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rowma ROS

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This package is responsible for WebSocket connection and is a WebSocket client to operate a ros-based robot.

[rowma/rowma] [Document]


  • Python2.7
  • ROS1


Run this command, then cli installer starts.

python <(curl "" -s -N)
Manual installation

You can install `rowma_ros` manually if you fail the installation by the above command.

cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd rowma_ros
pip install -r requirements.txt


Just run rosrun rowma_ros rowma and you will get UUID when it successfully connects to the rowma server.

rosrun rowma_ros rowma

Caution: your robot will be exposed to the Internet after the rosrun command is successfully executed. For more information, see Other section in this page.


There are some options that can be specified to rosrun rowma_ros rowma through environment variables like this below.

ROWMA_SERVER_URL=http://localhost:3000 ROWMA_DEBUG=True UUID=my-uuid rosrun rowma_ros rowma
name value default description
ROWMA_DEBUG boolean False Debug logs are shown if you set this value as True.
API_KEY string None API_KEY can be specified for authentication. This value is used along with an authenticator server specified by ROWMA_SERVER_URL.
ROWMA_SERVER_URL string This value describes ConnectionManager URL.
UUID string None You can set an arbitrary UUID by using this variable.
ROWMA_FLUENTD_ENABLED boolean False We support fluentd to emit rostopic data. Set True to enable fluentd emission.
ROWMA_FLUENTD_HOST string localhost You can specify your fluentd's host name.
ROWMA_FLUENTD_PORT number 24224 You can specify your fluentd's port number.
ENABLE_SCRIPT_DOWNLOAD boolean False Any python code will be downloaded and executed as a ROS node in rowma directory/scripts if you set this value True.

With Fluentd

rowma_ros emits rostopic messages which is spcecified in rowma.yml to fluentd.

(Write Later)

docker run -it --rm -p 24224:24224 -p 24224:24224/udp -v `pwd`:/fluentd/etc fluentd -c /fluentd/etc/td-agent.conf -v

Configuration file (rowma.yml)

You can specify topic destinations to other robots or applications by using rowma.yml.

By default, rowma ros tries to find rowma.yml from current directory and use it if exists.

Run rosrun command with file path (both absolute path and relative path are supported) if you clearly specify the file.

rosrun rowma_ros rowma ./rowma.yml

The file has to be this format below:

  - destination:
      type: robot
      uuid: abc-abc*
    topic: /chatter
  - destination:
      type: robot
      uuid: abc-def*
    topic: /test

  - topic: /piyo

  - topic: /chatter
    filepath: ./topiclog

This configuration says that your robot sends received /topic1 to uuid-of-robot-a and /topic2 to uuid-of-robot-b.


You can use Docker container when you develop this package.

# using Docker
docker build -t rowma_ros -f Dockerfile .
docker run --rm --network="host" -e ROWMA_SERVER_URL= -it rowma_ros


This ros package is tested on docker images because some functions in lib.utils depend on ROS related directory especially ROS_PACKAGE_PATH. (Docker >= 18.09.6)

docker build -t rowma_ros_melodic_test -f Dockerfile.test.kinetic .
docker build -t rowma_ros_melodic_test -f Dockerfile.test.melodic .
docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/root/my_workspace/src/rowma_ros -it rowma_ros_kinetic_test
docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/root/my_workspace/src/rowma_ros -it rowma_ros_melodic_test


You can specify your own rowma server though, the default rowma server is provided at

default server

The default rowma server is located at as explained above. It is a public server without any auth, therefore you should be careful to connect your robot because anyone can run your robot easily. I recommend you to use the default server for experiments.

Do you unhappy your robots to be exposed? See

your own rowma server

You can run your own rowma server (its name is ConnectionManager) to avoid connecting your robot to the public server (official document).

In addition, specify the server address by ROWMA_SERVER_URL when you run the node.

ROWMA_SERVER_URL=http://localhost:3000 rosrun rowma_ros rowma

For more information about ConnectionManager, check the repository.


The GPL License (GPL) 2020 - rowma project. Please have a look at the for more details.