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ACloudGuru September 2020 Challenge - Python COVID-19 ETL Process

This project contains source code and supporting files for a serverless application that provides the back-end for an event driven Python ETL Process for two COVID-19 Data Sources.

Project Description

Basically, the project is to create an ETL process that runs daily based on a CloudWatch Event.

This process takes two COVID-19 data sources, merges them and performs a few transformations before loading them into a DB. Notifications should be sent after any successful updates or upon failure. A public dashboard is required for visualization of the data.

Finally, a blog post is required detailing our experience.

The official project description/announcement can be found here.

Project Structure

In this section, I describe the directory structure of this repository.

  • .github/ - This is the CI/CD workflow used for deployment by GitHub Actions

  • events/ - This directory contains one json file, event.json used for local testing

  • lambdas/ - This directory contains the source code for the project lambda services. The individual services are described in the resources subsection

  • tests/ - This directory contains unit tests for two of the lambda services, each in their own directory. The root directory contains two files

    • - This file sets the path to be used by the test runner, adding the individual lambda src code directories to the testing path.
    • - This file is used during the GitHub Actions workflow to run a smoke test and add test records to the DB and verify a correct SNS message is sent as a response
    • - This file is actually located in the root of the project and is a config file that ignores when running the pytest command.

The root of the project contains a template.yaml file which is the SAM Template that is responsible for deploying all of our AWS Resources described below.

aWS Resources

The following is a list of AWS resources deployed for this project.

  • S3 Bucket - A csv file stored in S3 acts as our "Database". The file also includes a prefix denoting the development environment, e.g. testing or production

  • SNS Topic - This topic is used for notifying after successful/failed DB updates

  • SQS Queue - This queue is created as a subscriber to the SNS Topic. The queue is only meant to be a subscriber for the smoke test during the CI/CD workflow.

  • SNS Topic Subscriptions - Two subscribers are created for the SNS Topic described above,

    • Email - An email subscriber gets all notifications
    • SQS Queue - A SQS queue gets notifications created by the smoke test during the CI/CD workflow
  • Queue Policy - This allows the SNS Topic to send messages to the SQS Queue.

  • Python ETL Lambda Function - This function contains the ETL Logic. It is triggered by a daily CloudWatch Event Rule and has a Lambda Function destination for both Success and Failure states.

  • SNS Lambda Function - This is the destination of the Python ETL Function and contains the logic for generating and publishing the SNS message in the case of job Success/Failure.

  • COVID API Function/API Gateway - This is the API/Lambda that exposes the output of the ETL process publically.


ACloudGuru COVID-19 Python ETL Challenge







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