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Welcome to Acrylamid

Acrylamid is a mixture of nanoc, Pyblosxom and Pelican licensed under BSD Style, 2 clauses.

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Acrylamid isn't your granddad's static blog compiler. I think that just sums it up.

Oh, and it can also generate a static blog with articles, static pages, tags, RSS/Atom feeds (also per tag) and an article overview.


supported markup languages

  • Markdown and additional extensions (support for MathML, deletion/insertion, sub- and supscript, syntax highlighting …)
  • reStructuredText with directives for syntax highlighting and youtube video embedding
  • textile, discount, all dialects supported by pandoc and plain HTML

You miss one? Extend Acrylamid in less than 30 LoC!

other filters

  • support for Jinja2 and Mako directly in postings (before they get processed)
  • typography (and smartypants)
  • TeX hyphenation
  • summarize ability
  • acronym detection that automatically replace acronyms and abbreviations

blogging features

  • you like the YAML front matter from Jekyll or nanoc? First choice in Acrylamid!
  • coming from Pelican? Acrylamid has also support for metadata in the native format of Markdown or reStructuredText.
  • support for translations (oh, and did I mention the language dependend hyphenation feature?)
  • HTML5 valid (but there's a XHTML template, too)
  • internal webserver with automatic compiling when something has changed
  • assets management, including LESS and SASS conversion.
  • uni-directional PingBack support.

what is missing

  • No comments. You have to use Disqus or this approach.
  • No search. But it's on the roadmap, Sphinx too.
  • A consistent™ documentation.


The latest release on PyPi is outdated but the current master not yet finished. But to get the latest improvements (and there have been alot) as well as new features such as asset handling use:

easy_install -U

This installs Acrylamid with Jinja2 as templating engine. For Mako use easy_install -U acrylamid --mako. This installs two additional but not required dependencies: Markdown and translitcodec. To get a list of all supported modules, head over to additional supported modules.

Initialize the base structure, edit and layouts/ and compile with:

$ acrylamid init myblog
    create  myblog/
$ cd myblog/
$ acrylamid compile && acrylamid view
    create  [0.05s] output/articles/index.html
    create  [0.37s] output/2012/die-verwandlung/index.html
    create  [0.00s] output/index.html
    create  [0.00s] output/tag/die-verwandlung/index.html
    create  [0.00s] output/tag/franz-kafka/index.html
    create  [0.03s] output/atom/index.html
    create  [0.04s] output/rss/index.html
    create  [0.00s] output/sitemap.xml
    create  output/style.css
9 new, 0 updated, 0 skipped [0.72s]
   * Running on

Real World Examples?


See commands for a detailed overview.

$ acrylamid --help
usage: acrylamid [-h] [-v] [-q] [-C] [--version]  ...

positional arguments:

    init          initializes base structure in DIR
    compile       compile blog
    view          fire up built-in webserver
    autocompile   automatic compilation and serving
    new           create a new entry
    check         run W3C or validate links
    clean         remove abandoned files
    deploy        run task
    import        import content from URL or FILE
    info          short summary
    ping          notify ressources

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose   more verbose
  -q, --quiet     less verbose
  -C, --no-color  disable color
  --version       show program's version number and exit

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static blog generator in python with incremental rendering







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