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Keyhole Markup Language support for Lizard using the Google Earth plugin.

Running the application

Install the dependencies:

$> sudo apt-get install python-psycopg2 python-matplotlib python-pyproj wget

Install build dependencies:

$> sudo apt-get install libatlas-base-dev gfortran g++ libz-dev libpng-dev libfreetype6-dev python-dev liblapack-dev

Install some more dependencies, might want to use a virtualenv. These packages are incompatible with buildout. They refer to run-time dependencies in their, which are unavailable at "build-time". The packages for this in your Ubuntu repositories are probably too old.

$> easy_install numpy scipy netCDF4 pandas pytz python-dateutil six

Initialize the Python interpreter paths:

$> python

Download and build the dependencies:

$> bin/buildout

The following command creates the tables in a local SQLite DB:

$> bin/django syncdb

Update the tables:

$> bin/django migrate

Load some test KMLs (fixture):

$> bin/django loaddata lizard_kml

Run the internal webserver:

$> bin/django runserver host:port

All set, point your browser to http://host:port/.

Doing some more

Need a local mirror of the NetCDF files? Free up approx. 3 GB of space and use this management command:

$> bin/django sync_netcdfs

This script uses wget, which should be available everywhere.

You might want to install the right fonts for matplotlib as well:

$> sudo apt-get install libsys-cpu-perl pcf2bdf tex-gyre ttf-bitstream-vera tv-fonts xfonts-traditional


Keyhole Markup Language support for Lizard using the Google Earth plugin.







No packages published

Contributors 4
