Esempio n. 1
def PGal2J(Glong, Glat):
    """ Convert Galactic coordinates to Equatorial (J2000)

    Converts  Galactic coordinates to Convert Equatorial (J2000)
      glong    Galactic longitude as "D:M:S"
      glat     Galactic latitude as "D:M:S
    Return [ra,dec] Equatorial (J) coordinates as "H M S", "D M S".
    glong = ImageDesc.PDMS2Dec(Glong)
    glat = ImageDesc.PDMS2Dec(Glat)
    (raB, decB) = PGal2Eq(glong, glat)  # Galactic to equatorial B1950
    (ra, dec) = PBtoJ(raB, decB)  # to J2000
    return [ImageDesc.PRA2HMS(ra), ImageDesc.PDec2DMS(dec)]
Esempio n. 2
def PJ2Gal(RA, Dec):
    """ Convert Equatorial (J2000) to Galactic coordinates  

    Converts Convert Equatorial (J2000)to Galactic coordinates
      RALong    Right Ascension/longitude as "H:M:S"
      DecLat    Declination/latitude as "D:M:S
    Return [GLong, GLat]  Galactic coordinates as "D M S".
    ra = ImageDesc.PHMS2RA(RA)
    dec = ImageDesc.PDMS2Dec(Dec)
    (raB, decB) = PJtoB(ra, dec)  # to B1950
    (glong, glat) = PEq2Gal(raB, decB)  # to Galactic
    return [ImageDesc.PDec2DMS(glong), ImageDesc.PDec2DMS(glat)]
Esempio n. 3
def PJ20002Gal(RA2000, Dec2000):
    """ Convert Equatorial (J2000) to Galactic coordinates strings 

    Converts Convert Equatorial (B1950)to Galactic coordinates
      RA2000  J2000 Right Ascension as "hh:mm:ss.s"
      Dec2000 J2000 Declination as 'dd:mm:ss.s'
    Return [glong, glat]  Galactic coordinates as 'dd mm ss.s'
    raj = ImageDesc.PHMS2RA(RA2000)
    decj = ImageDesc.PDMS2Dec(Dec2000)
    [rab, decb] = PJtoB(raj, decj)
    [glong, glat] = PEq2Gal(rab, decb)
    return [ImageDesc.PDec2DMS(glong), ImageDesc.PDec2DMS(glat)]
Esempio n. 4
def NVSSPtFlux(RA, Dec, equinox, err, stokes='I',dir="/home/ftp/nvss/MAPS"):
    """ Determine the NVSS Flux density

    Returns flux density, None on failure
    RA       = Right ascension as string ("HH MM SS.SS")
    Dec      = Declonation as string ("sDD MM SS.SS")
    equinox  = equinox of RA,Dec, 1950 or 2000
    err      = Python Obit Error/message stack
    stokes   = Stokes desired, 'I', 'Q' or 'U'
    dir      = directory or url of directory
    # Checks
    if not OErr.OErrIsA(err):
        raise TypeError,"err MUST be an OErr"
    if err.isErr: # existing error?
        return None
    file = NVSSFindFile(RA, Dec, equinox, err, stokes=stokes)
    if err.isErr:
        return None
    path = dir+"/"+file
    #print "Image ",path
    img = Image.newPFImage("Image", path, 0, True, err, verbose=False)
    if err.isErr:
        return None
    interp = ImageInterp.PCreate("Interpolator", img, err)
    if err.isErr:
        return None
    ra  = ImageDesc.PHMS2RA(RA, sep=' ')
    dec = ImageDesc.PDMS2Dec(Dec, sep=' ')
    # Precess 1950 to 2000?
    if equinox==1950:
        (ra,dec) = SkyGeom.PBtoJ(ra,dec)
    # Plane
    plane = 1
    if stokes=='Q':
        plane = 2
    if stokes=='U':
        plane = 3
    # Interpolate
    value = interp.Value(ra, dec, err, plane=plane)
    if err.isErr:
        return None
    return value;
Esempio n. 5
# Image info
nterm = icube.Desc.List.Dict['NTERM'][2][0]
nspec = icube.Desc.List.Dict['NSPEC'][2][0]
freqs = []
for i in range(1, nspec + 1):
    key = 'FREQ%4.4d' % i
    freqs.append(1.0e-9 * icube.Desc.List.Dict[key][2][0])  # GHz

# end loop
# Interpolator
fi = FInterpolate.FInterpolate('FI', icube.FArray, icube.Desc, 2)
# Get pixel locations
pixels = []
vals = []
for s in srcpos:
    pos = [ImageDesc.PHMS2RA(s[1]), ImageDesc.PDMS2Dec(s[2])]
    pixel = ImageDesc.PGetPixel(icube.Desc, pos, err)
    vals.append(nspec * [fblank])

# end loop
OErr.printErrMsg(err, message='Finding positions')
# Loop over planes interpolating values
rms = []
for i in range(0, nspec):
    # Read plane
    plane = [i + nterm + 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
    Image.PGetPlane(icube, None, plane, err)
    rms.append(icube.FArray.RMS)  # Plane RMS
    # Interpolate positions
    for j in range(0, len(pixels)):
Esempio n. 6
def NVSSFindFile(RA, Dec, equinox, err, stokes='I'):
    """ Determine the NVSS image best suited for a given position

    Returns name of image
    RA       = Right ascension as string ("HH MM SS.SS")
    Dec      = Declonation as string ("sDD MM SS.SS")
    equinox  = equinox of RA,Dec, 1950 or 2000
    err      = Python Obit Error/message stack
    stokes   = Stokes desired, 'I', 'Q' or 'U'
    # Checks
    if not OErr.OErrIsA(err):
        raise TypeError,"err MUST be an OErr"
    if err.isErr: # existing error?
    if not type(RA)==str:
        raise TypeError,"RA must be a string (HH MM SS.S)"
    if not type(Dec)==str:
        raise TypeError,"Dec must be a string (HH MM SS.S)"
    ra  = ImageDesc.PHMS2RA(RA, sep=' ')
    dec = ImageDesc.PDMS2Dec(Dec, sep=' ')
    # Precess 1950 to 2000?
    if equinox==1950:
        (ra,dec) = SkyGeom.PBtoJ(ra,dec)

    # Must be north of -41 dec
    if dec<-41.:
        OErr.PLog(err, OErr.Error, "Dec MUST be > -41")
        return "No Image"

    # Maximum distance to "belong"
    tolDec = 2.0
    idec   = -1
    adec   = abs(dec)
    for i in range(0,23):
        if abs(adec-NVSSnumMap[i][0])<=tolDec:
            dd = int(NVSSnumMap[i][0]+0.01)
            idec = i
    # Find it?
    if idec<0:
        OErr.PLog(err, OErr.Error, "Failed on declination "+Dec)
        return "No Image"
    # Width of images in RA
    deltRa = 360.0 / NVSSnumMap[idec][1]
    racell = int(0.5 + ra/deltRa)  # Cell
    if racell>=NVSSnumMap[idec][1]: # Wrap?
        racell = 0
    # Derive name
    raCen = racell*deltRa / 15.0
    iRAH = int(raCen + 0.5)
    iRAM = int(60.0 * (raCen-iRAH) + 0.1)
    if iRAM<0.0:
        iRAH -= 1
        iRAM += 59
    if iRAH == -1:
        iRAH = 23
    # Sign of declination
    if dec>=-2.0:
        dsign = 'P'
        dsign = 'M'
    # Stokes type
    if stokes in ["Q","U"]:
        itype = 'C'
        itype = 'I'
    # put it together
    file = "%s%2.2i%2.2i%s%2.2i"%(itype,iRAH,iRAM,dsign,dd)
    return file