIRECTORY argument (by default "jobTree" in the current working directory if not specified). This directory should not exist prior to executing the script. It will be not be deleted after the script has finished (as it can be used to interogate the details of a run), and should be manually deleted.

To speed up either marginAlign or marginCaller on a single machine you can set the "--maxThreads" option. By default maxThreads=4.

Running marginAlign

To access the help message type:

marginAlign --help

or just:


This will give you a full list of options. Most are related to the jobTree options, which control how the script is executed.

To align a FASTQ file ("input.fastq") to a reference fasta file ("reference.fasta") and output the alignment in SAM format with marginAlign ("output.sam") using the "./jobTree" jobTree to manage the batch do:

marginAlign input.fastq reference.fasta output.sam --jobTree ./jobTree

After executing the "./jobTree" directory should be deleted. This directory contains details of the run - it must be deleted before starting a new run that uses the same jobTree directory. See the jobTree help for more details.

To enable EM training do, putting the trained model file in "output.hmm" do:

marginAlign input.fastq reference.fasta output.sam --em --outputModel output.hmm --jobTree ./jobTree

The resulting output.sam alignment will be aligned with the learned model. To make the EM faster you can reduce the amount of alignments considered in the expectation step using the "--maxAlignmentLengthToSample" option. The default is a maximum of 50 million aligned bases, reducing it to 10 million is probably safe. You can also experiment with reducing the number of iterations of EM from the default of 100 to 75, which is generally enough to get some convergence.

To use a model you've trained with another input file do:

marginAlign input.fastq reference.fasta output.sam --inputModel input.hmm --jobTree ./jobTree

Once the model is trained it can be useful to "normalise" it. The following runs the modifyHmm script to convert the "input.hmm" model to a normalised version, output in "output.hmm":

modifyHmm input.hmm output.hmm --substitutionRate=0.1 --gcContent=0.5

The substitutionRate parameter relaxes the model to expect a 10% substitution rate between the reference being aligned to and the actual sample being sequenced. Though heuristic, we've found a 10-20% rate improves the sensitivity of the model for calling substitutions with marginCaller - presumably because it makes the alignment model more tolerant of substitutions between the read and the reference. The gcContent parameter can be used to adjust the substitution parameters by the expected gc content, as a fraction from 0 to 1.

marginAlign expects the headers in the FASTQ file to be unique. Alternatively, a FASTQ file with unique headers can be created using the uniquifyFastq utility. To use uniquifyFastq do:

uniquifyFastq input.fastq input_with_unique_headers.fastq

Running marginCaller

To call single nucleotide variations from an existing alignment ("input.sam") sam file and the output ("output.vcf"):

marginCaller input.sam reference.fa output.vcf --jobTree ./jobTree

By default marginCaller only reports substitutions with a posterior base probability of 0.3 or greater. This can be adjusted by setting the --threshold parameter. Note, given the simple model used, it is possible to get multiple substitutions called at a site, if two non-reference bases both have posterior probability greater than 0.3. marginCaller does not currently report reference base probs - this will be added when I get a chance to play with the model a bit.

To NOT marginalise over the read alignments do (this will just use the existing alignment, and will be much quicker):

marginCaller input.sam reference.fa output.vcf --noMargin --jobTree ./jobTree

To use a trained model "model.hmm" (see marginAlign) do:

marginCaller input.sam reference.fa output.vcf --jobTree ./jobTree --alignmentModel=model.hmm --errorModel=model.hmm

This will use the model.hmm file in both generating the posterior alignment probabilities (--alignmentModel), and then in generating the posterior base probabilities (--errorModel).

Running marginStats

To calculate the median/avg/min/max identity of reads in a sam file do:

marginStats input.sam read.fastq reference.fasta --identity

Other flags (see help) can be used to calculate other stats.

Citing marginAlign/marginCaller/marginStats

Please cite margin align as:

"Nat Methods. 2015 Apr;12(4):351-6. doi: 10.1038/nmeth.3290. Epub 2015 Feb 16.
Improved data analysis for the MinION nanopore sequencer.
Jain M1, Fiddes IT1, Miga KH1, Olsen HE1, Paten B1, Akeson M1."

This paper contains a description of the algorithms used in marginAlign.


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  • Python 97.8%
  • Shell 1.7%
  • Makefile 0.5%