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EM image segmentation

This repository contains a complete workflow to perform semantic segmentation of electron microscopy (EM) images. The code is based on Keras and TensorFlow as backend. For further implementation details and project usage please visit our documentation site.


Getting started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your machine.

Alternatively, you can run a fast-version of our 2D U-Net template for mitochondria segmentation in Colab: Open In Colab


The fastest way to set-up a development environment with all necessary dependencies is to use Conda and the file located in env/DL_EM_base_env.yml as follows:

conda env create -f env/DL_EM_base_env.yml

Choose a template

Different templates that reproduce the results presented in our paper are located in the templates directory. and are our baseline templates for segmentation using 2D and 3D basic U-Net architectures. The rest of templates differ mainly in the architecture used, together with minor changes in the training or inference workflow as described in the manuscript. As an exception, two different templates on this folder need an special explanation:

  • use this template as a baseline to make segmantic segmentation of large datasets with a 2D U-Net. The main difference with is that this template uses flow_from_directory() instead of flow() function of Keras to avoid running out of memory. Notice the dataset directory structure changes.
  • in this template we gather all the options implemented in this project and can be used to extract different code blocks you are interested in.

To run the third-party state-of-the-art methods reproduced in this project you can use the template prepared on each case. Namely:,,, or

Data structure

This project follows the same directory structure as in the ImageDataGenerator class of Keras. The data directory tree should be this:

├── test
│   ├── x
│   │   ├── testing-0001.tif
│   │   ├── testing-0002.tif
│   │   ├── . . .
│   └── y
│       ├── testing_groundtruth-0001.tif
│       ├── testing_groundtruth-0002.tif
│       ├── . . .
└── train
    ├── x
    │   ├── training-0001.tif
    │   ├── training-0002.tif
    │   ├── . . .
    └── y
        ├── training_groundtruth-0001.tif
        ├── training_groundtruth-0002.tif
        ├── . . .

When big datasets are used, which should be using a code based on, the directory tree changes a little bit. This is because the usage of flow_from_directory() needs the data to be structured as follows:

├── test
│   ├── x
│   │   └── x
│   │       ├── im0500.png
│   │       ├── im0501.png
│   │       ├── . . .
│   └── y
│       └── y
│   │       ├── im0500.png
│   │       ├── im0501.png
│   │       ├── . . .
└── train
    ├── x
    │   └── x
    │       ├── im0500.png
    │       ├── im0501.png
    │       ├── . . .
    └── y
        └── y
            ├── mask_0097.tif
            ├── mask_0098.tif
            ├── mask_0097.tif
            ├── . . .

EM datasets used on this work:

Run the code

Every template can be run from a terminal like this:

# Load the environment created first
conda activate DL_EM_base_env     

code_dir="/home/user/EM_Image_Segmentation"  # Absolute path to this repo code 
data_dir="/home/user/dataset"                # Absolute path to the dataset
job_dir="/home/user/out_dir"                 # Absolute path where the output data will be generated
job_id="400"                                 # Just a string to identify the job 
job_counter=0                                # Number that should be increased when one need to run the same job multiple times
gpu_number="0"                               # Number of the GPU to run the job in (according to 'nvidia-smi' command)

python -u $code_dir $data_dir $job_dir --id $jobID --rid $jobCounter --gpu $gpu_number 

Other state-of-the-art implementations

The following third-party state-of-the-art methods for mitochondria semantic segmentation in EM images have been implemented:

  • 3D U-Net + post-processing. Everything contained in xiao_2018.
Chi Xiao, Xi Chen, Weifu Li, Linlin Li, Lu Wang, Qiwei Xie, and Hua Han, "Automatic mitochondria 
segmentation for em data using a 3d supervised convolutional network", Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 
12 (2018), 92.
  • 2D and 3D U-Net with proposed stochastic downsampling layer. Everything contained in cheng_2017.
H. Cheng and A. Varshney, "Volume segmentation using convolutional neural networks with limited 
training data," 2017 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Beijing, 2017, 
pp. 590-594.
  • CNN + post-processing. Everything contained in oztel_2017.
Ismail Oztel, Gozde Yolcu, Ilker Ersoy, Tommi White, and Filiz Bunyak, "Mitochondria segmentation 
in electron microscopy volumes using deep convolutional neural network", 2017 IEEE International 
Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), IEEE, 2017, pp. 1195-1200.
  • 2D U-Net + post-processing. Everything contained in casser_2018.
Vincent Casser, Kai Kang, Hanspeter Pfister, and Daniel Haehn, "Fast mitochondria segmentation 
for connectomics", arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.06024 (2018).


Deep Learning approaches for EM data






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  • Python 71.8%
  • Jupyter Notebook 28.2%