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CS 130 Project Fall 2017

Hana Kim, Jennifer Liaw, Isaac Kim, Michael Shea, Yanting Zeng, Kaitlyne Chan



Subdirectory containing all routes for HTTP methods being used in our API.


Subdirectory containing all files for the iOS app portion of the project.




Subdirectories containing tests for iOS portion.


Flask and SQLAlchemy are included as libraries in the database setup.

Class Structure


Primary class representing a user in our application.

  email: string
  username:(Optional) string
  password: string
  firstName: string
  lastName: (Optional)string


A user can belong to a group which specifies chores to be done for a group.

  id: int
  name: string
  Users: [Users]


Primary class representing chores as tasks to be completed.

  id: int
  name: string
  description: string
  completed: bool
  deadline: datetime
  groupID: int
  userEmail: string
  deadlinePassed: bool

API Documentation


Create a user

Create a new user and add to the database, use Bcrypt to hash password

:param email: the email of the user
:param username: (optional) the username of the user
:param password: the password of the user
:param firstName: the first name of the user
:param lastName: (optional) the last name of the user

:type email: str
:type username: str
:type password: str
:type firstName: str
:type lastName: str

:return: "User Successfully Created", status code
:rtype: str, int

:raises KeyError: if the input is not provided by the user
:raises sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError: if the user already existed in the database
@routes.route('/api/user/create', methods=['POST'])
def createUser():

Retriever information about a user

Get information about a user.

:param email: the email of the user
:type email: str
:return: a user JSON object, status code
:rtype: JSON object, int
:raises sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: if the user is not found in the database
@routes.route('/api/user/get', methods=['GET'])
def getUser():

Modify a user's information

Modify fields of a User object.

:param newemail: (optional) the new email of the user
:param oldemail: the original email of the user
:param username: (optional) the new username of the user
:param password: (optional) the new password of the user
:param firstName: (optional)the new firstName of the user
:param lastName: (optional) the new lastName of the user

:type newemail: str
:type oldemail: str
:type username: str
:type password: str
:type firstName: str
:type lastName: str

:return: "Successfully Modified", status code
:rtype: str, int

:raises KeyError: if the input is not provided by the user
@routes.route('/api/user/edit', methods=['PUT'])
def modifyUser():

Delete a user

Delete a user from the database.

:param email: the email of the user
:type email: str
:return: "User Successfully Removed", status code
:rtype: str, int
:raises KeyError: if the input is not provided by the user
:raises sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: if the user is not found in the database
@routes.route('/api/user/delete', methods=['POST'])
def deleteUser():

Get all active chores for a user in a specific group

Get all active chores or completed chores for a particular user in a particular group.

:param email: the email of the user
:param groupID: a particular groupID that the user is in
:param completed: a boolean indicating whether a list of active chores or completed chores get return

:type email: str
:type groupID: int
:type completed: boolean

:return: a list of JSON chore objects, status code
:rtype: list of JSON objects, int

:raises ValueError: if the input of the completed parameter is neither true or false
:raises sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: if the user is not found in the database
@routes.route('/api/user/get-unfinished-chores', methods=['GET'])
def getChores():

Validate email and password when a user log in to the app.

Validate email and password when a user log in to the app.

:param email: the email of the user
:param password: password of a user

:type email: str
:type groupID: password

:return: Json with a result item, true/false
:rtype: Json object

:raises KeyError: if the input is not provided by the user
@routes.route('/api/user/validate-password', methods=['POST'])
def validatePassword():


Create a group

Create a new group and add it to the database. The user who created the group is automatically added as a member.

:param email: the user's email
:param groupName: the intended name for the group

:type email: str
:type groupName: str

:return: group ID, status code
:rtype: str, int

:raises KeyError: when lack of required fields of inputs
:raises sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: when the user does not exist in the database
@routes.route('/api/group/create', methods=['POST'])
def create():

Get a group's information

Get information about a group, using the group's ID.

:param groupID: the group's ID
:type groupID: int
:return: a JSON object that describes the group, status code
:rtype: json, int
:raises sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: when the group does not exist in database
@routes.route('/api/group/get-by-id', methods=['GET'])
def getByID():

Get the groups a user belongs to

Get a list of groups that a user is in.

:param email: the user's email
:type email: str
:return: a JSON object that contains the descriptions of a list of groups, status code
:rtype: json, int
:raises sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: when the user does not exist in database
@routes.route('/api/group/get-by-email', methods=['GET'])
def getByEmail():

Edit a group's information

Edit a group's name.

:param groupID: the group's ID
:param groupName: the intended new name for the group.

:type groupID: int
:type groupName: str

:return: a message that marks the success of editing the group name, status code
:rtype: str, int

:raises KeyError: when lack of required fields of inputs
:raises sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: when the group does not exist in database
@routes.route('/api/group/edit', methods=['PUT'])
def edit():

Add a user to a group

Add users to a group.

:param groupID: the group's ID
:param listOfEmails: the list of user's emails waiting to be added to the group

:type groupID: int
:type listOfEmails: list of str

:return: a message that marks the success of adding members to the group, status code
:rtype: str, int

:raises KeyError: when lack of required fields of inputs
:raises sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: when the group/user does not exist in database
@routes.route('/api/group/add-users', methods=['PUT'])
def addUsers():

Get users from a group

Get all users from the specified group.

:param groupID: the group's ID

:type groupID: int

:return: a JSON object that contains the profiles of a list of users, status code
:rtype: json, int

:raises sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: when the group/user does not exist in database
@routes.route('/api/group/get-users', methods=['GET'])
def getUsers():

Remove a user

Remove a user from the group.

:param groupID: the group's ID
:param email: the user's email

:type groupID: int
:type email: str

:return: a message that marks the success of removing a member from the group, status code
:rtype: str, int

:raises KeyError: when lack of required fields of inputs
:raises sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: when the group/user does not exist in database
@routes.route('/api/group/remove-user', methods=['PUT'])
def removeUser():

Get completed or incompleted chores

Get a list of a group's completed or incomplete chores.

:param groupID: the group's ID
:param completed: whether to get incompleted or completed chores

:type groupID: int
:type completed: boolean

:return: a JSON object that contains the descriptions of a list of chores, status code
:rtype: json, int

:raises sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: when the group does not exist in database
@routes.route('/api/group/get-completed-or-incompleted-chores', methods=['GET'])
def getCompletedOrIncompletedChores():

Get the user's performance in the specified group

Get the user's performance in the specified group.

:param groupID: the group's ID
:param email: the user's email

:type groupID: int
:type email: str

:return: a JSON object that contains the user's performance in the specified group.
:rtype: json, int

:raises sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: when the group does not exist in database
@routes.route('/api/group/get-performance-by-group-and-email', methods=['GET'])
def getPerformanceByGroupAndEmail():


Create a chore

Create a new Chore object and add it to the database.

:param name: name of the chore
:param groupID: the unique ID of the group where the chore will be added
:param description: (optional) more information about the chore

:type name: str
:type groupID: int
:type description: str

:return: chore ID, status code
:rtype: str, int

:raises KeyError: name or group ID was not specified
:raises sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: user or group does not exist
@routes.route('/api/chore/create', methods=['POST'])
def createChore():

Get information about a chore

Get information about a chore.

:param id: the unique ID corresponding to the target chore
:type id: int

:return: a JSON object that contains information about the chore, status code
:rtype: JSON object, int

:raises sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: chore corresponding to the specified ID does not exist
@routes.route('/api/chore/get', methods=['GET'])
def getChoreByID():

Modify name and description of a chore

Modify the name and/or description of a chore.

:param id: the unique ID corresponding to the target chore
:param name: (optional) the new name for the chore
:param description: (optional) the new description for the chore

:type id: int
:type name: str
:type description: str

:return: a message confirming whether the chore was successfully modified, status code
:rtype: str, int

:raises KeyError: chore ID was not specified
:raises sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: chore corresponding to the specified ID does not exist
@routes.route('/api/chore/modify', methods=['PUT'])
def modifyChore():

Assign a chore to a user and set a deadline

Assign a user and/or deadline to a chore.

For initial assignment, email and deadline are required parameters.
For editing the deadline or assigned user later, email and deadline are optional parameters.
Postcondition: both user and deadline must not be null.

:param id: the unique ID corresponding to the target chore
:param email: the email of the user who will be assigned to the chore
:param deadline: the new deadline for the chore (format: "mm/dd/yyyy")

:type id: int
:type email: str
:type deadline: str

:return: a message confirming that the user and deadline have been set, status code
:rtype: str, int

:raises KeyError: chore ID was not specified
:raises sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: chore ID does not exist, or user email does not exist
@routes.route('/api/chore/assign', methods=['PUT'])
def assignUserOrDeadlineToChore():

Complete a chore

User completes a chore.

Precondition: chore must be assigned to a user and have a deadline.

:param id: the unique ID corresponding to the target chore
:type id: int

:return: a message confirming that the chore was successfully completed, status code
:rtype: str, int

:raises KeyError: chore ID was not specified
:raises sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: chore corresponding to the specified ID does not exist
@routes.route('/api/chore/complete', methods=['PUT'])
def completeChore():

Delete a chore

Delete a Chore object from the database.

:param id: the unique ID corresponding to the target chore
:type id: int

:return: a message confirming whether the chore was successfully deleted, status code
:rtype: str, int

:raises KeyError: chore ID was not specified
:raises sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: chore corresponding to the specified ID does not exist
@routes.route('/api/chore/delete', methods=['DELETE'])
def deleteChore():


Create a user
  "email": "", 
  "firstName": "Pusheen11", 
  "lastName": "Code11",
  "username": "username11"
Create a group
  "email": "", 
  "groupName": "123"
Add a person to a group
  "groupID": 1, 
  "listOfEmails" : [""]
Create a chore
  "name": "wash", 
  "groupID": 1
Assign a chore to a person
  "id": 1, 
  "email": "",
  "deadline":"07/28/2020, 18:54"


CS 130 Project






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  • Swift 64.8%
  • Python 35.2%