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# Running Autopilot tests

Music App follows a test driven development where autopilot tests are run before every merge into trunk. If you are submitting your bugfix/patch to the music app, please follow the following steps below to ensure that all tests pass before proposing a merge request.

If you are looking for more info about Autopilot or writing AP tests for the music app, here are some useful links to help you,


## Prerequisites

Install the following autopilot packages required to run the tests,
$ sudo apt-get install python-autopilot libautopilot-qt ubuntu-ui-toolkit-autopilot python3-autopilot-vis

## Running tests on the desktop

Using terminal:

*  Branch the music app code, for example,
    $ bzr branch lp:music-ap
*  Navigate to the tests/autopilot directory.
    $ cd music-app/tests/autopilot

*  run all tests.
    $ autopilot3 run -vv music_app

    to list all tests:
    $ autopilot3 list music_app

    To run only one test (for instance: music_app.tests.test_music.TestMainWindow.test_swipe_to_delete_song)
    $ autopilot3 run -vv music_app.tests.test_music.TestMainWindow.test_swipe_to_delete_song

    Debugging tests using autopilot vis
    $ autopilot3 launch -i Qt qmlscene app/music-app.qml
    $ autopilot3 vis

## Running tests on device or emulator:

NOTE: Prior to running the tests on the device, you will need to do the following if there is music on the system:

    $ mv /home/phablet/Music /home/phablet/.Music
    $ restart mediascanner-2.0

Using autopkg:

1. navigate to the directory where the music-app branch is and run:
  $ adt-run music-app --- ssh -s adb