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Flights Analyzer

Version: 1.0.0
Status: final
Author: José Antonio Perdiguero

Flights analyzer.

Getting started


The service created for this projecct is based on Docker containers and Docker Compose to run it locally:

  1. Install Docker following official docs.
  2. Install Docker Compose following official docs.


Clone this project.

Update and Run services

Once project is cloned, to update it:

  1. (If running) Shut down containers:

    ./make down
  2. Build images:

    ./make build
  3. Spin up the containers and let some seconds to everything start working:

    ./make up
  4. Create a Kafka listener to trend_origin topic:

    ./make run kafka_consumer trend_origin flights.analyzer.TrendOrigin --bootstrap-servers=kafka:9092
  5. Create a Kafka listener to average_passengers topic:

    ./make run kafka_consumer average_passengers flights.analyzer.AveragePassengers --bootstrap-servers=kafka:9092
  6. Generate input:

    ./make run kafka_producer flights flights.analyzer.Flight --bootstrap-servers=kafka:9092 --file=data/es_500.json


Make utilities has a self-describing help that can be queried using:

./make -h

Also, each make command has its own help, e.g:

./make down -h

Running CI steps locally


  1. (If running) Shut down containers:

    ./make down
  2. Build images:

    ./make build --ci
  3. Build acceptance tests image:

    ./make acceptance_tests --build

Code Analysis

./make prospector

Unit tests

./make unit_tests

Acceptance tests

Shut down the stack (if running):

./make down

Run acceptance tests:

./make acceptance_tests

Connect to Kafka

Utilities to connect to a Kafka topic acting as a consumer or producer are provided within this application.


Check consumer help:

./make run kafka_consumer -h


Check producer help:

./make run kafka_producer -h


  • The language is not specified and I feel pretty comfortable with Python, so here it is.
  • Since a script for loading input is requested, I created a command (as part of make file) that creates a Kafka consumer. This script reads input from stdin, serialize it with Avro and pushes it into the Kafka topic. Also, instead of reading from stdin, a jsonlines file can be specified, and the script will use it as the input.
  • There is a counterpart of previous command for listening a Kafka topic and deserialize messages with Avro.
  • Tests are necessary so I created some examples of unit tests and acceptance tests (using Gauge framework).
  • I used the two letters version of ISO-3166.
  • I increased the frequency of the task that calculates the country where most passengers took a flight to once per minute, for testing and visibility purposes. Anyway, this is also commented in the code.


  • I took advantage of some tools I previously developed, such as Clinner to create CLI.
  • Chosen stack:
    • Python (3.6) as base language.
    • Kafka and Zookeeper as the streaming system.
    • Avro for data schemas system, providing (de)serialization based on predefined schemas.
    • Docker and Docker Compose for isolate services and raise the whole stack.
    • Unit testing is done with pytest and coverage.
    • Prospector used for lint.
    • Gauge as high level testing framework.
  • I considered two possibles approach for this:
    • Creating two processes that listen the input topic (based on different cursors or offsets), process it, and generate the corresponding output.
    • Create three processes: one for listening the input topic, processing data and storing it in a buffer or cache; a second process that wakes up periodically, gets buffered data, process it and pushes the output into a topic.
  • I chose the second approach to do the exercise a bit more realistic, having in mind that a common data processing is a typical use case. Obviously, this approach is harder to implement, because of the need of a caching system to communicate the data between the different processes.
  • Knowing that it's a simple exercise and not a real-world service, I tried to replicate all the architecture needed using low level mechanisms such as concurrency, events, asynchronous tasks and in-memory cache; with the purpose of keeping it self-contained. This kind of services usually needs a proper architecture based on tasks and workers with high scalability factors, as well as a real cache like Redis.


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