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Bob's Banana Stand

This application let's Bob (Bobby 'the machine') keep track of his purchases and sales while also being able to tell how much money he has made selling his bananas, and how much in stock he has left.

Getting Started

Clone this repo anywhere where you desire.


  1. Install Brew

    /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  2. Make sure to have Python 3 installed

    brew install python
  3. Install Virtual env

    pip install virtualenv
  4. Install Redis

    brew install redis

Set up

  1. Locate the bobs_banana_stand folder in your computer and cd into it by typing the following in terminal:

    cd bobs_banana_stand
  2. Create a Virtual Environment

    virtualenv -p python3 bobs_banana_stand
  3. Activate Virtual Env

    source bobs_banana_stand/bin/activate
  4. Install requirements:

    python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Running application locally

  1. Make migrations

    python make migrations
  2. Run migrate

    python make migrate
  3. Run Celery Worker

    celery -A bobs_banana_stand worker -l info
  4. Run Celery scheduler

    celery -A bobs_banana_stand beat -l info --scheduler django_celery_beat.schedulers:DatabaseScheduler

API Instructions

  1. Navigate to http://localhost:8000/suppliers/, and create a Supplier by adding its name.

  2. Navigate to http://localhost:5000/products/, and create the Banana product.

  3. Navigate to http://localhost:5000/purchased_orders/, and start creating purchased orders for the product you just created.

    These purchased orders will represent your banana purchases

  4. in the same way Navigate to http://localhost:5000/sales_orders/, to start placing orders.

    When you crease Sale Orders, you will automatically update the stock of the product you selected.

Additional information

  1. To deal with expired products, I've created a task using django and celery to schedule a task that will run daily to check if a product is expired. If it's expired, the products stock for that purchased order will be set to zero, and therefore you won't be able to set these purchased orders of bananas.

  2. Redis was used to handle the stock calculation behind scenes. They work in hand with signals when save and delete methods are triggered.

    • To access the stock using redis run:



    • Then, you can run:

      hgetall 1

      To get all the purchased products' stock for product 1.

  3. This application supports the creation of multiple products. Perhaps, Bobby in the future wants to sell Apples or other products


Anthony P Torres


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


  • Thank you to Bob for is great initiative of starting his banana business.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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