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A codewars python kata for simplifying algebraic expressions

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A codewars python kata for simplifying algebraic expressions


You are given a list/array of example equalities such as:

[ "a + a = b", "b - d = c ", "a + b = d" ]

Use this information to solve a given formula in terms of the remaining symbol such as:

formula = "c + a + b"

in this example:

"c + a + b" = "2a"

So the output is "2a"


  • Variables names are case sensitive
  • There might be whitespaces between the different characters. Or not...
  • There should be support for parenthesis and their coefficient. Example: a + 3 (6b - c).
  • You might encounter several imbricated levels of parenthesis but you'll never get a variable as coefficient for parenthesis, only constant terms.
  • All equations will be linear
  • See the sample tests for clarification of what exactly the input/ouput formatting should be.

Without giving away too many hints, the idea is to substitute the examples into the formula and reduce the resulting equation to one unique term. Look carefully at the example tests: you'll have to identify the pattern used to replace variables in the formula/other equations. Only one solution is possible for each test, using this pattern, so if you keep asking yourself "but what if I do that instead of...", that is you missed the thing.


Use a python 3.6 virtual environment I use the same one for all codewars katas:

virtualenv-3.6 ~/.local/share/virtualenvs/codewars
. ~/.local/share/virtualenvs/codewars/bin/activate


python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

So far this only installs one python package: the Codewars test suite.


Work in a module called Put the sample tests in

The module provides a logging object whch is useful for debugging and introspection.


Strip out the logging lines:

sed -e '/logger/d' -e '/logging/d' | pbcopy

Then paste into the Codewars edit window.


I implemented this like the calculator katas, adding a VARIABLE token to the lexer, and Variable and ScalarMult nodes to the AST. Then variable counting was a matter of visiting every node on the tree.

My solution involved 12 classes and 328 lines of code. It wasn't the shortest solution.

Here's a pretty concise solution I liked link. It uses a single regex as tokenizer and parser.

import re

token = re.compile(r'([+-]?)\s*(\d*)\s*([a-zA-Z\(\)])')

def substitute(formula, substitutes):
    res = formula
    for var, sub in substitutes:
        res = res.replace(var, '({})'.format(sub))
    return res if res == formula else substitute(res, substitutes)

def reduce(tokens):
    res = dict()
    for sign, num, var in tokens:
        if var == ')':
            return res
        coef = int(sign + (num or '1'))
        if var == '(':
            for k, v in reduce(tokens).items():
                res[k] = res.get(k, 0) + coef * v
            res[var] = res.get(var, 0) + coef
    return res

def simplify(examples, formula):
    substitutes = [(k.strip(), v) for v, k in map(lambda x: x.split('='), examples)]
    subbed = substitute(formula, substitutes)
    reduced = reduce(iter(token.findall(subbed)))
    return ''.join(map('{0[1]}{0[0]}'.format, reduced.items()))

That reduce function is pretty interesting. Haven't quite wrapped my head around it.


A codewars python kata for simplifying algebraic expressions






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