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This repository has been archived by the owner on Apr 11, 2019. It is now read-only.


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This is the repository for Connexions editor. It is designed to work primarily as a web application in conjunction with multiple other systems deployed using the bamboo setup files.

See the Connexions development documentation for more information.

Quick developer install

This will install repo, with simple defaults, ready for developer use Basically curl the startup script ( Run that with an argument of an empty dir you want to use for the source and repos. THen this will download the repo, and dependancies, setup the virtualenv and tell you what commands to then run.

$ cd ~
$ curl -O
$ bash /tmp/testrepo1 # <- replace with any empty dir you like

You will now be given a set of commands to run:

You need to change the following parts of the ini file:
then you can 
cd /tmp/testrepo1/venvs/vrepo; source bin/activate
cd /tmp/testrepo1/src/rhaptos2.repo/rhaptos2/repo;
python --debug config=../../local.ini
At this point you should see a runing instance

Known Issues

  1. With a localhost install you cannot sign in with OpenID. This will need to be fixed with a workaround. TBD


The following will setup a development install. For instructions about a production deployment, go to .


Python 2.7 (with header files)
Bash >=4.0      (system dependant)
Internet access (!)

Python setup:

We will need the system version of Python to
have pip and virtualenv installed.

curl -O
sudo python
sudo easy_install pip      
sudo pip install virtualenv

Other things to check

We need to build lxml - so we need headers for the below, as 
pip will compile. And easy_install not use requirements!

apt-get install libxml2-dev
apt-get install libxslt1-dev

You should now have correct system environment, and we shall build our own virtual environments to work on.

  1. Download source code
cd ~
mkdir -p -m 0755 src
mkdir -p -m 0755 venvs

(Of course where you put the above is a matter of personal choice)

cd src
git clone
git clone

$ ll
drwxr-xr-x  5 pbrian  pbrian  11 Oct 18 18:22 rhaptos2.common
drwxr-xr-x  6 pbrian  pbrian  15 Oct 18 18:22 rhaptos2.repo

There is a "helper" script in rhaptos2.repo -> ""

It is explicitly designed to install a virtualenv and can be run as follows:

$ bash ~/venvs/myvenv ~/src/rhaptos2.common ~/src/rhaptos2.repo

This will create a virtualenv in ~/venvs/myenv and look for requirements.txt files in the folders pointed to by all subsequent arguments. These requirements.txt will be installed in the venv.

FInally develop will be run in the pkgdir argument locations (src/rhaptos2.common etc)

  1. ALter local.ini


lets run the repo:

cd ~/venvs/dev
. bin/activate
(dev) python --debug --config=../../local.ini --port=8000
* Running on

So what just happend?

  1. We have created a venv for a developer, where the code they are likely to change (rhaptos2.repo, common) are effectively symlinked into the venv (not quite true - see develop)
  2. then we activate this venv
  3. run a script that instantiates the repo correctly. Host and port are configurable.


This is designed to be deployed into environments as follows:

cd ~/src  
git clone

cd ~/venvs/dev
. bin/activate
(dev) cd ~/src/bamboo.scaffold/bamboo/scaffold/scripts/
(dev) . ./ && python --recipie rhaptos2repo stage build test deploy

The above will stage (move files, apply patches), build, create a venv, run unit tests, and deploy into the web servers set in config, using sshkeys set in config etc.

Third Party code

We rely on third party code. Eventually we shall pull all dependancies out into a stageing process. For now pretty much all dependnacies (ie bootstrap.css) is in the static folder of Flask. However, we are developing in parallel with Aloha, so we track the cnx-master branch of that - to do so clone Aloha into a directory and point Flask at it (Flask will serve that cloned dir from localhost) :

In local.ini set: rhaptos2repo_aloha_staging_dir=/my/path
cd /my/path
git clone
git checkout cnx-master