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Oppian Website

This is the website which is a django based website.


 * has a blogging backend in /admin that uses tinymce (a wyswig html editor)
 * modified django-filebrowser which uploads (and browsers) files on a s3 bucket instead
   of the local filesystem
 * Has a url shortner

Private settings have been removed and are added on deployment by puppet.

In addition to the database settings the following settings will need to be supplied:

SECRET_KEY: This will need to be provided, standard django setting

AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME: name for the s3 bucket that will be used to store files

AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: The AWS access key to access the bucket

AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: The AWS secret access key to access the bucket


This code is released for example and learning only (except for third party modules 
under their own licenses)

All artwork is copyright Oppian Systems Ltd and may not be used

For any questions or clarifications contact