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CWL-based automated bioinformatics workflow for PacBio and Illumina data


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CWL based workflow to assemble haploid/diploid eukaryote genomes of non-model organisms

The workflow is designed to use both PacBio long-reads and Illumina short-reads. The workflow first extracts, corrects, trims and decontaminates the long reads. Decontaminated trimmed reads are then used to assemble the genome and raw reads are used to polish it. Next, Illumina reads are cleaned and used to further polish the resultant assembly. Finally, the polished assembly is masked using inferred repeats and haplotypes are eliminated. The workflow uses BioConda and DockerHub to install required software and is therefore fully automated. In addition to final assembly, the workflow produces intermediate assemblies before and after polishing steps. The workflow follows the syntax for CWL v1.0.





Use installation script to install program dependencies.

# First confirm that you have the program 'git' installed in your system
> cd
> git clone -b 'v0.0.9-beta' --single-branch --depth 1
> cd Assemblosis
> bash

For data dependencies: download and extract RepBase database, download Centrifuge version of NCBI nt database and create Illumina adapter FASTA file to your preferred locations. If your reads are clean from adapters, the adapter FASTA file can be empty. Give the location of these data in the configuration (.yml) file (see Usage).


You have to create a YAML (.yml) file for each assembly. This file defines the required parameters and the location for both PacBio and Illumina raw-reads.

> cd
> export PATH=~/miniconda3/bin:$PATH
> cd Assemblosis/Run
> cp ../Examples/assemblyCele.yml .

"Edit assemblyCele.yml to fit your computing environment and to define the location for the read files, databases and Illumina adapters"

> mkdir RepeatSimple; mkdir RepeatTransp; mkdir RepeatCustom
> cwltool --tmpdir-prefix /home/<username>/Tmp --beta-conda-dependencies --cachedir /home/<username>/Cache --user-space-docker-cmd udocker --leave-tmpdir assembly.cwl assemblyCele.yml

An annotated example of the YAML file for Caenorhabditis elegans assembly.

## Top level directory, which contains the PacBio raw data
# NOTE! The software looks for all .h5 files recursively in given directory
  class: Directory
  location: /home/<username>/Dna

## Prefix for the resultant assembly files
prefix: cele

## Maximum number of threads used in the pipeline
threads: 24

### Parameters for the program Canu are described in
## Expected genome size. This parameter is forwarded to Canu assembler.
genomeSize: 100m

## Minimum length for the PacBio reads used for the assembly. This parameter is forwarded to Canu assembler.
# The maximum resolvable repeat regions becomes 2 x minReadLength
minReadLen: 6000

## Parameter for Canu assembler to adjust to GC-content. Should be 0.15 for high or low GC content.
corMaxEvidenceErate: 0.20

### Parameters for the program Trimmomatic are described in
## Paired-end (PE) reads of Illumina raw data. These files are given to the program Trimmomatic.
# NOTE! Data for two paired libraries is given below.
  - class: File
    format: edam:format_1930  # fastq
    path: /home/<username>/Dna/SRR2598966_1.fastq.gz
  - class: File
    format: edam:format_1930  # fastq
    path: /home/<username>/Dna/SRR2598967_1.fastq.gz
  - class: File
    format: edam:format_1930  # fastq
    path: /home/<username>/Dna/SRR2598966_2.fastq.gz
  - class: File
    format: edam:format_1930  # fastq
    path: /home/<username>/Dna/SRR2598967_2.fastq.gz

## Phred coding of Illumina data. This parameter is forwarded to Trimmomatic.
# NOTE! Each read-pair needs one phred value.
phredsPe: ['33','33']

## Sliding window and illuminaClip parameters for Trimmomatic
    windowSize: 4
    requiredQuality: 25
        class: File
        path: <path to Illumina adapter file>
    seedMismatches: 2
    palindromeClipThreshold: 30
    simpleClipThreshold: 10
    minAdapterLength: 20
    keepBothReads: true
## Further parameters for Trimmomatic
# Required phred-quality for leading 5 nucleotides
leading: 25
# Required phred-quality for trailing 5 nucleotides
trailing: 25
# Minimum accepted read-length to keep the read after trimming
minlen: 40

### Parameters for the program bowtie2 are described in
## Illumina PE fragment length. Program bowtie2 parameter -X.
# NOTE! Each read-pair needs one phred value.
maxFragmentLens: [500, 600]
# Orientation of pair-end reads e.g. 'fr', 'rf', 'ff': Program bowtie2 parameters --fr, --rf or --ff
orientation: 'fr'

### Parameters for the program Pilon are described in
# Prefix for the resultant pilon polished assembly. Pilon parameter --output
polishedAssembly: celePilon
# This is set 'true' for an organism with diploid genome: Pilon parameter --diploid
diploidOrganism: true
# Value 'bases' fixes snps and indels: Pilon parameter --fix
fix: bases

### Parameters for the program centrifuge are described in
# Path to the directory, that contains NCBI nt database in nt.?.cf files. Centrifuge parameter -x
  class: Directory
  path:  /home/<username>/ntDatabase
# Lenght of the identical match in nucleotides required to infer a read as contaminant. Centrifuge parameter --min-hitlen
partialMatch: 100
# NCBI taxon root identifers for the species considered contaminants: e.g. bacteria (=2), viruses (=10239), fungi (=4751), mammals (=40674), artificial seqs (=81077). Pipeline specific parameter.
taxons: [2,10239,4751,40674,81077]

## Parameters for the RepeatModeler and RepeatMasker are described in
  class: File
  # This is the RepBase file from RepeatMasker parameter -lib
  path: /home/<username>/RepBaseLibrary/RMRBSeqs.embl
# Directories for inferred custom repeats (inferred by RepeatModeler), tandem repeats (simple repeats) and interspersed repeats (transposons)'
# RepeatMasker parameter -dir
  - class: Directory
    location: RepeatCustom
  - class: Directory
    location: RepeatSimple
  - class: Directory
    location: RepeatTransp
# Represents -noint parameter for masking custom, tandem and interspersed repeats
noInterspersed: [false, true, false]
# Represents -nolow parameter for masking custom, tandem and interspersed repeats
noLowComplexity: [true, false, true]

Runtimes and hardware requirements

The workflow was tested in Linux environment (CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511) in a server with 24 physical CPUs (48 hyperthreaded CPUs) and 512 GB RAM.

Assembly Runtime in CPU hours RAM usage (GB)
Caenorhabditis elegans 1537 134.1
Drosophila melanogaster 6501 134.1
Plasmodium falciparum 424 134.1

Maximum memory usage of 134.1 GB was claimed by the program Centrifuge for each assembly.

Software tools used in this pipeline


If you use the pipeline, please cite: TBD


CWL-based automated bioinformatics workflow for PacBio and Illumina data







No packages published


  • Perl 84.4%
  • Python 11.4%
  • Common Workflow Language 2.5%
  • Other 1.7%