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Loki is the Learning Management System for HackBulgaria's courses

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Loki Project

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Loki is the Learning Management System used by HackBulgaria for their courses.

It stores the website & the LMS in one. APIs used by the HackFMI app are also located here. The project is integrated with a grader system for code checking & fast feedback loop for the students.

Developed by HackSoft

Local development setup

The project is using:

  • Python 3.5
  • Django 1.9

In order to setup it, there are the following steps:

  • Install python requirements:
$ pip install -r requirements/base.txt
  • Install Redis Server
$ sudo apt-get install redis-server
  • Setup Postgres
$ sudo -u postgres createuser your_postgres_username
$ sudo -u postgres createdb -O your_postgres_username your_postgres_database_name
  • Setup local environment variables

You can check config/settings files for settings. Most of them are loaded as env variables.

  • Run migrations
$ python migrate
  • Run server
$ python runserver
  • Install node
Follow the in oder to download the latest version of npm and nodejs.
  • Install bower
$ sudo npm install -g bower
$ cd loki/website/static
$ bower install bower.json


This project is using Celery for async tasks such as email sending and working with Grader API.

In order to run Celery, you are going to need RabbitMQ Server

The following variables are taking care of everything, you just have to export it:

export BROKER_URL="amqp://guest:guest@localhost//"

Afer that, you can run Celery:

$ celery -A loki worker -B


We use Grader in order to test the solution sent by student. In order to use the Grader API you need to set values to the following variables:

export GRADER_ADDRESS="grader-address"
export GRADER_API_KEY="grader-api-key"
export GRADER_API_SECRET="your-grader-api-secret-key"

Running tests

Before running the tests, you need to install the right requirements for them:

$ pip install -r requirements/test.txt

In order to run the tests, choose whichever command you prefer:

$ python test

$ py.test

In case you get permission error:

Since the local database we use is Postgres, the tests try to create their own database,so you need to grant the Postgres user with CREATEDB permission:

$ sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# ALTER USER username CREATEDB;


In order to get the coverage:

$ coverage run --source='.' -m py.test
$ coverage html
$ cd htmlcov/
$ open index.html # with your fav browser

Linting & pep8

In order to check if everything is ok according to pep8 rules, you can use [flake8] ( from the project root:

$ flake8 loki


Loki is the Learning Management System for HackBulgaria's courses






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