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There are already loads of fitness apps, but most do not have the flexibility to track different styles of workouts in the same app. I decided to build one out myself to allow the flexibility I want without all the extra features I don't need

Published live at:

Current state

API is built out.
Uses unit tests on all routes.
Role-based authorization done through Auth0.
- Coach JWT (for testing):
- Athlete JWT (for testing):
- Can also log in through Auth0 as:


All routes documented below:

Workout routes:

GET /workouts

Returns all workouts No data needs to be passed in Returns json:

  "workouts": [list of workout objects formatted as json dicts],
  "success": true

Returns standard {"success": false} and error status code on error

GET /workouts/<workout_id>

Returns a particular workout No data needs to be passed in (aside from workout_id in url) Returns json:

  "workout": workout object formatted in json (including exercise list),
  "success": true

Returns standard {"success": false} and error status code on error (returns 404 if that workout_id does not exist)

POST /workouts

Creates a new workout (including list of exercises in the workout) Automatically assigns the sequentially next workout_id Requires the following passed in (json):

  "name": name for the workout,
  "focus": "upper", "lower", "cardio", "push", "pull", etc.
  "repeat": boolean. Whether this is a one-off, or a workout to repeat later (not currently utilized)
  "exercises": list of exercises (can be None, and then patched later)
        "name": exercise name. Needs to match an existing exercise,
        "sets": int,
        "reps": int,
        "weight": decimal, accurate to 00.0

Returns very simple json:

  "workout_id": int, id of newly-created workout,
  "success": true

Returns standard {"success": false} and error status code on error

PATCH /workouts/<workout_id>

Updates an existing workout Same json data required as POST /workouts route Same json return on successful update as the POST /workouts route Returns standard {"success": false} and error status code on error (returns 404 if workout_id not found)

DELETE /workouts/<workout_id>

Deletes an existing workout No json data needs to be passed in Returns json and status code (200/404):

  "success": true/false,
  "workout_id": int, id of workout deleted

Exercise routes:

GET /exercises

Returns all exercises No data needs to be passed in Returns json:

  "exercises": [list of exercise objects formatted as json dicts],
  "success": true

Returns standard {"success": false} and error status code on error

GET /exercises/<exercise_id>

Returns a particular exercise No data needs to be passed in (aside from exercise_id in url) Returns json:

  "exercise": exercise object formatted in json (including list of workouts using this exercise),
  "success": true

Returns standard {"success": false} and error status code on error (returns 404 if that exercise_id does not exist)

POST /exercises

Creates a new exercise (but does not attach it to any workouts yet) Automatically assigns the sequentially next exercise_id Requires the following passed in (json):

  "name": name for the exercise (must be unique),
  "equipment": "barbell", "dumbbell", "kettlebell", "bodyweight", etc.
  "target": "reps", "time" (unit of reps is seconds if target is time)
  "link": string hyperlink to exercise description/video

Returns very simple json:

  "exercise_id": int, id of newly-created exercise,
  "success": true

Returns standard {"success": false} and error status code on error

PATCH /exercisese/<exercise_id>

Updates an existing exercise Same json data required as POST /exercises route Same json return on successful update as the POST /exercise route Returns standard {"success": false} and error status code on error (returns 404 if exercise_id not found)

DELETE /exercises/<exercise_id>

Deletes an existing exercise No json data needs to be passed in Returns json and status code (200/404):

  "success": true/false,
  "exercise_id": int, id of exercise deleted

Future plans

Minimum Viable Product

  1. Create a separate front-end
  2. Create a way to log actual workouts (vs planned workouts)
  3. Integrate into front-end
  4. Start testing out the app

Additional development

  1. Create separate table for tracking cardio and skill-based workouts (particularly grappling/striking)
  2. Determine how to integrate those tables
  3. Integrate this into the UI as well


No description, website, or topics provided.






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