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Routing implemented with the help of Databases.

----------Getting Virtual Machine Image----------

1- Download Vagrant(2.1.2), Virtual Box(5.2.8) and VMWare WorkstationPro(14.1.2).

Note: In Windows you might need to go "Manage Optional Features" in "Settings" and install OpenSSH Client and Server and also go to "Use Developer Features" e select Developer Mode.

2- Open Virtualbox.

3- Create a "Vagrantfile", preferably in the Desktop directory, with this:

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "opx/2.1.0"

config.vm.box_version = "2.1.0"


4- In the same directory do "vagrant up". It should download a VMI with OPX Version 2.2 pre-installed.

5- Now in Virtual Box, the VM you just downloaded should be running.

6- Shutdown the VM.

7- Follow one of this tutorials to change from VirtualBox to VMWare.



8- Put file 80-dn-virt-intf.rules in the directory etc/udev/rules.d.

sudo mv 80-dn-virt-intf.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/


In the next steps it's explained how to install both Switch and Controller. In the end of this tutorial there is a copy/paste segment with all the commands so you dont have to run one by one, excluding the start.

1- Make sure you have the lastest git version installed and up to date

Note: It may be necessary to set up the date manually since it may not be the current date. Other option is to install ntp, which updates it automatically(sudo apt-get install ntp).

sudo apt-get install -y git

2- Get the files including all the scripts

git clone

3- Get the files from the basis directory

mv OPXAQL/* .

4- Give permissions to the script file so you can run it

chmod +x

5-Run the installation script (choose between "Switch" or "Controller" as the only argument for the script)

./ Switch

6-Start the switch/controller. The start script for the switch receives IPs as arguments (as much as you want). Each IP will correspond to a single interface, starting with e101-001-0 and ending in e101-00X-0 where x is the number of IPs you've writen. For example:

Note: The first time you run it may take a while since it's compiling and creating a Antidote release. It may also give a error (Connection aborted), and if it happens just run the script again. It's a know bug which is hard to solve.


It will print something like this in response (if nothing fails):

Setting Interface e101-001-0 Up with IP =
Setting Interface e101-002-0 Up with IP =

For the controller, it receives the public ip of each switch that wants to be connected. In the simple example where there are only two switches and the controller, the start script should look like this, since the controller IP is not necessary:



sudo apt-get -y update &&
sudo apt-get -y upgrade &&
sudo apt-get -y install git &&
git clone &&
mv OPXAQL/* . &&
chmod +x &&
./ Controller


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