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Turn Touch Raspberry Pi Client

An extendible client for using a Turn Touch with a Raspberry Pi. Comes with Hue, Nest and custom script support out of the box.


This code was written and tested with a Raspberry Pi Zero W.

Assuming python3 and pip3 are installed, install the following as root. Do not use a virtualenv!

sudo pip3 install gatt pyyaml apscheduler qhue python-nest
sudo apt-get install python3-dbus

Make sure your Turn Touch is disconnected and unpaired from any other devices, then run:

sudo gattctl --discover

You should see the Turn Touch come up and see its MAC Address, which will look similar to c2:51:f2:36:3f:ad.

Put this mac address in config.yml, and update any button press options you would like to configure - just enter any bash script to run.

Launch the listener with:

sudo python3

It should connect, and once it has you should be able to press buttons on your Turn Touch and see the output of your commands.

Hue Controller

In order to connect to your Hue Bridge, it's easest to run setup separately first:

python3 controllers/

This will prompt you to press the button on your bridge, then list out your lights, by id, type and room. You can then configure button presses in config.yml as follows:

    type: hue
    id: 1 # From output of python3
    brightness: # 1-254
    hue: 9000 # From 0 to 65535, hardware dependent

Setting scenes, or rooms is not possible, yet!

Nest Controller

In order to connect to your Nest, you need to register for a Nest Developer account, and get a product ID and secret, which you must insert into controllers/ manually.

Then, you can authenticate yourself by running:

python3 controllers/

This will give you a URL, which will give you a PIN which you will be prompted for. If successful, the controller will then print out all homes and devices. You can then configure your remote using the following:

    type: nest
    structure: My Home # As in listed values. Can be omitted if only one structure
    device: Kitchen # As in listed values. Can be omitted if only one device
    action: adjust_temp
    temperature: 18 # will be ºF or ºC as per the settings on your nest. Just put in the right number.
    type: nest
    action: adjust_temp
    direction: up # will add 1º to the target temp, or use 'down' for -1º
    type: nest
    action: set_away
    away: true # Sets your device to away, or use false to set home

Currently, only nest thermostats are supported, and again no room support.

Battery Status

The battery status is checked every hour. If you would like something to happen when it falls below a certain value, use the following:

battery_10: # will trigger when battery level falls to 10%
    type: bash

Running on boot

You probably want raspi-turntouch to run on boot. To do this, make sure the paths in turntouch.service are correct, then:

sudo cp turntouch.service /lib/systemd/system/turntouch.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start turntouch
sudo systemctl enable turntouch

You can see log output at /var/log/turntouch.log.

Make sure you have set up credentials for services such as Nest and Hue before doing this!

Writing your own controller

  • Decide on a name for your controller. In this example it is custom. This key must be used in the filename and config.yml
  • Create controllers/
  • Create a class called, e.b. CustomController. It must contain the word 'Controller'.
  • Implement perform(self, action), where action is a dict as passed from config.yml
  • In config.yml, simply address your controller as follows:
    type: custom
    arg1: Whatever you want
        - can
        - even
        - be
        - a
        - list

If your controller is used for a common action, service or product, consider submitting a pull request!


A Turn Touch client for Raspberry Pi







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