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A turn-base Total English review game with a "Super Mario World" theme

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Mario-Themed English Quiz Game

A turn-based English flashcard review game.
Up to 6 players.
Don't forget to install dependencies with pip install -r requirements.txt and to start up your virtual environment.
Tested on python 3.9 and macOS (Big Sur).


Here is a YouTube video demo. There is no audio in this video, but the actual game has music and sound effects.

  1. Create and run virtual environment:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
  1. Run ./startGame
  2. Run tests with ./test

Basic Gameplay

  1. Decide the order of the teams and let them choose their players.
  2. Run the game with ./start
  3. Wait for the players and items to come to a stop.
  4. Press 1 to give a player an item.
  5. Press "o" for a right answer and "x" for a wrong answer.
  6. Answer within the time limit.
  7. Player with the most points wins.


Key Description
1 give player an item
a rotate items to left
s randomly mix items
d rotate items to right
x current player minus one point
o current player plus one point
u use item (for player in first position only)
left arrow rotate players left
right arrow rotate players right
up arrow randomly mix players
esc quit the game

Options Menu

Key Description
left right move left and right
up down move up and down
space enable or disable (items only)


Item Description
yoshi coin
red mushroom
green mushroom
pow button
spiney beetle
pirahna plant

not yet
question block


  • Still need to add effects for the items.
  • Character and item z-indices are a little wierd and you can notice it when they move across other sprites.
  • Want to add player selection screen.
  • Add difficutly changes. The labels are there but nothing changes yet in the game.
  • Flow chart created here:
  • Adding different text files for the different items. If there is a question/problem you want to associate with an item, then you can add your own text. (ex, gamedata/redmushroomQuestions.txt)

Screen Shots

Title Screen

Option Screen

Game Screen

Game Screen 2

Purpose of This Project

To review material in the Total English book series as well as custom questions/problems the teacher would contribute.

What I learned

  • How to focus my attention on the task at hand given a one month deadline.
  • How to learn a piece of software (pyglet) with a deadline in mind.
  • I learned about the similarities between Pyglet and Pygame.
  • How to make a simple a 2D game
  • Basic use of GIMP to create (extract) my own sprites.
  • The benefits and drawbacks of using a single module to control the constants for a program.
  • How to think more about what the customer needs and less about "just making the program work".
    • I made a successful program, but the target audience (my students) were just not that "in to it" as I had hoped.
    • It is important to make something with the target audience in mind. Make what they want, not what you think they want if you want to increase the chances of having a successful product.
    • I should have gathered more data about my market before making a product.
    • The program worked but it "missed the mark."
  • The importance of having a flowchart to keep track of the logic as the code grows.


A turn-base Total English review game with a "Super Mario World" theme






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