def LoadSounds(): pGame = App.Game_GetCurrentGame() # Get the Bridge sound region and put these sounds in that region. pBridgeRegion = App.TGSoundRegion_GetRegion("bridge") # Make sure the region has no filters muting it.. pBridgeRegion.SetFilter(App.TGSoundRegion.FT_NONE) for sFile, sSound, fVolume in ( ("sfx/bridge2.loop.wav", "AmbBridge", 1.0), ("sfx/redalert.wav", "RedAlertSound", 1.0), ("sfx/yellowalert.wav", "YellowAlertSound", 1.0), ("sfx/greenalert.wav", "GreenAlertSound", 1.0), ("sfx/critical.wav", "CollisionAlertSound", 1.0), ("sfx/hail.wav", "ViewOn", 1.0), ("sfx/ViewscreenOff.WAV", "ViewOff", 1.0), ("sfx/Bridge/console_explo_01.wav", "ConsoleExplosion1", 0.5), ("sfx/Bridge/console_explo_02.wav", "ConsoleExplosion2", 0.5), ("sfx/Bridge/console_explo_03.wav", "ConsoleExplosion3", 0.5), ("sfx/Bridge/console_explo_04.wav", "ConsoleExplosion4", 0.5), ("sfx/Bridge/console_explo_05.wav", "ConsoleExplosion5", 0.5), ("sfx/Bridge/console_explo_06.wav", "ConsoleExplosion6", 0.5), ("sfx/Bridge/console_explo_07.wav", "ConsoleExplosion7", 0.5), ("sfx/Bridge/console_explo_08.wav", "ConsoleExplosion8", 0.5), ("sfx/Bridge/bridge_loop_warp.wav", "InSystemWarp", 1.0), ): pSound = pGame.LoadSoundInGroup(sFile, sSound, "BridgeGeneric") pBridgeRegion.AddSound(pSound) pSound.SetVolume(fVolume)
def get_serials_from_index_page(block_class): items = [] content = App.http_request(URL) if content: html = BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser') block = html.find(class_=block_class) if block is not None: for serial in block.find_all('li'): link = serial.find('a') img = link.find('img') url = link.get('href') cover = img.get('src') label = img.get('title') items.append({ 'label': label, 'thumb': cover, 'art': { 'poster': cover }, 'url': P.get_url(action='ns_serial_seasons', url=url) }) return App.create_listing(items, content='tvshows')
def test_logout_attempt_assign_afterwards(self): # assume user logged in a = App() result = a.command('logout') self.assertEquals(result, 'Logout successful.') result = a.command('assign TA') self.assertEquals(result, 'Command unavailable. No user logged in.')
def co_index(params): # response = App.http_request(URL, response='headers') # if 'set-cookie' in response: # for resp in response['set-cookie'].split(';'): # keyvalue = resp.split('=') # if (keyvalue[0] == 'PHPSESSID'): # STORAGE['cookie'] = resp # break return [{ 'label': '[ Поиск ]', 'icon': App.get_media('find'), 'url': P.get_url(action='co_search') }, { 'label': App.format_bold('Новинки'), 'url': P.get_url(action='co_movies', order_id='0') }, { 'label': 'Популярное', 'url': P.get_url(action='co_bestsellers') }, { 'label': 'По жанрам', 'url': P.get_url(action='co_genres') }, { 'label': 'Лучшие по версии IMDB', 'url': P.get_url(action='co_movies', order_id='2') }, { 'label': 'Лучшие по версии КиноПоиск', 'url': P.get_url(action='co_movies', order_id='9') }]
def co_bestsellers(params): items = [] content = App.http_request(API, 'POST', {'action[0]': 'Video.getBestsellers'}) if content: data = json.loads(content)['json'][0]['response'] for category in data['bestsellers']: for movie in category['movies']: cover = get_bigger_cover(movie['cover']) items.append({ 'label': App.replace_html_codes('[B]%s[/B] %s' % (movie['name'], category['name'])), 'thumb': cover, 'fanart': cover, 'art': { 'poster': cover }, 'info': { 'video': { 'year': movie['year'], } }, 'url': P.get_url(action='co_movie', id=movie['movie_id']) }) return App.create_listing(items, content='movies')
def plotly_data(interface): bottle.response.content_type = 'application/json; charset=UTF8' json_blob = json.loads(json_filtered(interface)) App.vnstat_graph(json_blob) return json.dumps(json_blob)
def test_logout_login_again(self): # assume user logged in a = App() result = a.command('logout') self.assertEquals(result, 'Logout successful.') result = a.command('login username password') self.assertEquals(result, 'Login successful.')
def nm_top(params): items = [] content = App.http_request(URL + '/movie/') if content: html = BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser') block = html.find(class_='charts-block') if block is not None: for movie in block.find_all(class_='changed'): link = movie.find('a') img = link.find('img') id = link.get('href').split('=')[1] cover = img.get('src') label = img.get('title') items.append({ 'label': label, 'thumb': cover, 'art': { 'poster': cover }, 'url': P.get_url(action='nm_movie', id=id) }) return App.create_listing(items, content='movies')
def ToggleSelection(pObject, pEvent): pMyShip = ftb.ShipHandlers.GetShip(App.Game_GetCurrentPlayer()) pButton = App.STButton_Cast(pEvent.GetSource()) if(pButton.IsChosen()): pMyShip.lSecondaryTargets.append(ftb.ShipHandlers.GetTargetByIdx(pEvent.GetInt())) else: pMyShip.lSecondaryTargets.remove(ftb.ShipHadnlers.GetTargetByIdx(pEvent.GetInt()))
def create_movie_item(episode_url, label, cover): item = {} content = App.http_request(URL + episode_url) if content: video_id = re.compile('<param value="config=.+?__(.+?)" name="flashvars">').findall(content)[0] content = App.http_request('%s/?%s' % (API, urllib.urlencode({ 'service': 'video', 'action': 'video', 'id': video_id }))) if content: movie = json.loads(content)['video'] item = { 'label': label, 'thumb': cover, 'art': { 'poster': cover }, 'stream_info': { 'video': { 'duration': App.timestring2seconds(movie['duration']) } }, 'info': { 'video': { 'plot': '' if App.get_skin_name() == 'skin.confluence' else movie['raw_description'] } }, 'url': movie['download']['flv'], 'is_playable': True, } return item
def test_assign_nonexistant_TA_as_supervisor(self): # Assume user logged in as supervisor a = App() result = a.command('assign TA') self.assertEquals(result, 'Name or username?: ') result = a.respond_to_prompt('Kurt Cobain') self.assertEquals(result, 'TA does not exist.')
def ValidaPrecoMymoney(): App.AbrirOrders() Principal.AcessarFormularioDeOrders() Order.EscolherProduto('MyMoney') Order.ValidarPreco('$100') Order.ClicarCancelar() App.FecharOrders()
def ns_serials_by_genre(params): items = [] P.log_error(params.url) content = App.http_request(URL + params.url) if content: html = BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser') block = html.find(class_='serials-list') for serial in block.find_all('li'): link = serial.find('a') img = link.find('img') url = link.get('href') cover = img.get('src') label = img.get('title').strip() items.append({ 'label': label, 'thumb': cover, 'art': { 'poster': cover }, 'url': P.get_url(action='ns_serial_seasons', url=url) }) return App.create_listing(items, content='tvshows')
def ts_index(params): items = [] content = App.http_request(URL + '/show') if content: items.append({ 'label': '[ Поиск ]', 'url': P.get_url(action='ts_search'), 'icon': App.get_media('find') }) items.append({ 'label': App.format_bold('Последние поступления'), 'url': P.get_url(action='ts_last_added'), }) html = BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser') categories = html.find(id='filter-category') for option in categories.find_all('option'): id = option.get('value') if id == '0': continue label = option.get_text() items.append({ 'label': label, 'url': P.get_url(action='ts_category', id=id) }) return App.create_listing(items)
def get_description(info): description = '' if 'description' in info: description = info['description'] if 'long_description' in info: description = info['long_description'] director = App.STR_NO_DATA if 'directors' in info: director = App.explode_info_string(info['directors']) # name_original = info['international_name'] rating = get_movie_rating_value(info, 'rating_imdb_count', 'rating_imdb_value') if rating == '': rating = get_movie_rating_value(info, 'rating_kinopoisk_count', 'rating_kinopoisk_value') return App.format_description( country=App.explode_info_string(info['countries']) if 'countries' in info else '', genre='' if App.get_skin_name() != 'skin.estuary' else App.explode_info_string(info['genres']) if 'genres' in info else '', description=description.replace('<br>', '\n').encode('utf-8'), director=director, rating=rating)
def WatchShipLeave(pAction, sSet, sObjectName, sCamera = "CutsceneCam"): pSet = App.g_kSetManager.GetSet(sSet) if not pSet: return 0 pCamera = App.CameraObjectClass_GetObject(pSet, sCamera) if not pCamera: return 0 pAction = App.TGScriptAction_Create("Actions.CameraScriptActions", "DropAndWatch", sSet, sObjectName) pAction.Play() pMode = pCamera.GetCurrentCameraMode() if not pMode: return 0 pMode.SetAttrFloat("AwayDistance", -1.0) pMode.SetAttrFloat("ForwardOffset", -7.0) pMode.SetAttrFloat("SideOffset", -7.0) pMode.SetAttrFloat("RangeAngle1", 230.0) pMode.SetAttrFloat("RangeAngle2", 310.0) pMode.SetAttrFloat("RangeAngle3", -10.0) pMode.SetAttrFloat("RangeAngle4", 10.0) pMode.Update() pMode.SetAttrFloat("AwayDistance", 100000.0) return 0
def SetCameraPositionAndFacing(pAction, sSetName, sCameraName, fPosX, fPosY, fPosZ, fFwdX, fFwdY, fFwdZ, fUpX, fUpY, fUpZ): pSet = App.g_kSetManager.GetSet(sSetName) if (pSet == None): return 0 pCamera = App.CameraObjectClass_GetObject(pSet, sCameraName) if (pCamera == None): return 0 kPoint = App.TGPoint3() kPoint.SetXYZ(fPosX, fPosY, fPosZ) kFwd = App.TGPoint3() kFwd.SetXYZ(fFwdX, fFwdY, fFwdZ) kUp = App.TGPoint3() kUp.SetXYZ(fUpX, fUpY, fUpZ) pCamera.SetTranslate(kPoint) pCamera.AlignToVectors(kFwd, kUp) return 0
def test_editCourse(self): a = App() result = a.command('edit Course') # will fail: # if TA/Instructors attempt to edit course # if course doesnot exist self.assertEqual(result, 'course edited successfully')
def SetViewscreenCamera(pAction, sSetName, sCameraName = None): pBridge = App.BridgeSet_Cast(App.g_kSetManager.GetSet("bridge")) pSet = App.g_kSetManager.GetSet(sSetName) if (pBridge == None) or (pSet == None): return 0 pViewscreen = pBridge.GetViewScreen() if (sCameraName != None): pCamera = App.CameraObjectClass_GetObject(pSet, sCameraName) else: pCamera = pSet.GetActiveCamera() if (pCamera == None): # Try getting the player's camera from the game. pCamera = App.Game_GetPlayerCamera() if (pCamera == None): # Try getting "MainPlayerCamera". pCamera = App.CameraObjectClass_GetObject(pSet, "MainPlayerCamera") if (pViewscreen == None) or (pCamera == None): return 0 pViewscreen.SetRemoteCam(pCamera) pViewscreen.SetIsOn(1) return 0
def CreateAndPopulateBridgeSet(): # kDebugObj.Print("Creating the generic bridge set") pBridgeSet = App.BridgeSet_Create() App.g_kSetManager.AddSet(pBridgeSet, "bridge") # Create ambient light source pBridgeSet.CreateAmbientLight(1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 0.7000000, "ambientlight1") pLight = pBridgeSet.GetLight("ambientlight1") pLight.UnilluminateEntireSet() CreateCharacterMenus() # Load bridge characters Bridge.Characters.Felix.CreateCharacter(pBridgeSet) Bridge.Characters.Kiska.CreateCharacter(pBridgeSet) Bridge.Characters.Saffi.CreateCharacter(pBridgeSet) Bridge.Characters.Miguel.CreateCharacter(pBridgeSet) Bridge.Characters.Brex.CreateCharacter(pBridgeSet) # Load some random extras... import MissionLib for i in range(3): pcPath = None if (App.g_kSystemWrapper.GetRandomNumber(2) == 0): pcPath = "Bridge.Characters.FemaleExtra" + str(i + 1) else: pcPath = "Bridge.Characters.MaleExtra" + str(i + 1) pModule = __import__(pcPath) pModule.CreateCharacter(pBridgeSet) # Load up the generic bridge sounds LoadSounds() # Ambient looping bridge SFX pSound = App.g_kSoundManager.GetSound("AmbBridge") if (pSound != None): pSound.SetLooping(1) pSound.SetPriority(1.0) pSound.Play() # Setup the handler function, if it hasn't been setup already global ET_BRIDGE_BEEP, g_idBeepTimer if (ET_BRIDGE_BEEP == 0): ET_BRIDGE_BEEP = App.Game_GetNextEventType() pGame = App.Game_GetCurrentGame() pGame.AddPythonFuncHandlerForInstance(ET_BRIDGE_BEEP, "LoadBridge.BridgeBeep") g_idBeepTimer = App.NULL_ID # Start off the beeping immediately #NewBeep(0) # Preload any common animations common to multiple bridges PreloadCommonAnimations() # kDebugObj.Print("End of creating the generic bridge set") return pBridgeSet
def LaunchShip(pObject, pEvent): global pLaunchButton, launchTypeSave, launchTypeSaveNum, ShuttleLaunchShip, pShipMenu pLaunchShip = MissionLib.GetShip(ShuttleLaunchShip) pFTBCarrier = ftb.ShipManager.GetShip(pLaunchShip) if not pFTBCarrier: # Our previous Ship maybe destroyed pShipMenu.SetName(App.TGString("None" + " " + "Selected")) return if pLaunchShip.IsCloaked(): # No we can't launch Ships while cloaked print("Sorry, can't launch while cloaked") return launcherIndex = pEvent.GetInt() if not hasattr( pFTBCarrier, "GetLaunchers" ): # Our previous Ship maybe destroyed or is not configured to have Shuttles pShipMenu.SetName(App.TGString("None" + " " + "Selected")) return pFTBLauncher = pFTBCarrier.GetLaunchers()[launcherIndex] sShipName = pFTBLauncher.GetLaunchType() # test for the right selection here. if (launchTypeSaveNum != pFTBLauncher.GetNumLaunches(sShipName) or str(launchTypeSave) != str(sShipName)): ToggleLaunchType(None, None) return pFTBLauncher.LaunchShip(sShipName) if (pFTBLauncher.HasMoreLaunches(sShipName) == 0): pFTBLauncher.NextLaunchType() launchTypeSave = pFTBLauncher SetToggleLaunchButton() pLaunchButton[launcherIndex].SetDisabled()
def SetToggleLaunchButton(): global ButtonToggleLaunchType, launchTypeSave, launchTypeSaveNum, pLaunchButton, ShuttleLaunchShip pLaunchShip = MissionLib.GetShip(ShuttleLaunchShip) pFTBCarrier = ftb.ShipManager.GetShip(pLaunchShip) if not hasattr( pFTBCarrier, "GetLaunchers" ): # Our previous Ship maybe destroyed or is not configured to have Shuttles pShipMenu.SetName(App.TGString("None" + " " + "Selected")) return pFTBLauncher = pFTBCarrier.GetLaunchers() numTypes = len(pFTBLauncher) launcherIndex = 0 # cycle our whole Shuttle Type list for index in range(numTypes): launchType = pFTBLauncher[index].GetLaunchType() numLaunches = pFTBLauncher[index].GetNumLaunches(launchType) buttonLabel = launchType + ": " + str(numLaunches) ButtonToggleLaunchType.SetName(App.TGString(buttonLabel)) launcherIndex = index # Test if the the Start Button is disabled but we still have Shuttles if (numLaunches > 0 and not pLaunchButton[launcherIndex].IsEnabled()): # Now lets make the launching Framework operational again. pLaunchButton[launcherIndex].SetEnabled() launcher = ftb.LauncherManager.GetLauncher( ReturnShuttles.GetFirstShuttleBayName(), pLaunchShip) launcher.SetClearToLaunch(1) # Saves the vars. We can use them for testing later. launchTypeSave = launchType launchTypeSaveNum = numLaunches
def start(): global skautis_token skautis_token =['skautIS_Token'] App.checker(skautis_token, App.cfg['unit']) logout_link = App.skautis.get_logout_url(skautis_token) response.body = logout_link skautis_token = None return response
def FixCollisions(pShip): pSet = pShip.GetContainingSet() pPlayer = App.ShipClass_GetObject(pSet, "Player") if pPlayer != None: pShip.EnableCollisionsWith(pPlayer, 1) else: pPlayer = App.ShipClass_GetObject(pSet, "player") pShip.EnableCollisionsWith(pPlayer, 1)
def ToggleSecondaryTarget(pObject, pEvent): pPlayer = App.Game_GetCurrentPlayer() if pPlayer: pMyShip = GetShip(pPlayer) #pMyShip.ToggleSecondaryTarget( GetTargetByIdx( pEvent.GetInt())) if pPlayer.GetTarget(): pMyShip.ToggleSecondaryTarget( App.ShipClass_Cast(pPlayer.GetTarget()))
def test_logout_login_as_other_user(self): # assume user logged in as Supervisor(username) # assume otherusername exists in the system and is a TA a = App() result = a.command('logout') self.assertEquals(result, 'Logout successful') result = a.command('login otherusername otherpassword') self.assertEquals(result, 'Login successful.') result = a.command('assign TA') self.assertEquals(result, 'Command unavailable.')
def test_assign_TA_to_nonexistant_course_as_supervisor(self): # Assume user logged in as supervisor # Assume TA exists a = App() result = a.command('assign TA') self.assertEquals(result, 'Name or Username?: ') result = a.respond_to_prompt('Grant Wheeler') self.assertEquals(result, 'Course?: ') result = a.respond_to_prompt('CS575') self.assertEqual(result, 'Course does not exist.')
def GetFirstShuttleBayName(sFiringShipName=None): if not App.Game_GetCurrentPlayer().GetName(): return if not sFiringShipName: sFiringShipName = App.Game_GetCurrentPlayer().GetName() ShuttleBayName = GetOEPs(sFiringShipName) #calling Sim Rex's Function if not ShuttleBayName: return return ShuttleBayName[0] # yes, thats the easy Version ;)
def co_movie(params): items = [] request_data = sorted([ ('action[0]', 'Video.getMovie'), ('movie_id[0]', ]) content = App.http_request(API, 'POST', request_data) if content: movie = json.loads(content)['json'][0]['response']['movie'] cover = '{0}/{1}'.format(URL, movie['covers'][0]['thumbnail']) for file in movie['files']: duration = '' url = P.get_url(action='co_movie_playlist', id=movie['movie_id']) if file['is_dir']: label = App.replace_html_codes(movie['name'] + ' Плейлист'.decode('utf-8')) else: label = file['name'] if len(movie['files']) > 1 else movie['name'] url = file['path'].replace('/home/video/', '') duration = file['metainfo']['playtime_seconds'] items.append( { 'label': label, 'thumb': cover, 'art': { 'poster': cover }, 'stream_info': { 'video': { 'duration': duration } }, 'info': { 'video': { 'plot': get_description(movie), 'year': movie['year'], 'mpaa': movie['mpaa'], 'title': movie['name'], 'originaltitle': movie['international_name'], } }, 'url': url, 'is_playable': not(file['is_dir']), 'is_folder': not(file['is_dir']), } ) if file['is_dir']: break return App.create_listing(items, content='movies')
def co_movie(params): items = [] request_data = sorted([('action[0]', 'Video.getMovie'), ('movie_id[0]',]) content = App.http_request(API, 'POST', request_data) if content: movie = json.loads(content)['json'][0]['response']['movie'] cover = '{0}/{1}'.format(URL, movie['covers'][0]['thumbnail']) for file in movie['files']: duration = '' url = P.get_url(action='co_movie_playlist', id=movie['movie_id']) if file['is_dir']: label = App.replace_html_codes( movie['name'] + ' Плейлист'.decode('utf-8')) else: label = file['name'] if len( movie['files']) > 1 else movie['name'] url = file['path'].replace('/home/video/', '') duration = file['metainfo']['playtime_seconds'] items.append({ 'label': label, 'thumb': cover, 'art': { 'poster': cover }, 'stream_info': { 'video': { 'duration': duration } }, 'info': { 'video': { 'plot': get_description(movie), 'year': movie['year'], 'mpaa': movie['mpaa'], 'title': movie['name'], 'originaltitle': movie['international_name'], } }, 'url': url, 'is_playable': not (file['is_dir']), 'is_folder': not (file['is_dir']), }) if file['is_dir']: break return App.create_listing(items, content='movies')
def CreateIntButton(name, eventType, eventDest, intVal, tglDatabase=None): button = None event = App.TGIntEvent_Create() event.SetEventType(eventType) event.SetInt(intVal) event.SetDestination(eventDest) if (tglDatabase == None): button = App.STButton_Create(name, event) else: button = App.STButton_CreateW(tglDatabase.GetString(name), event) return button
def test_assign_TA_not_assigned_to_course(self): # Assume user logged in as instructor # Assume TA exists # Assume TA NOT assigned to course by supervisor a = App() result = a.command('assign TA') self.assertEquals(result, 'Name or Username?: ') result = a.respond_to_prompt('wheelerg') self.assertEquals(result, 'Course?: ') result = a.respond_to_prompt('CS361') self.assertEqual(result, 'TA not assigned to this course.')
def stop(): response = App.status() if not response: print 'Service ' + __service__ + ' not running.' return status = App.shutdown() if status is None or status != 200: print 'E: unable to stop ' + __service__ + ' server (unknown error).' exit(1) print 'Service ' + __service__ + ' stopped.'
def co_movie_playlist(params): items = [] xbmc.executebuiltin('ActivateWindow(busydialog)') request_data = sorted([ ('action[0]', 'Video.getMovie'), ('movie_id[0]', ]) content = App.http_request(API, 'POST', request_data) if content: movie = json.loads(content)['json'][0]['response']['movie'] cover = '{0}/{1}'.format(URL, movie['covers'][0]['thumbnail']) for file in movie['files']: if file['is_dir']: continue url = file['path'].replace('/home/video/', '') items.append( { 'label': file['name'], 'thumb': cover, 'art': { 'poster': cover }, 'stream_info': { 'video': { 'duration': file['metainfo']['playtime_seconds'] } }, 'info': { 'video': { 'plot': get_description(movie), 'year': movie['year'], 'mpaa': movie['mpaa'], 'title': '%s: %s' % (movie['name'], file['name']), 'originaltitle': movie['international_name'], } }, 'url': url, 'is_playable': True } ) xbmc.executebuiltin('Dialog.Close(busydialog)') if len(items) > 0: App.create_playlist(items) xbmc.executebuiltin('ActivateWindow(VideoPlaylist)') else: App.noty('playlist_empty')
def co_genres(params): items = [] content = App.http_request(API, 'POST', {'action[0]': 'Video.getGenres'}) if content: data = json.loads(content)['json'][0]['response']['genres'] for genre in data: label = App.replace_html_codes( '[B]%s[/B] %s' % (genre['name'], genre['count']) ) items.append( { 'label': label, 'url': P.get_url(action='co_movies', order_id='0', genre_id=genre['id']) } ) return App.create_listing(items)
def ns_serial_seasons(params): items = [] content = App.http_request(URL + params.url) if content: html = BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser') name = App.bs_get_text(html.find('h1')).strip() description = html.find(class_='serial-description') year = '' plot = App.STR_NO_DATA cover = '' if description is not None: cover = description.find('img').get('src') description_text = App.bs_get_text(description.find(class_='text')).encode('utf-8') year = re_compile_or_no_data('Год(.+?)\n', description_text) country = re_compile_or_no_data('Страна(.+?)\n', description_text) if country == App.STR_NO_DATA: country = re_compile_or_no_data('Производство(.+?)\n', description_text) genre = re_compile_or_no_data('Жанр(.+?)\n', description_text) director = re_compile_or_no_data('Режиссер(.+?)\n', description_text) plot = re_compile_or_no_data('\n(.+?)\n \n', description_text) plot = App.format_description(description=plot, country=country, genre=genre, director=director) season_headers = html.find_all(class_='panel-title') items.append({ 'label': App.replace_html_codes('%s Все сезоны'.decode('utf-8') % App.format_bold(name)), 'thumb': cover, 'art': { 'poster': cover }, 'info': { 'video': { 'plot': plot, 'year': year } }, 'url': P.get_url(action='ns_serial_season_episodes', url=params.url, season_number='-1') }) for season_header in season_headers: label = App.bs_get_text(season_header.find('h2')) season_number = label.split(' ')[1] items.append({ 'label': label, 'thumb': cover, 'art': { 'poster': cover }, 'url': P.get_url(action='ns_serial_season_episodes', url=params.url, season_number=season_number) }) return App.create_listing(items, content='tvshows')
def co_search(params): items = [] query = App.keyboard(heading='Поиск') if query is None: pass elif query != '': content = App.http_request(URL + '/suggestion.php?' + urllib.urlencode({'q': query})) if content: movies = json.loads(content)['json'][0]['response']['movies'] for movie in movies: cover = get_bigger_cover(movie['cover']) items.append({ 'label': movie['name'], 'thumb': cover, 'art': { 'poster': cover }, 'info': { 'video': { 'year': movie['year'], } }, 'url': P.get_url(action='co_movie', id=movie['movie_id']) }) if len(items) == 0: App.noty('no_search_results') else: App.noty('no_search_results') return App.create_listing(items, content='movies')
def get_pagination(current, total, size, offset, params): items = [] current = int(current) total = int(total) size = int(size) offset = int(offset) pages = { 'total': total if (size == 0 and offset == 0) else int(math.ceil(total / size + 1)), 'current': current if (current > 0) else 1 } if pages['total'] < pages['current']: pages['current'] = pages['total'] if pages['current'] > 1: items.append({ 'label': App.replace_html_codes('[B]<[/B] Предыдущая страница'.decode('utf-8')), 'icon': App.get_media('prev'), 'url': P.get_url( action='co_movies', order_id=params.order_id, genre_id=params.genre_id, page=pages['current'] - 1 - offset ) }) if pages['current'] < pages['total']: items.append({ 'label': App.replace_html_codes('[B]>[/B] Следующая страница'.decode('utf-8')), 'icon': App.get_media('next'), 'url': P.get_url( action='co_movies', order_id=params.order_id, genre_id=params.genre_id, page=pages['current'] + 1 - offset ) }) pages = { 'total': int(math.ceil(total / size + 1)), 'current': offset / size + 1 } return items
def status(): response = App.status() if response is None: print 'Service ' + __service__ + ' stopped.' return if 'name' in response and response['name'] == __service__: print 'Service ' + __service__ + ' running on port ' + str(App.Http.PORT) + '.' else: print 'Another service running on port ' + str(App.Http.PORT) + '.'
def ns_search(params): items = [] query = App.keyboard(heading='Поиск') if query is None: pass elif query != '': query = query.decode('utf-8').lower() serials = get_serials_list() for serial in serials: if serial['title'].lower().find(query) > -1: cover = serial['cover'] items.append({ 'label': serial['title'], 'thumb': cover, 'art': { 'poster': cover }, 'url': P.get_url(action='ns_serial_seasons', url=serial['url']) }) if len(items) == 0: App.noty('no_search_results') else: App.noty('no_search_results') return App.create_listing(items, content='tvshows')
def ns_index(params): items = [{ 'label': '[ Поиск ]', 'icon': App.get_media('find'), 'url': P.get_url(action='ns_search') }, { 'label': App.format_bold('Популярные'), 'url': P.get_url(action='ns_top') }, { 'label': App.format_bold('Новые серии'), 'url': P.get_url(action='ns_new_episodes') }, { 'label': App.format_bold('Новые сериалы'), 'url': P.get_url(action='ns_new_serials') }] content = App.http_request(URL) if content: html = BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser') block = html.find(class_='categories-menu') if block is not None: for genre in block.find_all('a'): label = App.bs_get_text(genre) url = genre.get('href').split('=') url[1] = urllib.quote(url[1].encode('utf-8')) url = '='.join(url) items.append({ 'label': label, 'url': P.get_url(action='ns_serials_by_genre', url=url) }) return items
def get_description(info): description = '' if 'description' in info: description = info['description'] if 'long_description' in info: description = info['long_description'] director = App.STR_NO_DATA if 'directors' in info: director = App.explode_info_string(info['directors']) # name_original = info['international_name'] rating = get_movie_rating_value(info, 'rating_imdb_count', 'rating_imdb_value') if rating == '': rating = get_movie_rating_value(info, 'rating_kinopoisk_count', 'rating_kinopoisk_value') return App.format_description( country=App.explode_info_string(info['countries']) if 'countries' in info else '', genre='' if App.get_skin_name() != 'skin.estuary' else App.explode_info_string(info['genres']) if 'genres' in info else '', description=description.replace('<br>', '\n').encode('utf-8'), director=director, rating=rating )
def ns_serial_season_episodes(params): items = [] xbmc.executebuiltin('ActivateWindow(busydialog)') content = App.http_request(URL + params.url) if content: html = BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser') serial_name = App.bs_get_text(html.find('h1')).strip() season_headers = html.find_all(class_='panel-title') for season_header in season_headers: try: season_name = App.bs_get_text(season_header.find('h2')) season_number = season_name.split(' ')[1] if params.season_number == '-1' or params.season_number == season_number: episodes_block = season_header.parent.find(class_='videos-pane') for episode in episodes_block.find_all('li'): try: link = episode.find('a').get('href') cover = episode.find('img').get('src') episode_number = App.bs_get_text(episode.find(class_='grey')).split(' ')[0] label = App.replace_html_codes('%s %sx%s' % (serial_name, season_number, episode_number)) items.append(create_movie_item(link, label, cover)) except: P.log_error(traceback.format_exc()) except: P.log_error(traceback.format_exc()) xbmc.executebuiltin('Dialog.Close(busydialog)') if len(items) > 0: App.create_playlist(items) xbmc.executebuiltin('ActivateWindow(VideoPlaylist)') else: App.noty('playlist_empty')
def start(): response = App.status() if response is None: pass elif response == False: print 'Unable to start service on ' + App.Http.ADDRESS + ':' + str(App.Http.PORT) + ' (address in use?).' return else: print 'Service ' + __service__ + ' already running.' return try: print 'Starting ' + __service__ + ' service (' + App.Http.NAME + ' on ' + str(App.Http.ADDRESS) + ':' + str(App.Http.PORT) + ')...' App.start() print 'Signal SHUTDOWN received, shutting down ' + __service__ + ' service.' App.stop() except KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit: print 'Signal SIGINT received, shutting down ' + __service__ + ' service.' App.stop()
def __init__(self, ifile='-', ofile='-'): App.__init__(self) # call superclass init self.setInput(ifile or + '.in') # default i/o filenames self.setOutput(ofile or + '.out') # unless '-i', '-o' args
import App as app
def command(self, c): c = c.strip() if c == "help": print("""Welcome to the Key Server Admin! ** [Verb] [Type] [Optional Param] ** Verbs: - List = List out all the specified TYPE ex. list app - Create = Create a new TYPE ex. create user - Update = Update a TYPE, the item to modify is specified as an additional parameter ex. update app test - Delete = Delete a TYPE, the item to delete is specified as an additional parameter ex. delete param url Types: - app = Applications - Act like folders for Parameters - key = API Key - used by clients to fetch params - param = Parameter, requires an app to be selected - user = Admin User ** select [App_Name] ** Select allows you to select an application to work with. This is required when you want to modify parameters. ** exit ** If an app is currently selected, goes back to home. If no app is currently selected, quits the admin CLI ** help ** Lists this help info""") elif c.lower().__contains__("select"): try: target_app = c.split(" ")[1] except IndexError: print("Invalid select condition - please specify which app you want to select") return if target_app in App.list_apps(self.username, self.password): CLI.current_app = target_app else: print("That is not a valid app name, type 'list apps' to see all the current apps.") elif c.lower().__contains__("list"): try: list_item = c.lower().split(" ")[1] except IndexError: print("Invalid list condition - please specify what you want to list") return if list_item.__contains__("-h") or list_item.__contains__("help"): print("""List allows you to list out different applications, keys, users, and parameters. ** list [type] ** type `help` to list out all the types and their roles In order to list parameters, an application needs to be selected.""") elif list_item.__contains__("users"): for u in User.list_users(self.username, self.password): print("\t%s (%s)" % (u['username'], u['email'])) elif list_item.__contains__("apps"): for a in App.list_apps(self.username, self.password): print("\t" + a) elif list_item.__contains__("key"): for k in Key.list_keys(self.username, self.password): print ("\t%s (%s)\n" "\t\t Permissions: %s" % (k["application_name"], k["application_key"], k["permissions"])) elif list_item.__contains__("param"): if CLI.current_app == "": print("Cannot list params when no app is selected") else: for p in Param.list_params(self.username, self.password, CLI.current_app): print("\t%s = %s" % (p['name'], p['value'])) else: print("Unknown List Command - type `list -h` or `list help` for help.") elif c.lower().__contains__("create"): try: create_item = c.lower().split(" ")[1] except IndexError: print("Invalid create condition - please specify what you want to create") return if create_item.__contains__("-h") or create_item.__contains__("help"): print("""Create allows you to create new applications, keys, users, and parameters ** create [type] ** type `help` to list out all the types and their roles In order to create parameters, an application needs to be selected.""") elif create_item.__contains__("user"): while True: username = raw_input("\tUsername: "******"\tPassword: "******"\tConfirm Password: "******"Passwords do not match. Try Again.") email = raw_input("\tEmail: ").strip() conf = raw_input("\n\tUsername: %s\n\tPassword: %s\n\tEmail: %s\n\tIs this correct [Y/n]" % (username, password, email)).strip() if conf.lower() == "y" or conf == "": user = User.create_new(self.username, self.password, username, password, email) print("Created New User: %s" % user["username"]) break elif create_item.__contains__("app"): while True: app_name = raw_input("\tApplication Name: ").strip() conf = raw_input("\n\tApplication Name: %s\n\tIs this correct [Y/n]" % app_name).strip() if conf.lower() == "y" or conf == "": app = App.create_app(self.username, self.password, app_name) print("Created New App: %s" % app["name"]) break elif create_item.__contains__("key"): while True: application_name = raw_input("\tApplication Name: ").strip() print("\tIn case you need a refresher... Application permissions are as follows:\n" "\t\t* use +app_name to whitelist the key for that app\n" "\t\t* use -app_name to blacklist the key for that app\n" "\t\t* use NO to revoke the key\n" "\t\t* or use ALL to grant the key access to all apps") permissions = raw_input("\tApplication Permissions: ").strip() if permissions == "": permissions = "ALL" conf = raw_input("\n\tName: %s\n\tPermissions: %s\n\tIs this correct [Y/n]" % ( application_name, permissions)).strip() if conf.lower() == "y" or conf == "": key = Key.create_key(self.username, self.password, application_name, permissions) print("Created New Key: %s" % key["application_key"]) break elif create_item.__contains__("param"): if CLI.current_app == "": print("Cannot create param when no app is selected") else: while True: param_name = raw_input("\tParameter Name: ").strip() param_value = raw_input("\tParameter Value: ").strip() conf = raw_input( "\n\tParameter Name: %s\n\tParameter Value: %s\n\tIs this correct [Y/n]" % (param_name, param_value)) \ .strip() if conf.lower() == "y" or conf == "": param = Param.create_param(self.username, self.password, CLI.current_app, param_name, param_value) print("Created New Parameter: %s" % param["name"]) break else: print("Unknown Create Command - type `create -h` or `create help` for help.") elif c.lower().__contains__("update"): try: update_item = c.lower().split(" ")[1] except IndexError: print("Invalid update condition - please specify what you want to update") return try: update_item_name = c.split(" ")[2] except IndexError: print("Invalid update condition - please specify which %s you want to update." % update_item) return if update_item.__contains__("-h") or update_item.__contains__("help"): print("""Update allows you to update existing applications, keys, users, and parameters ** update [type] [username/applicationName/applicationKey/parameterName]** type `help` to list out all the types and their roles In order to create parameters, an application needs to be selected.""") elif update_item.__contains__("user"): user_info = User.list_users(self.username, self.password) for u in user_info: if u['username'] == update_item_name: user_info = u break while True: password = None while True: password = getpass.getpass("\tNew Password [Leave blank to keep]: ") password_conf = getpass.getpass("\tConfirm New Password: "******"Passwords do not match. Try Again.") email = raw_input("\tEmail [%s]: " % user_info['email']).strip() email = email if email != "" else user_info['email'] conf = raw_input("\n\tUsername: %s\n\tPassword: %s\n\tEmail: %s\n\tIs this correct [Y/n]" % (update_item_name, password, email)).strip() if conf.lower() == "y" or conf == "": user = User.update_user(self.username, self.password, update_item_name, password=password, email=email) # Updating the current user's password, so let's update the one we are using to login to the API if update_item_name == self.username: self.password = password print("Updated User: %s" % user["username"]) break elif update_item.__contains__("key"): key_info = Key.list_keys(self.username, self.password) for k in key_info: if k['application_key'] == update_item_name: key_info = k break while True: application_name = raw_input("\tApplication Name [%s]: " % key_info['application_name']) permissions = raw_input("\tPermissions [%s]: " % key_info['permissions']) conf = raw_input("\n\tName: %s\n\tPermissions: %s\n\tIs this correct [Y/n]" % ( application_name, permissions)).strip() if conf.lower() == "y" or conf == "": key = Key.update_key(self.username, self.password, update_item_name, application_name=application_name, permissions=permissions) print("Updated Key: %s" % key['application_key']) break elif update_item.__contains__("param"): if CLI.current_app == "": print("Cannot update param when no app is selected") else: while True: param_value = raw_input("\tNew Value Value: ").strip() conf = raw_input("\n\tParameter Value: %s\n\tIs this correct [Y/n]" % param_value).strip() if conf.lower() == "y" or conf == "": param = Param.update_param(self.username, self.password, CLI.current_app, update_item_name, param_value) print("Updated Parameter: %s" % param["name"]) break else: print("Unknown Update Command - type `update -h` or `update help` for help.") elif c.lower().__contains__("delete"): try: delete_item = c.lower().split(" ")[1] except IndexError: print("Invalid delete condition - please specify what you want to delete") return try: delete_item_name = c.split(" ")[2] except IndexError: print("Invalid delete condition - please specify which %s you want to delete." % delete_item) return if delete_item.__contains__("-h") or delete_item.__contains__("help"): print("""Delete allows you to remove applications, users, and parameters. Delete revokes keys, which is the only delete action that can be undone; to reactivate a revoked key, update the permissions of the key. ** update [type] [username/applicationName/applicationKey/parameterName]** type `help` to list out all the types and their roles In order to create parameters, an application needs to be selected.""") elif delete_item.__contains__("user"): conf = raw_input("\n\tUsername to remove: %s\n\tIs this correct [Y/n]" % delete_item_name).strip() if conf.lower() == "y" or conf == "": status = User.delete_user(self.username, self.password, delete_item_name) if status: print("User was deleted Successfully") else: print("Problem deleting user, check server logs for details") elif delete_item.__contains__("app"): conf = raw_input("\n\tApplication to remove: %s\n\tIs this correct [Y/n]" % delete_item_name).strip() if conf.lower() == "y" or conf == "": status = App.delete_app(self.username, self.password, delete_item_name) if status: print("App was deleted Successfully") else: print("Problem deleting app, check server logs for details") elif delete_item.__contains__("key"): conf = raw_input("\n\tKey to remove: %s\n\tIs this correct [Y/n]" % delete_item_name).strip() if conf.lower() == "y" or conf == "": status = Key.delete_key(self.username, self.password, delete_item_name) if status: print("Key was Revoked Successfully - to reactivate the Key, update its permissions") else: print("Problem revoking key, check server logs for details") elif delete_item.__contains__("param"): if CLI.current_app == "": print("Cannot delete param when no app is selected") else: conf = raw_input("\n\tParam to remove: %s\n\tIs this correct [Y/n]" % delete_item_name).strip() if conf.lower() == "y" or conf == "": status = Param.delete_param(self.username, self.password, CLI.current_app, delete_item_name) if status: print("Param was deleted Successfully") else: print("Problem deleting param, check server logs for details") else: print("Unknown Delete Command - type `delete -h` or `delete help` for help.") elif c.lower().__contains__("exit"): if CLI.current_app == "": exit(0) else: CLI.current_app = "" else: print("Command not recognized")
def help(self): print '-i <input-file | "-"> (default: stdin or per app)' print '-o <output-file| "-"> (default: stdout or per app)'
import App baselines = [] forests = [] neighbours = [] relations = [] iterations = 10 for i in range(0, iterations): baseline, forest, neighbour, relational = App.main() baselines.append(baseline) forests.append(forest) neighbours.append(neighbour) relations.append(relational) forsets_means = [] neighbours_means = [] relations_means = [] for iteration in range(0, iterations): baseline_count = 0 forest_mean = 0 neighbour_mean = 0 relation_mean = 0 for key in baselines[iteration]: base = baselines[iteration][key]
def co_movies(params): if 'genre_id' not in params: params.genre_id = '' params.refresh = 'page' in params items = [] size = 40 try: if == 'search': last_page = int(params.last_page) - 1 page = int(App.keyboard(heading='Перейти на страницу', numeric=True)) - 1 if page > last_page: page = last_page if page < 0: page = 0 = str(page) else: page = int( except: page = 0 offset = page * size request_data = sorted([ ('action[0]', 'Video.getCatalog'), ('offset[0]', offset), ('size[0]', size), ('order[0]', params.order_id), ('genre[0]', params.genre_id) ]) content = App.http_request(API, 'POST', request_data) if content: data = json.loads(content)['json'][0]['response'] for movie in data['movies']: plot = get_description(movie) id = movie['movie_id'] cover = get_bigger_cover(movie['cover']) label = App.format_bold(movie['name']) items.append( { 'label': label, 'thumb': cover, 'fanart': cover, 'art': { 'poster': cover, }, 'info': { 'video': { 'plot': plot, 'year': movie['year'], 'genre': ' / '.join(movie['genres'][:2]) if 'genres' in movie else '' } }, 'url': P.get_url(action='co_movie', id=id) } ) movies_count = int(data['total']) add_pagination( items, get_pagination((offset / size + 1), movies_count, size, 1, params) ) if movies_count > size: total_pages = int(math.ceil(movies_count / size + 1)) items.insert(0, { 'label': App.replace_html_codes('%s %d / %d' % ('[ Перейти на страницу ]'.decode('utf-8'), page + 1, total_pages)), 'url': P.get_url(action='co_movies', order_id=params.order_id, genre_id=params.genre_id, page='search', last_page=total_pages) }) return App.create_listing(items, content='movies', update_listing=params.refresh)
# coding: utf-8 import App from tkinter import * if __name__ == '__main__': root = Tk() root.title('Деревянный парсер') root.minsize(500, 200) App = App.Application(root) App.mainloop()
sys.path.append('./scripts/libs') import string import Interface import Event import App from chat import * #Chat manager from Interface import * from Event import * from App import * import feedparser ########################################################### ######Global variables I = Interface.get() #Interface manager A = App.get() #Application E = Event.get() #Event manager ########################################################## #####Counter, returns new value every time def counter(): static_counter = 0 while True: static_counter += 1 yield static_counter count = counter().next ######################################################################### #####Function creates simple message box with specified title and name #####Message box has one button - ok and is destroyed by interface manager #####after pressing this button. #####Every new popup window has unique id. def createPopupWindow(title,text):
def get_serials_list(): content = App.http_request(URL) if content: result = re.compile('var list_all_serial = (.+?)}];').findall(content) if len(result) > 0: return json.loads(result[0] + '}]')
return else: print 'Service ' + __service__ + ' already running.' return try: print 'Starting ' + __service__ + ' service (' + App.Http.NAME + ' on ' + str(App.Http.ADDRESS) + ':' + str(App.Http.PORT) + ')...' App.start() print 'Signal SHUTDOWN received, shutting down ' + __service__ + ' service.' App.stop() except KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit: print 'Signal SIGINT received, shutting down ' + __service__ + ' service.' App.stop() except Exception, e: print 'E:', str(e) App.stop() exit(1) def stop(): response = App.status() if not response: print 'Service ' + __service__ + ' not running.' return status = App.shutdown() if status is None or status != 200: print 'E: unable to stop ' + __service__ + ' server (unknown error).' exit(1) print 'Service ' + __service__ + ' stopped.'
def wc_index(params): items = [] # url_format = 'rtmp://' # url_format = '' # url_format = '' # content = App.http_request(URL % '/') # if content: # html = BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser') # container = html.find(class_='view-cameras') # for link in container.find_all('a'): # if link is not None: # url = link.get('href') # content = App.http_request(URL % url) # if content: # html = BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser') # iframe = html.find('iframe') # if iframe is not None: # url = iframe.get('src') # parsed_url = urlparse(url) # url_splitted = url.split('/') # params = parse_qs(parsed_url.query) # if 'token' in params: # token = params['token'][0].strip() # items.append({ # 'label': link.get_text(), # 'url': url_format % (url_splitted[3], token), # 'is_playable': True # }) url = '' content = App.http_request(url) if content: html = BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser') for camera in html.find_all(class_='onemaincam'): try: camera = camera.find(class_='title').find('a') label = App.bs_get_text(camera) href = camera.get('href') content = App.http_request(url + href) if content: html1 = BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser') source = html1.find('source') items.append( { 'label': label, 'url': source.get('src'), 'is_playable': True } ) except: pass kt_cameras = [{ 'label': 'г. Бишкек (Чуй/Советская)', 'url': 'rtmp://' }, { 'label': 'Иссык-Кульская область (с. Бостери)', 'url': 'rtmp://' }, { 'label': 'г. Ош', 'url': 'rtmp://' }] for camera in kt_cameras: items.append( { 'label': camera['label'], 'url': camera['url'], 'is_playable': True } ) return items