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3D model optimization for humans

Modelconvert is a experimental 3D model optimization and sharing service. It allows optimization and conversion of 3D models for Web presentation and sharing these models on the web.

Modelconvert Screenshots

Modelconvert is written in Python, and under the hood it uses the excellent Flask and Celery libraries as well as Meshlab and InstantReality


Table of Contents

Main Features

  • Upload and conversion of 3D Models to X3DOM
  • Sharing of models on the web (permalinks to converted models)
  • Downloadble ZIP packages of converted models
  • Triangular Mesh optimization of models
  • Converted/Optimized models can be embedded in different tempaltes
  • Asynchronous process
  • Server-Sent Events for fast status updates

And soon:

  • Upload archives with many models and textures at once
  • Personalized upload manager for multiple uploads in one view
  • Come back later and reprocess models with different settings without uploading again
  • Manage your models and what you share with whom
  • User uploadable tempaltes
  • Much more


This project works in a Python ecosystem and depends on two external software solutions: InstantReality and Meshlab. Therefore you need to install those packages first, and in rare cases a recent Python, on your system.

System requirements (make sure you install them first):


If you are running a Linux distribution or any variant of Unix, you are probalby in luck. Python is a core component of most Unix systems and part of the LSB. In order to verify your Python version type the following command in your shell:

$ python --version 

If the version is smaller than 2.6 you need to upgrade your installation of Python to a more recent one. Even if your package manager does not provide a more recent version, rolling your own is quite simple. The Python website provides you with all relevant information or prepared packages for your OS.

Python is equipped with a libarary package manager you can use to install required libraries (easy_install). However, we recommend using a more modern package management solution called pip. The following instructions expect you have installed pip as well. If that's not the case you can quickly install pip with the follwing command:

$ sudo easy_install pip

In order to seperate the libararies from your system install, we recommend using virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper for your development and deployment enviroments. Virtualenv also installs pip for you. If you are not using virtualenv, and not acting as root user, you probably need to prefix the pip command in the following instructions with sudo.


Please do not use your systems package manager (e.g. apt, yum, pacman) to install Python libraries. Always use pip.

The steps outline here are tested on Ubuntu 10.4 LTS (lucid32), but should be similar on other distributions.

We have not tested this application on Windows. The development enviornment may be working, but no guarantees. If you have to use Windows, VirtualBox is your friend and Vagrant might make it even simpler.


Since we are dealing with experimental features, you should always download a recent nightly build and install with:

$ sudo dpkg -i <downloaded-file.deb>

The modelconvert service is currently tested on Ubuntu Lucid32, and Mac OS X 10.6. We are only using the aopt tool from the Instant Reality package. This tool can be found in the bin directory of the Linux build and in the Contents/MacOS directory of the Mac Application.

Unless it's not already in the PATH (you can check this by issuing which aopt), note down the absolute path to the aopt binary, you'll need it later.


You can get Meshlab from Installation depends on your system. You need the path to the meshlabserver binary.

Unless it's not already in the PATH, note down the absolute path to the meshlabserver binary, you'll need it later.

X Server

In order to use meshlab, you also need a running X11 instance or xvfb on DISPLAY number 99 if you are running a headless setup (the display number can be overridden by the app configuration). Plese refer to your Linux distribution of how to setup xvfb.

On Mac OS X there's no need to setup xvfb nor to start X.


Redis is a key-value database comes as standard package with most Linux distributions. No other action is required, short of installing the redis server package. For Debian systems this is usally done with apt:

$ sudo apt-get install redis-server

However, there's a catch. You need a fairly recent version of Redis (2.x). Ubuntu/Debian 10.4 does not provide that by default. In order to get this you need to add the Dotdeb repositories to your APT sources. Create a new list file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ with the following content:

# /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
deb squeeze all
deb-src squeeze all

Then you need to authenticate these repositories using their public key.

$ wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -

And finally, update your APT cache and install Redis.

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install redis-server

It's also very easy to compile Redis on your own, in case you have a compiler installed on your production system (which you probably should not have).

We recommend to use a recent 2.x version of redis. The ones distributed with Linux distributions are usually out of date. Compiling redis is simple. Please follow instructions on the Redis website.

In the development environment it's not necessary to start the redis server on your system by default.


You need the distributed version controll system Git. Check if you have it installed already, otherwise install it:

$ which git
$ sudo apt-get install git-core

Getting started

Getting modelconvert

First, clone the modelconvert repository from github:

$ git clone modelconvert

You now have a directory modelconvert which contains the whole application, change dir into it.

Installing required libraries


If you are using virtualenv/wrapper, activate your virtualenv now.

Install modelconvert requirements with pip:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt


Modelconvert uses a Procfile to manage services during development. You can use this on your local machine to start all required services at once using Honcho (which has been installed with the requirements). If your Redis server is alreadu running you need to uncomment the respective line in the Procfile.

$ honcho start

This runs all the services in the background and concacts the output in one log stream. The Procfile can also be use to deploy modelconvert to cloud services that support the Procfile protocol.

If you do not want to use Honcho in development, no problem, you need to start the services manually on seperate terminals or in screen/tmux sessions. Just inspect the Procfile for what to start.

Point your browser to http://localhost:5000. The Application will not work properly at this point, but the home page should be rendered. Press Ctrl-C to exit for now.


This app is using the Flask microframework with Blueprints. Program entry point is modelconvert/ which configures the application. You will find almost all relevant code in modelconvert/frontend/ and modelconvert/

The modelconvert application must be configured in order to run properly. It ships with sensible defaults for development, but you need to configure it for production. If you have aopt and meshlabserver in your PATH, youre set for development. However it is sensibel to set some basic values.

The application is configured through operating system environment variables. If you use Honcho or Foreman in development, the environment can easily be set by creating a .env file in the root checkout. For example:

$ cat >.env <<EOM

When launching the development environment like so:

$ honcho start

The variables contained in the .env file are automatically set.

Additionally or alternatively you can set a environment variable on your system which points to a config file that overrides the default values or the values you set through individual environment variables. Just set the MODELCONVERT_SETTINGS variable to point to your config file like so:

$ export MODELCONVERT_SETTINGS="/path/to/"

Of course, this can also be done in the .env file.

Alternatively, just create a small shell script:

$ echo '#!/bin/sh\nMODELCONVERT_SETTINGS="/path/to/" python run' >>
$ chmod a+x
$ ./


Be sure you don't have leading or trailing whitespaces in the environemnt variable values. To be certain, use quotes around the values.

Configuration Variables

The following configuration variables can be set from the environemnt. For more variables which can be overridden with a external config file, see the file.

Variable Description


For session generation. You absolutely need to set this in production environments. To generate a key run python on the command line and type this:

>>> import os >>> os.urandom(24)

There is a default, but please only use this in development.


A comma seperated list of Email addresses. This is used to send notification emails to the app maintainers. default: root@localhost


Enable/disable debug mode. default: False (possible: False, True)


Absolute path to directory that is used to store generated files. The directory needs to be writable by the process which owns the application. It needs to be readable by the webserver. You should override the default value in production. default: <module_dir>/../tmp/downloads


Absolute path to directory which holds uploaded files. This needs to be read/writable by the application process. You should override the default value in production. default: <module_dir>/../tmp/uploads


Absolute path to the aopt binary (including executable). default: aopt (PATH lookup)


Absolute path to the meshlabserver binary (including the executable). default: meshlabserver (PATH lookup)


X11 display port for meshlabserver. Set this to you default display in a non headless setup. For a headless setup the default is :99, you need to run a Xvfb instance there. default: ':99'


A list of hosts which are allowed to download files from. Basic secuirty for the "download model from URL functionality". You need to set this with the environment through a comma seperated list e.g.:, default: localhost:5000


Celery broker url default: redis://localhost:6379/0


The name and port number of the server. Required for subdomain support (e.g.: '') Note that localhost does not support subdomains so setting this to "localhost" does not help. Setting a SERVER_NAME also by default enables URL generation without a request context but with an application context. default: none


Where the user templates reside. Usually you don't want to override this. default: module_dir/templates/bundles


Absolute path to a file to pipe stdout logging to. This should not be used in production. default: False (stdout logging)


Enable/disable dev mode. This is a old setting and will be removed. Set to false in production. default: False (possible: False, True)

Other variables

The following variables can only be set through the system environment.

Variable Description


Set the OpenSG log level (aopt/opensg). Values: FATAL, WARNING, NOTICE, INFO, DEBUG

Temporary directories

Before you begin developing, you can automatically create temporary directories as specified per your settings:

$ python mkdirs


You are now ready to develop. Start the services:

$ honcho start

And point your browser to http://localhost:5000. To shut down press Ctrl-C.


Usually you do not need to restart honcho when you make changes in DEBUG mode. However you need to restart if you make changes to


-- Work in progress --

App Configuration

In production environments, you need to configure the application through environment variables as well. There are many ways to do this: Webserver config, startup script, wsgi file, virtualenv loaders, etc.


The env variables also must be set when running the celery worker daemon. Make sure that debugging is turned off in your production configuration.

Provisioning a production system

In order to deploy the application in a prodcution environment, you need to provision your deployment machine accordingly. There are severals ways to do this automatically with tools like Puppet or Chef. You can of course do this manually as well.


In order to run the Celery deamon on your production site, please use the generic init/upstart script provided with celery. For more information see the daemonizing chapter of the Celery documentation or refer to your devops people ;)


In order to use meshlab, you also need a running X11 instance or xvfb as DISPLAY number 99 if you are running a headless setup (the display number can be overridden in you config file). Plese refer to your Linux distribution of how to setup xvfb.


Depending on your system, you can deploy using Apache mod_wsgi for convenience. The more sensible option however is nginx/uwsgi. More detailed info on how to deploy can be found here:


There's an nice tool called Flower to graphically manage and monitor the celery task queue. We highly recommend it for debugging purposes on the production system. It has been installed with the requirement.txt loading business above. So you should be ready to go. Please refer to the Flower manual for more information.


The described work was carried out in the project v-must, which has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7 2007/2013) under grant agreement 270404.


Modelconvert is a experimental 3D model optimization and sharing web service.







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  • Python 50.0%
  • JavaScript 50.0%