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Home automation stuff

Setting up


To run the server you need npm, postgres, sass

To run the camera modules, you have a choice: if you want to use PIR motion detection and the Raspi camera, you can just run and the server will know where to find the files. Alternatively, in particular if your GPIO is taken by the light switches module, you can use motion as a replacement (use the config file in the misc directory).

Setting up the database

$ createuser -P --interactive home
Enter password for new role: home
Enter it again: home
Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) n
Shall the new role be allowed to create databases? (y/n) y
Shall the new role be allowed to create more new roles? (y/n) n

$ createdb -O home home

Edit the file called server/config/models.js and change migrate: 'safe', to migrate: 'drop',.

Starting the server

$ clone
$ cd server
$ npm install

Edit the file called server/config/models.js and change migrate: 'safe', to migrate: 'drop',.

$ node_modules/.bin/sails lift

After you've run sails lift for the first time, revert the file change above. This is a bit of a hassle, but apparently purposeful so users won't accidentally delete their db.

Then visit [visit http://localhost:1337](visit http://localhost:1337)

Starting motion

Starting the light switches controller

Important notes

  1. I take no responsibility in the software not behaving as intended. This is just me playing with my Raspberry Pi and experimenting the Sails framework.

  2. There isn't a single test in this repo. That should give you a clue as to how safe it is to use it to protect your home.