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This is Tudor's toolkit of helper methods for research code (Research Toolkit).

The main modules you might be interested in are: real-time plotting in matplotlib, python wrappers for libDAI, and abstractions for running experiments on clusters without the overhead of managing logfiles. The other modules implemented in rtk are also quite useful but not summarized in this README right now.

Real-time Plotting

To use the real-time plotting code simply call rtk.plot.plot_rt_point(key, datapoint) where key is the name of the data stream and datapoint is the value of the datapoint. If you have matplotlib up and running this will start plotting real-time data on your screen, with the default being second-by-second updates. Quite useful for tracing error curves and other statistics of your programs!

Python wrappers for libDAI

Here's an example of calculating statistics of an Ising model, all from python, via calls to the python wrapper:

W, f = rtk.pgm.ising.generate_grid(10, w=5, field=5)
with rtk.pgm.ising.IsingWriter(W, f) as filename:
    gt_logZ = rtk.pgm.dai.jtree_logZ(filename)
    gt_marginals = rtk.pgm.dai.exact_marginals(filename)

Distributed Experiment Management

Running your code in a distributed way on your cluster is super easy. These instructions assume you're using PBS and are tested thoroughly on the Stanford clusters, but it's trivial to modify rtk.dist.mgr to handle other cluster systems.

  1. Install MySQL and make sure it's somewhere accessible from your cluster machines.
  2. Configure rtk.dist.config with the authentication/connection information of your database.
  3. Run rtk.dist.db.create_db() to create the experiment results table.
  4. Use it in your code!
def run_trial():
   seed = rtk.dist.mgr.p('seed')

with rtk.dist.mgr.Dist(os.path.realpath(__file__)):
    for i, (weight, trial, sidelength) in enumerate(params):
        for method in ('structure', 'anneal'):
            with rtk.dist.mgr.Params(seed=trial, sidelength=sidelength, weight=weight, method=method):

Once this is running, go ahead and use the swiss-army knife analysis script to quickly get a handle on the results:

$ python ~/w/rtk/dist/ last seed method 1
Connecting to MySQL... (should print Done. in a second)
Experiment is AKiZqyiR
Analyzing logs for 60 results
(6, 0.5, u'anneal') 26.2050488941
(6, 0.5, u'structure') 26.2050408031
(6, 8, u'anneal') 132.173964493
(6, 8, u'structure') 132.173962252

which tells the script to look at the last experiment, aggregating along key seed (these correspond to our trials), and making sure to put the method key last so we can quickly compare the results. So we can see that there's not much difference between the methods above :).


There is an implementation of A* sampling for convex distributions, and the code can be easily adapted for other distributions by tweaking the bounds functions.



  • Timing module (rtk.timing)
  • Stats tracking (rtk.stats)
  • Debugging module (rtk.debug)
  • libDAI python interface (rtk.pgm.dai)
  • Parallel run module (rtk.par)


Tudor's machine learning research toolkit.






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