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Performance Platform admin

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Performance Platform admin is a Flask app that allows authorised users to update performance data on GOV.UK.

Application dependencies

We recommend using virtualenv to manage this application's dependencies.

To set up, run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Redis is also required to run the application. It is already on the dev vm. If you prefer to install it locally:

brew install redis

To start run redis-server

A good guide to adding redis to launchctl can be found here

Getting set up with GOV.UK's single sign-on service

  1. Create a signon application and user
  2. Update development config with OAuth2 credentials
  3. Set an environment variable to allow OAuth over insecure TLS in development: export OAUTHLIB_INSECURE_TRANSPORT=1
  4. Run the app as normal

Compiling stylesheets

If you need to compile stylesheets outside of the normal app starting process then run:

python tools/

Running the app

python 3070

Starting the app in development will automatically compile stylesheets.

You can modify your local configuration without affecting version control using the instructions in the admin/config/ file.

Running tests



A Flask app to let authorised users update performance data on GOV.UK







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