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Scripts for managing distributed computing.

brief description

The scripts will make, submit and monitor jobs on LSF. and will generate job files which are then submitted by and monitored by

python-2.7 --help

usage: [-h] [--software SOFTWARE]
[--input_dir INPUT_DIR]
[--matlab_version MATLAB_VERSION]
[--script_arguments SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS]
[--xvfb XVFB] [--memory MEMORY] [--queue QUEUE]
[--host_group HOST_GROUP]

Prepares LSF jobs for running complied MATLAB scripts on each file (or folder) in the input_dir. For each job one file will be stored in an automatically generated folder, which will have the name of your --input_dir + "-- cluster/jobs". It is very instructive to inspect the job files, which are simple text, e.g. to determine sources of errors. Once job generation is finished this script will print a command to run the jobs (using; you may simply copy and paste this command and press enter to execute it.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--software SOFTWARE (required) full path to your compiled matlab script. (default: )
--input_dir INPUT_DIR
(required) full path to the folder containing the data to be analyzed. (default: )
--matlab_version MATLAB_VERSION
(required) specify matlab version (currently installed are "8.3", "8.5"). this ensures that the correct MCR (MATLAB Compiler Runtime) will be used for your jobs. (default: 8.3)
--script_arguments SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS
arguments/options that your MATLAB script takes (in addition to the file/folder to be analyzed, which will be determined from the --input_dir for each job automatically.) (default: )
--xvfb XVFB specify software providing a virtual frame buffer ("xvfb-run -a"); normally not necessary for MATLAB scripts. (default: )
--memory MEMORY memory that you want to allocate on the cluster node in MB. (default: 16000)
--queue QUEUE select a specific queue to submit your jobs to; this selects a subset of the available nodes with specific properties, e.g. "bigmem" selects nodes with a lot of memory. (default: )
--host_group HOST_GROUP
select a specific group of nodes to submit your jobs to. (default: intelavx)

python-2.7 --help

usage: [-h] [--software SOFTWARE]
[--input_dir INPUT_DIR] [--script SCRIPT]
[--script_arguments SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS]
[--xvfb XVFB] [--memory MEMORY] [--queue QUEUE]
[--host_group HOST_GROUP]

Prepares LSF jobs for running Fiji scripts on each file (or folder) in the input_dir. For each job one file will be stored in an automatically generated folder, which will have the name of your --input_dir + "--cluster/jobs". It is very instructive to inspect the job files, which are simple text, e.g. to determine sources of errors. Once job generation is finished this script will print a command to run the jobs (using; you may simply copy and paste this command and press enter to execute it.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--software SOFTWARE (required) full path to your fiji installation, including options for running it. (default: /g/emcf/software/Fiji/ -batch)
--input_dir INPUT_DIR
(required) full path to the folder containing the data to be analyzed. (default: )
--script SCRIPT (required) full path to the fiji script that you want to run. (default: )
--script_arguments SCRIPT_ARGUMENTS
arguments/options that your script takes (in addition to the file/folder to be analyzed, which will be determined from the --input_dir for each job automatically.) (default: )
--xvfb XVFB specify software providing a virtual frame buffer; this is necessary to handle possible graphics output of fiji. (default: "xvfb-run -a")
--memory MEMORY memory that you want to allocate on the cluster node in MB. (default: 16000)
--queue QUEUE select a specific queue to submit your jobs to; this selects a subset of the available nodes with specific properties, e.g. "bigmem" selects nodes with a lot of memory. (default: )
--host_group HOST_GROUP
select a specific group of nodes to submit your jobs to. (default: fujitsu)

EMBL specific information

The scripts are hosted on: /g/almf/software/scripts/cluster

Example of calling fiji scripts on the cluster at EMBL Heidelberg

  • log onto submaster1
    • open terminal (on mac: in-built; on windows: install cygwin)
    • ssh username@submaster1
    • to get help type: python-2.7 /g/almf/software/scripts/cluster/ --help
    • to start it type for instance: python-2.7 /g/almf/software/scripts/cluster/ --xvfb "xvfb-run -a" --software "/g/emcf/software/Fiji/ -batch" --script /g/my_group/my_script.ijm --input_dir /g/my_group/my_folder_with_data/

Specific call for data in fiji_devel/examples folder

python-2.7 /g/almf/software/scripts/cluster/ --memory 16000 --xvfb "xvfb-run -a" --software "/g/emcf/software/Fiji/ -batch" --script "/g/almf/software/scripts/cluster/fiji_devel/examples/macro_1image.ijm" --input_dir "/g/almf/software/scripts/cluster/fiji_devel/examples/data"

Running CellProfiler on the EMBL compute cluster

Note that the EMBL compute cluster only has access to 'tier1' file-servers

Configure your pipeline

  • open a terminal window (on Windows use Cygwin, on a Mac just the normal one)

ssh -Y YOUR_USER_NAME@submaster1

  • it may ask you a question, if so, answer: yes
  • enter your password
  • now you are on the submaster computer, next you run CellProfiler as an interactive cluster job: bsub -XF -Is CellProfiler-2.0.11047
  • it may ask you a question, if so, answer: yes
  • you may have to enter your password again
  • the CellProfiler GUI should open
  • if it asks you to download new versions say SKIP THIS VERSION
  • load your pipeline (it has to be on a tier1 network drive, e.g. on /g/almfscreen/username)
  • in the LoadImages module at the bottom of the settings: Input image file location: Elsewhere select the folder with your image data
  • using CellProfiler's [Test > Start Test Run] adapt all necessary module paramters
  • specifically, in the last module CreateBatchFiles select an Output folder path on your server
  • [Analyze images]
    • this will not yet analyse your data but just create the Batch_data.mat file to be spawn on the cluster (s. b.)
    • remember where the Batch_data.mat file is stored (you'll need it soon)
  • Exit CellProfiler

Distribute jobs on the cluster

  • you have to be on submaster1 (s.a.)
    • (tech note: you need the graphics forwarding '-Y' also for this step)
  • execute: /g/almf/software/scripts/cluster/ --software CellProfiler-2.0.11047 --script /g/YOUR_FOLDER_LOCATION/Batch_data.mat
    • this will prepare the jobs but not run them yet.
    • now, follow all instructions printed to the terminal window (i.e. copy and paste and execute some commands), to:
      • spawn the jobs
      • monitor the jobs
      • concatenate the output tables


Scripts for managing distributed computing






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