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[Retired 3.26.18] [Python] [Flask] Slack Integration for Strand, an app that helps you save and share snippets of Slack conversations


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This project is retired. No further development or maintenance is planned. Feel free to fork and re-use.


This Slack integration was built using:

  • Flask 0.12
  • Python 3.6
  • pytest 3.3
  • Python Slack Client 1.1
  • SQLAlchemy 1.2.5

This app was hosted on Amazon ECS.

strand-api was the companion backend API

strand-ui was the companion Web UI

Contributors: @tadasant and @Audace

domain installed saving editing edited viewing

Getting Started

To start, clone the repository locally and create a virtual environment. Install the dependencies from the requirements file into your virtual environment.

Running Tests

If you're using PyCharm, simply use the "Run Tests" run configuration to run all the tests.

Without PyCharm, cd into the root directory and run pytest --flake8 --pep8 --no-cov

You can also run ptw to run pytest-watch

Running the application

Note that you'll need strand-api running on STRAND_API_HOST

Make sure you've created a superuser with username ccs, email and password randomPassword.

$ python createsuperuser --username ccs.

If you're using PyCharm, simply use the "Run (Local)" run configuration to start the Flask server.

If not, cd into the root directory and run python3

Using ngrok for development

ngrok sets up a tunnel online so that we have an external URL to tell Slack about.

This is useful because much of strand-slack relies on triggers from Slack callbacks over the wire.

Steps to use ngrok:

  1. Download ngrok, unzip, and put the script somewhere in your $PATH (likely /usr/bin/local)
  2. Run ngrok http 5000 (assuming 5000 is the PORT you set in development.config.json)
  3. You can watch the requests getting routed through the tunnel at http://localhost:4040/inspect/http
  4. Take the forwarding address (e.g. and configure it on

Now Slack will be able to call your local server as you interact with the app!

Note that on the free ngrok plan, you'll need to do this every time you restart ngrok.

Architecture Overview

Data Flow

Typical flow is this:

  1. Requests come into a blueprint
  2. blueprint validates the payload, responds to the requestor, and passes the payload onto a translator
  3. translator converts it to the SLA domain model and passes it to a service
  4. service, with a scoped DB session, ingests state from the DB if needed, and delegates work to commands
  5. command, with a scoped DB session, is a unit of work that makes API calls using wrappers and/or pushes state to the DB

Notable invariants:

  1. service should not mutate the DB (only SELECT)
  2. command should not read the DB (only UPDATE/INSERT)
  3. blueprints (input point) and wrappers (output point) are not privy to the SLA domain model

Domain Model

All modeled elements of the Strand API's domain are prefixed with Api, e.g. ApiUser.

All modeled elements of the Slack domain are prefixed with Slack, e.g. SlackUser.

All other modeled elements are part of the local, SLA domain.

Albemic Database Migrations

See #discussion-105 for research details.

To generate a new revision after making SQLAlchemy model changes, run PYTHONPATH=. alembic revision --autogenerate -m "<revision msg>"

Please double-check autogenerated migrations with these caveats in mind.

Commit updated revisions. They will be run in the various environments (staging, prod) during Dockerfile build.


[Retired 3.26.18] [Python] [Flask] Slack Integration for Strand, an app that helps you save and share snippets of Slack conversations







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