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Identification of Spurious Labels in MachineLearning Data Sets using N-Version Validation

This project uses an N-version approach to validate the label quality in the BDD100k dataset.

Requirements setup

Install the requirements in from requirements/requirements.txt using pip or conda.

Downloading the semseg submodule

This project uses the semseg project as a submodule. It is not downloaded automatically, so we will do this manually.

git submodule init
git submodule update

Dataset setup

Download the dataset at

After registering and logging in, download the dataset 'Driverable Maps' and 'Images' (use the 100k folder inside Images).

  • Extract the data to data/ and arrange it to have the following directory structure:
data/images/train -- contains training color images
data/images/val -- contains validation color images
data/labels/train -- contains training greyscale labels 
data/labels/val -- contains validation greyscale labels 
  • Convert the JPG images to PNG
  • Rename the labels, so the corresponding image and label have the same name, e.g. with this command:
rename s/_drivable_id// data/*/*/*.png
  • Resize the images.

Train the neural networks

Train the neural networks in the following way:

python3 --config config/FCN/bdd321x185_fcn_resnet101.yaml
python3 --config config/Deeplab/bdd321x185_deeplabv3_resnet101.yaml

For the PSPNet, the standard setting is to only keep the last two checkpoints. Disable this by commenting out lines 247-249 in semseg/tool/, so all checkpoints are kept. Semseg looks for its config file within its own directory, so move the config file to the respective semseg directory.

mv config/PSPNet/bdd_321x185 semseg/config/bdd_321x185

Then train the PSPNet in the following way.

cd semseg
./tool/ bdd321x185 pspnet101

Evaluate model checkpoints

Run the prediction on the validation set for all model checkpoints and evaluate the results in terms of IOU. The final output will contain the model checkpoints with the highest mean IOU on the validation set. The respective predictions of the best model should be chosen for the next step.


The PSPNet training script already evaluates the mean IOU value during the training stage, so we only need to analyze the training log to find the best checkpoint. The training log should be situated at semseg/exp/bdd_321x185/pspnet101/model and be according to the scheme train-YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.log. Substitute the name of your own log file in the following command.

python3 semseg/exp/bdd_321x185/pspnet101/model/train-YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.log semseg/exp/bdd_321x185/pspnet101/model/metrics_per_epoch.csv

If this should result in something that's not the last step, you will need to run the prediction for the PSPNet with the respective checkpoint and enter the point to which you have written the prediction images into the script mentioned in the next step.

Majority vote predictions

Enter the model checkpoints that were found to have the best IOU in the previous step at the respective points in and update the number of parallel threads to run at the top of the file. Then run the script to execute the majority vote and sorting. This will produce images containing the majority vote results, number of votes for the majority class, strength of disagreement with the ground truth, and a visualization meant for manual inspection. Afterwards, these visualization images will be sorted into the different categories mentioned in the paper.



Since the training process is quite time-consuming, we also provide the results of our analysis in results. The file image_classes.csv indicates for each image into which classes it was classified. metrics.csv contains the different metrics which we used to classify images into these classes, using


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