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Python API for GEB contracts.

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The GEB system incentivizes external agents, called keepers, to automate certain operations around the Ethereum blockchain. In order to ease their development, an API around most of the Reflexer contracts has been created. It can be used not only by keepers, but may also be found useful by authors of some other, unrelated utilities aiming to interact with these contracts.

Based on this API, a set of reference Reflexer keepers is being developed: auction-keeper

You only need to install this project directly if you want to build your own keepers, or if you want to play with this API library itself. If you just want to install one of reference keepers, go to one of the repositories linked above and start from there. Each of these keepers references some version of pyflex via a Git submodule.


This project uses Python 3.6.6.

In order to clone the project and install required third-party packages please execute:

pip install git+

Known Ubuntu issues

In order for the secp256k Python dependency to compile properly, following packages will need to be installed:

sudo apt-get install build-essential automake libtool pkg-config libffi-dev python-dev python-pip libsecp256k1-dev

(for Ubuntu 18.04 Server)

Known macOS issues

In order for the Python requirements to install correctly on macOS, please install openssl, libtool, pkg-config and automake using Homebrew:

brew install openssl libtool pkg-config automake

and set the LDFLAGS environment variable before you run pip3 install -r requirements.txt:

export LDFLAGS="-L$(brew --prefix openssl)/lib" CFLAGS="-I$(brew --prefix openssl)/include"

Available APIs

The current version provides APIs around:

APIs around the following functionality have not been implemented:

  • Coin Savings Account
  • Global Settlement
  • Governance (DSAuth, VoteQuorum, DSGuard, Proposal, DSDelegateRoles, DSRoles)

Contributions from the community are appreciated.

Example: Create SAFE and draw system coins

import sys
from web3 import Web3, HTTPProvider

from pyflex import Address
from pyflex.deployment import GfDeployment
from pyflex.keys import register_keys
from pyflex.numeric import Wad

web3 = Web3(HTTPProvider(endpoint_uri=ETH_RPC_URL,
                         request_kwargs={"timeout": 10}))
web3.eth.defaultAccount = sys.argv[1]   # ex: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000aBcdef123
register_keys(web3, [sys.argv[2]])      # ex: key_file=~keys/default-account.json,pass_file=~keys/default-account.pass

geb = GfDeployment.from_node(web3=web3)
our_address = Address(web3.eth.defaultAccount)

# Choose the desired collateral; in this case we'll wrap some Eth
collateral = geb.collaterals['ETH-A']
collateral_type = geb.safe_engine.collateral_type(

# Add collateral and allocate the desired amount of system coin
collateral.adapter.join(our_address, Wad.from_number(3)).transact()
geb.safe_engine.modify_safe_collateralization(collateral_type, our_address, delta_collateral=Wad.from_number(3), delta_debt=Wad.from_number(153)).transact()
print(f"SAFE system coin balance before withdrawal: {geb.safe_engine.coin_balance(our_address)}")

# Mint and withdraw our system coin
geb.system_coin_adapter.exit(our_address, Wad.from_number(153)).transact()
print(f"SAFE system coin balance after withdrawal:  {geb.safe_engine.coin_balance(our_address)}")

# Rejoin our system coin
assert geb.system_coin_adapter.join(our_address, Wad.from_number(153)).transact()
print(f"SAFE system balance after repayment:   {geb.safe_engine.coin_balance(our_address)}")

# Repay system coins
geb.safe_engine.modify_safe_collateralization(collateral_type, our_address, delta_collateral=Wad(0), delta_debt=Wad.from_number(-153)).transact()

# Withdraw our collateral
geb.safe_engine.modify_safe_collateralization(collateral_type, our_address, delta_collateral=Wad.from_number(-3), delta_debt=Wad(0)).transact()
collateral.adapter.exit(our_address, Wad.from_number(3)).transact()

print(f"SAFE system coin balance w/o collateral:    {geb.safe_engine.coin_balance(our_address)}")

Example: Show active collateral auctions

from web3 import Web3, HTTPProvider
from pyflex.deployment import GfDeployment


web3 = Web3(HTTPProvider(endpoint_uri=ETH_RPC_URL, request_kwargs={"timeout": 60}))
geb = GfDeployment.from_node(web3=web3)
collateral_auction_house = geb.collaterals['ETH-A'].collateral_auction_house



This project uses pytest for unit testing. Testing of GEB is performed on a Dockerized local testchain included in tests\config.

In order to be able to run tests, please install development dependencies first by executing:

pip3 install -r requirements-dev.txt

You can then run all tests with:


By default, pyflex will not send a transaction to the chain if gas estimation fails, because this means the transaction would revert. For testing purposes, it is sometimes useful to send bad transactions to the chain. To accomplish this, set class variable gas_estimate_for_bad_txs in your application. For example:

from pyflex import Transact
Transact.gas_estimate_for_bad_txs = 200000


See COPYING file.