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This CKAN extension contains a number of functions that build intergration with the National Geothermal Data System (NGDS).


This extension provides a number of plugins, each of which encapsulates a different aspect of NGDS functionality:

  • ngdsui: This plugin represents the core of ckanext-ngds functionality. It makes UI adjustments, performs validation of NGDS-specific metadata fields, and provides integration with NGDS standard data models defined by

  • metadata: Builds additional tables required by ckanext-ngds

  • csw: Provides access to metadata through the OGC CSW Protocol, and maintains ISO-19139 metadata documents that conform to the USGIN profile.

  • ngds_harvester: Provides a customized [CKAN Harvester](https://github .com/okfn/ckanext-harvest#the-ckan-harvester) that translates between ISO-19139 documents and NGDS-specific CKAN Datasets.

  • geoserver: Integration with Geoserver, allowing uploaded CSV files and shapefiles to be exposed as WMS and WFS data services.

Extension Dependencies

This extension is dependent on other extensions provided by the Open Knowledge Foundation.

Fundamental Operating Modes

This extension is designed to run two different types of CKAN sites to serve two different purposes within the NGDS. Depending on the operating mode, a different set of plugins need to be enabled. Some dependencies on external CKAN extensions are required as well.

  • Node: By default a site configured as a Node. In this configuration, the site's focus is similar to what we usually think of a CKAN site as doing: An organization who wishes to provide geothermal information to the NGDS would use this mode. Members of the organization can upload files, create and maintain metadata records, and create [OGC data services] ( which conform to NGDS standard data models.

    • NGDS Plugins: metadata, csw, ngdsui, geoserver
    • External Plugins: datastorer (ckanext-datastorer), spatial_metadata and spatial_query (ckanext-spatial)
  • Central: In this situation the site's purpose is not to upload new datasets, or to generate new data services. Rather, the site's purpose is to aggregate metadata from a number of Nodes, thus providing a single point from which a search can be performed across a large number of Nodes.

    • NGDS Plugins: metadata, csw, ngdsui, ngds_harvester
    • External Plugins: spatial_metadata, spatial_harvest_metadata_api, and spatial_query (ckanext-spatial); harvest (ckanext-harvest)


The installation of an entire CKAN system configured for ckanext-ngds on a clean, Ubuntu 12.04 server can be accomplished using a simple installation script.

For users who wish to install ckanext-ngds alongside an existing CKAN system, or for developers interested in working with the code in this repository, documentation is in progress.


CKAN extension for NGDS-specific customizations







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  • Python 91.2%
  • JavaScript 4.1%
  • CSS 3.5%
  • Shell 1.1%
  • Awk 0.1%