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Run SARAH models precompiled by the butler script of SARAH Toolbox.

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The rules to implement the fermion/scalars multiplets are in the files:

  • SARAH/Models/blocks.fermions.lha
  • SARAH/Models/blocks.scalars.lha

implemented as LHA blocks.

The master branch only contains the standard SARAH-Toolbox distribution plus the new generic files.

Each new model MODEL is build inside a CATEGORY under the branch:


based in the predefined blocks in the fermion/scalars multiplets files. Explore the branchs!

Implemened CATEGORY's:

  • SM: Explore SARAH feautures
  • SimplifiedDM: Simplified Dark Matter Models
  • radinert: Models with radiative neutrino masses and dark matter candidates with SM + Z2-odd particles

Each implemented model have a notebook in tests dir:


with examples to run and scan the parameter space.

The module hep (in tests/ used there, have the objects to automatically run the model in a similar way to the SSP SARAH-toolbox package.

See to help with build new models. Send the new models as a pull request.

See To deploy a mybinder virtual machine:

Official README stars here

This README file describes the contents and usage of the SUSY toolbox package.

  1. Content

All file locations are relative to the package root.

  • configure This is the compiled configuration script which is invoked by the user (see below).

  • The input file which is translated into the butler script (see below) by configure.

  • Translated into Makefile by configure.

  • m4/* Files necessary for the automatic creation of aclocal.m4 via aclocal (NB: this is not necessary for ordinary usage).

  • aclocal.m4 Autoconf helper macros required to create configure from via autoconf, automatically generated from the contents of m4 by aclocal (NB: not necessary for ordinary usage).

  • The source which is translated into configure by autoconf (NB: not required for ordinary usage).

-tarballs The configure script will store any automatically fetched tarballs in this directory.

  1. Description

The package is built around a configure shell script which is implemented using autoconf for enhanced portability. Note that the script is shipped ready to use, neither installation nor invocation of autoconf is required by the user (unless he/she wants to modify the script itself). The prerequisites to use the toolbox are

  • Mathematica: mandatory as SARAH is a Mathematica program. Versions >= 5 will work.
  • A FORTRAN compiler is required for Spheno, HiggsBounds, CalcHep, Micromegas and WHIZARD. gfortran is recommended and works fine for all programs (note that WHIZARD requires gfortran 4.5 or better).
  • A C compiler is required for CalcHep and Micromegas (the GNU C compiler works fine).
  • O'Caml and latex is required by WHIZARD and checked for during the WHIZARD configuration.
  • wget or curl are required for automatic downloading of the package tarballs by configure.
  • Make

In order to use the script, first create a directory in which the toolbox shall be set up. Change to this directory and invoke the configure script, e.g. via ../configure. The script will now proceed to check the prerequisites and download any required packages from the Internet. For WHIZARD, the WHIZARD configure script is invoked automatically.

If the default configuration is not sufficient, command line options can be used to disable a subset of packages (e.g. --disable-micromegas) or to configure the names and options of the compilers and the mathematica kernel (e.g. MATH=math_5.2). An exhaustive list of options can be obtained via the --help option.

Please note that the goal of this package is not to create modified forks of the various programs; therefore, the versions of the programs provided by the authors on the web and their various build systems are used. Unfortunately, this implies that the compiler settings don't automatically propagate to CalcHep and Micromegas which have rather convoluted build systems. Thus, any changes to the setup of those two packages have to be made by hand before running make.

On finalization, configure creates a Makefile and the butler script in the toolbox directory. Invoking make triggers the compilation and installation of the various packages by calling the respective build systems. Upon completion, the compiled packages can be found in there respective directories, with an additional unversioned symlink pointing to the versioned directory (e.g. SPHENO -> SPHENO-3.1.5). The only exception is WHIZARD which is installed directly into a directory called whizard.

For simple use cases, the butler script can be used to completely automate the implementation of a new model into the various packages, provided that the model is added to SARAH. The script is invoked using "butler modelname" and will first create the necessary model files using SARAH and then proceed to compile and add the model to the various packages. A list of the supported command line options can be obtained via "--help" or "-h" which includes options to disable individual packages (however, no packages disabled during configure can be enabled this way).

  1. Troubleshooting

  • Configure complains about missing prerequisites. Make sure that the corresponding programs are installed and working correctly.

  • Errors in the build process of individual packages. Make sure that the necessary compilers are installed and working. Unfortunately, there is a limit on the influence which the toolbox script has over the build process of the individual packages, so it might be necessary to build the packages manually (in the directories where configure has untarred them) in order to solve uncommon build problems. After manual compilation, the toolbox make should go through, and butler will work as intended.

  • Download and / or checksum failures. Make sure that your Internet connection is working properly and the download sites can be reached in a browser. If a checksum fails, the file might have been damaged during download. In this case, remove the file from the tarballs directory (see above) and retry. If this doesn't help (or if the download location has moved), please contact one of the toolbox authors.

=============================================================================== Authors:

Werner Porod Thorsten Ohl Christian Speckner Florian Staub


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