Esempio n. 1
def readJSON(filename, default):
		newfile = open(filename, "r")
		json = JSLON.parse(, {"dict": odict})
		return json
	except OSError:
		return default
Esempio n. 2
	def read(self):
		Read from JSON data file.
		self.base = JSLON.parse(helper.readFrom(self.path), {
			"dict": JSONDict, "list": JSONList,
			"string": rpl.String, "int": rpl.Number,
			"float": JSONFile.invalid, "regex": JSONFile.invalid,
			"undefined": JSONFile.invalid,
Esempio n. 3
def writeJSON(filename, json):
	newfile = open(filename, "w")
	newfile.write(JSLON.stringify(json, jslonFormat))
Esempio n. 4
def main(args):
	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
		description="Manage Megaman PET chip data files.",
	parser.add_argument("-a", "--generate-adv", action="store_true",
		help="Generate any missing JSON files in Advance PET format using images in CWD.")
	parser.add_argument("-j", "--translate-json", default="",
		help="Translate JSON structure to appropriate chip structures. See -h -j for details.")
	parser.add_argument("-m", "--merge-mode", default="new",
		help="When translating, specify the mode for merging; either new or overwrite.")
	parser.add_argument("-q", "--query-files", action="store_true",
		help="Query a set of JSON files using translation syntax. You may pass any number of files or a regex prefixed with re:")
	parser.add_argument("-s", "--sort-objects", default="",
		help="Sort object keys according to given list of given files/regex (see -q).")
	parser.add_argument("-u", "--updated", default="",
		help="Write out when the files/regex (see -q) were last updated to the given file.")
	parser.add_argument("-h", "-?", "--help", action="store_true",
	parser.add_argument("files", nargs="*",
	args = parser.parse_args(args)

		if args.generate_adv:
				"Image names are expected to be of the form\n"
				"The extension is ignored except that JSON files are filtered out."
		elif args.translate_json:
				"Create a file with JSON formatted data contained in an object.\n"
				"This object must contain a _format key which describes the transformation."
				"This key must contain an object that has the form "
				"\"key regex\": [filename transformation, transformation] "
				"or \"key regex\": { \"_filename\": transformation, transformations... }\n"
				"where transformation is: an object whose keys are literal and whose "
				"values are transformations, a literal value (number, boolean, or null), "
				"or a string that describes the transformation. A literal string can be represented "
				"as \"'string contents'\"\n"
				"The syntax allows for indexing, comparisons, and mapping.\n"
				"Indexing is a sequence of symbols separated by colons.\n"
				"The symbol 'data' is a reserved word that refers to the data in the matched key.\n"
				"You may refer to groups in the key with $#. $0 is the key itself.\n"
				"If the first symbol is a word, it refers to a key in the struct you're transforming.\n"
				"Comparisons may use: ==, !=, is\n"
				"Mapping is of the form: symbol { from => to, ... }\n"
		return 0

	# Use the provided file(s)/regex or request one.
	files, regexs = [], []
	if args.files:
		for x in args.files:
			if x[0:3] != "re:": files.append((x, None))
			else: regexs.append(re.compile(x[3:] + "$"))
	elif args.query_files or args.sort_objects or args.updated:
		regexs.append(re.compile(input("Enter a file regex: ") + "$"))

	if regexs:
		for root, dirs, fns in os.walk("."):
			root = root[2:] # delete ./
			for fn in fns:
				fn = os.path.join(root, fn)
				for r in regexs:
					mo = r.match(fn)
					if mo:
						files.append((fn, mo))

	files = sorted(list(set(files)))

	if args.generate_adv:
		en = re.compile("^[a-zA-Z0-9 \-+]+$")
		cp = re.compile("^CP [0-9]+$")
		blank = re.compile("^\(blank\)$")
		isIcon = re.compile("^icon$")
		isBack = re.compile("^(.*) \(back\)$")

		createable = {}
		for fn in os.listdir("."):
			# Make sure this isn't a JSON file.
			if fn[-5:].lower() == ".json": continue

			# Now check if it's a chip image.
			if "." not in fn: continue
				num, name = fn.split("-")
				name, ext = name.rsplit(".", 1)
				if name[-6:] == " (bad)": name = name[:-6]
			except ValueError: continue

			if num not in createable: createable[num] = []
			createable[num].append((name, fn))

		for num, names in createable.items():
			# Okay! Create/update the JSON file.
			filename, updated = "%s.json" % num, False
			json = readJSON(filename, odict([
				("type",     None),
				("class",    None),
				("cp",       None),
				("at",       None),
				("element",  None),
				("field",    None),
				("effect",   None),
				("icon",     None),
				("pins",     None),
				("notes",    ""),
				("releases", {}),
				("new",      True)

			if "new" in json:
				updated = True
				del json["new"]

			for name, fn in names:
				# What language is this name? Can assume "CP", blank, EN, or JP.
				back = isBack.match(name)
				if back: name =

				if cp.match(name):
					language = "cp"
					json["cp"] = int(name[3:])
				elif blank.match(name):
					language = "blank"
				elif isIcon.match(name):
					if json["icon"] != fn: updated = True
					json["icon"] = fn
				elif en.match(name):
					language = "en"
					language = "jp"

				if language not in json["releases"]:
					json["releases"][language] = odict([
						("name", name),
						("set", None),
						("front", {
							"image": None,
							"credits": None,
						("back", {
							"image": None,
							"credits": None,
						("official", True),
						("notes", ""),
					updated = True
				ref = json["releases"][language]["back" if back else "front"]
				if ref["image"] != fn:
					updated = True
					ref["image"] = fn

			if updated:
				print("Updated: " + filename)
				writeJSON(filename, json)
	elif args.translate_json:
		json = readJSON(
		form = []

		for x, t in json["_format"].items():
			try: "_filename" in t
			except TypeError:
				if len(t) != 2: return error("Filename not provided for key: " + x, 2)
				t = [t["_filename"], t]
				del t[1]["_filename"]
			t = (list(transformationFormat.finditer(t[0])), t[1])
			form.append((re.compile("^" + x + "$"), t))
		del json["_format"]

		for key, data in json.items():
			doBreak = False
			for r, (fn, t) in form:
				mo = r.match(key)
				if mo:
						# Get the filename
						fn = parseTransformation(fn, json, mo, data, False)
					except SyntaxError as err:
						return error("Error processing filename for %s: %s" % (r.pattern[1:-1], err.args[0]), 3)

					result = readJSON(fn, odict())
						# Perform this translation
						obj = recurseObject(t, json, mo, data)
					except SyntaxError as err:
						return error("Error processing data for %s: %s" % (r.pattern[1:-1], err.args[0]), 4)

					def recursiveMergeOverwrite(json, obj, path=""):
						for k, v in obj.items():
							if k in json and json[k]:
								newPath = (path + "." if path else "") + k
								try: json[k].items
								except AttributeError:
									error("Overwriting %s: %s" % (newPath, json[k]))
									json[k] = v
								else: recursiveMergeOverwrite(json[k], v, newPath)
								json[k] = v

					def recursiveMergeNew(json, obj):
						for k, v in obj.items():
							if k not in json or json[k] is None: json[k] = v
							elif json[k] == "" and type(v) is str: json[k] = v
								try: json[k].items
								except AttributeError: pass
								else: recursiveMergeNew(json[k], v)

					recursiveMerge = {
						"new": recursiveMergeNew,
						"over": recursiveMergeOverwrite,
						"overwrite": recursiveMergeOverwrite,

					try: recursiveMerge[args.merge_mode]
					except KeyError:
						return error("Merge mode not found.", 17)
					else: recursiveMerge[args.merge_mode](result, obj)
					writeJSON(fn, result)
					print("Wrote file " + fn)
	elif args.query_files:
		if not files: return error("No files found or selected.", 6)

		full = odict()
		for x, mo in files:
			root, ext = os.path.splitext(x)
			full[root] = (readJSON(x), mo)

		wSet, wData, trace = None, None, None

		while True:
				cmds = input("cmd: ").split("then")
				for cmdIdx, cmd in enumerate(cmds):
					if not cmd: continue
					cmd, *arg = cmd.split(maxsplit=1)
					cmd = cmd.lower()
					if arg: arg = arg[0].strip()

					if cmd in ["help", "h", "?"]:
							"Query system help\n"
							" * exit - Quit querying\n"
							" * grab - Add list of space-separated filenames to the set."
							" * find - Enter an expression that returns a boolean, finds all entries (returns filename)\n"
							" * summ - Enter an expression, returns result for all entires\n"
							" * info - Enter a filename, displays all info. When linked, no argument is given\n"
							" * stat - Show current counts: files, matched set, summed data\n"
							" * clr  - Unset current links: all (default), set, or data\n"
							" * has  - Enter an index, finds all files that have this index.\n"
							" * cmpl - Inverts matched set.\n"
							" * set  - Enter an index and an expression, updates all matched or all files.\n"
							" * del  - Enter an index, deletes from all matched or all files.\n"
							" * save - Commit all matched or all files to disk.\n"
							" * load - Reload all matched or all files from disk.\n"
							"Command Suffixes:\n"
							" * nothing - Print the result and clear any links.\n"
							" * * - Links the result with the next command.\n"
							" * ! - Print the result but don't clear the previous link.\n"
							" * *! - Don't print or clear anything.\n"
							"One-line Joiners:\n"
							" * then - Acts as * on one line."
					elif cmd in ["exit", "quit"]:
						return 0
					elif cmd in ["clear", "clr"]:
						wSet, wData = None, None
					elif cmd:
						cont, carry = False, False
						if cmd[-1] == "*": cmd, cont = cmd[:-1], True
						if cmd[-1] == "!": cmd, carry = cmd[:-1], True
						if cmdIdx < len(cmds) - 1: cont = True
						doprint = not cont

						if cmd == "find":
							nSet = []
							if wData is not None:
								for fn, data in wData.items():
									res = parseTransformation(arg, full[fn][0], full[fn][1], data)
									if type(res) is not bool:
										error("Result of %s was not bool.")
									elif res: nSet.append(fn)
								if not carry: wData = None
							elif wSet is not None:
								for fn in wSet:
									res = parseTransformation(arg, full[fn][0], full[fn][1], None)
									if type(res) is not bool:
										error("Result of %s was not bool.")
									elif res: nSet.append(fn)
								if not carry: wSet = None
								for fn, (json, key) in full.items():
									res = parseTransformation(arg, json, key, None)
									if type(res) is not bool:
										error("Result of %s was not bool.")
									elif res: nSet.append(fn)

							if cont and not carry: wSet = nSet
							elif doprint:
								for fn in nSet: print("%s" % fn)

						elif cmd == "info":
							if wSet is not None:
								for fn in wSet:
									print("=============== %s ===============" % fn)
									print(JSLON.stringify(full[fn][0], jslonFormat) + "\n")
								if not cont or carry: wSet = None
								if arg not in full:
									error("Filename does not exist (did you add .json??)")
								print(JSLON.stringify(full[arg][0], jslonFormat) + "\n\n")

						elif cmd == "summ":
							nData = odict()
							if wData is not None:
								for fn, data in wData.items():
									res = parseTransformation(arg, full[fn][0], full[fn][1], data)
									if res is not None: nData[fn] = res
								if not carry: wData = None
							elif wSet is not None:
								for fn in wSet:
									res = parseTransformation(arg, full[fn][0], full[fn][1], None)
									if res is not None: nData[fn] = res
								if not carry: wSet = None
								for fn, (json, key) in full.items():
									res = parseTransformation(arg, json, key, None)
									if res is not None: nData[fn] = res

							if cont and not carry: wData = nData
							elif doprint:
								for item in nData.items(): print("%s: %s" % item)

						elif cmd in ["clr", "clear"]:
							arg = arg.lower()
							if arg == "data": wData = None
							elif arg == "set": wSet = None
							elif arg == "all": wData, wSet = None, None

						elif cmd == "test":
							fn, trans = arg.split(maxsplit=1)
							json, key = full[fn]
							print(parseTransformation(trans, wSet or json, key, wData))

						elif cmd == "stat":
							print("file count: %i; set count: %s; data count: %s" % (
								"null" if wSet is None else len(wSet),
								"null" if wData is None else len(wData),

						elif cmd == "has":
							nSet = []
							if wData is not None:
								for fn, data in wData.items():
									if hasIndexing(full[fn][0], full[fn][1], data, arg):
								if not carry: wData = None
							elif wSet is not None:
								for fn in wSet:
									if hasIndexing(full[fn][0], full[fn][1], None, arg):
								if not carry: wSet = None
								for fn, (json, key) in full.items():
									if hasIndexing(json, key, None, arg):

							if cont and not carry: wSet = nSet
							elif doprint:
								for fn in nSet: print("%s" % fn)

						elif cmd in ["not", "neg", "cmpl"]:
							nSet = []
							if wSet:
								for fn in full.keys():
									if fn not in wSet: nSet.append(fn)
								if not carry: wSet = None
								error("No matched set.")

							if cont and not carry: wSet = nSet
							elif doprint:
								for fn in nSet: print("%s" % fn)

						elif cmd == "del":
							if wData is not None:
								for fn, data in wData.items():
									deleteIndexing(full[fn][0], full[fn][1], data, arg)
								if not carry: wData = None
							elif wSet is not None:
								for fn in wSet:
									deleteIndexing(full[fn][0], full[fn][1], None, arg)
								if not carry: wSet = None
								for fn, (json, key) in full.items():
									deleteIndexing(json, key, None, arg)

						elif cmd == "set":
							index, trans = arg.split(maxsplit=1)
							updata = index == "data"

							if wData is not None:
								for fn, data in wData.items():
									res = parseTransformation(trans, full[fn][0], full[fn][1], data)
									if updata: wData[fn] = res
									else: updateIndexing(full[fn][0], full[fn][1], data, index, res)
									if doprint: print("%s: %s = %s" % (fn, index, repr(res)))
								if not carry and not updata: wData = None
							elif wSet is not None:
								if updata: wData = odict()
								for fn in wSet:
									res = parseTransformation(trans, full[fn][0], full[fn][1], None)
									if updata: wData[fn] = res
									else: updateIndexing(full[fn][0], full[fn][1], None, index, res)
									if doprint: print("%s: %s = %s" % (fn, index, repr(res)))
								if not carry: wSet = None
								if updata: wData = odict()
								for fn, (json, key) in full.items():
									res = parseTransformation(trans, json, key, None)
									if updata: wData[fn] = res
									else: updateIndexing(json, key, None, index, res)
									if doprint: print("%s: %s = %s" % (fn, index, repr(res)))

						elif cmd in ["obj", "+obj"]:
							updata = arg == "data"

							if wData:
								for fn, data in wData.items():
									if updata: wData[fn] = {}
									else: updateIndexing(full[fn][0], full[fn][1], data, arg, {})
									if doprint: print("%s: %s = {}" % (fn, arg))
								if not carry and not updata: wData = None
							elif wSet:
								if updata: wData = odict()
								for fn in wSet:
									if updata: wData[fn] = res
									else: updateIndexing(full[fn][0], full[fn][1], None, arg, {})
									if doprint: print("%s: %s = {}" % (fn, arg))
								if not carry: wSet = None
								if updata: wData = odict()
								for fn, (json, key) in full.items():
									if updata: wData[fn] = res
									else: updateIndexing(json, key, None, arg, {})
									if doprint: print("%s: %s = {}" % (fn, arg))

						elif cmd == "save":
							if wData: it = wData.keys()
							elif wSet: it = wSet
							else: it = full.keys()

							for fn in it:
								filename = full[fn][1].group(0)
								writeJSON(filename, "w", full[fn][0])
								if doprint: print("%s: Saved to %s" % (fn, filename))
							if not carry:
								wData = None
								wSet = None

						elif cmd == "load":
							# TODO: load new files
							if wData: it = wData.keys()
							elif wSet: it = wSet
							else: it = full.keys()

							for fn in it:
								filename = full[fn][1].group(0)
								full[fn] = (readJSON(filename), full[fn][1])
								if doprint: print("%s: Loaded from %s" % (fn, filename))

						elif cmd == "grab":
							if wSet is None: wSet = []
							for fn in arg.split():
								if fn in full: wSet.append(fn)
								else: error("No file %s." % fn)
							wSet = list(sorted(set(wSet)))

						elif cmd == "tb":

							error("Unknown command %s" % cmd)
							if cmdIdx < len(cmds) - 1: print("Canceling execution.")
			except Exception as err:
				error("Command raised exception %s: %s" % (err.__class__.__name__, ' '.join(map(str, err.args))))
				trace = sys.exc_info()[2]
	elif args.sort_objects:
		if not files: return error("No files found or selected.", 6)

		order = args.sort_objects.split(",")
		warned = set()

		def sorter(x):
			x = x[0]
			try: return order.index(x)
			except ValueError:
				if x not in warned:
					error("No sort order defined for key " + x)
				return len(order)

		def recurse(x):
			x = sorted(x.items(), key=sorter)
			for i, (k, v) in enumerate(x):
				try: v.items
				except AttributeError: pass
				else: x[i] = (k, recurse(v))
			return odict(x)

		for fn, key in files:
			json = openJSON(fn, odict())
			writeJSON(fn, recurse(json))
	elif args.updated:
		if not files: return error("No files found or selected.", 6)

		json = odict()
		for fn, key in files:
			stat = os.stat(fn)
			json[(, None) if key and len(key.groups()) > 1 else None) or fn] = int(stat.st_mtime)
		writeJSON(args.updated, json)

	return 0
Esempio n. 5
def main():
	f ="../test.jslon", encoding="utf-8", mode="r")
	data =
	now = time.time()
	root = JSLON.parse(data)
	print "Parse time: %.3f s" % (time.time() - now)
	print "====== parse ======"
	for x in root:
		if   x == "literal": comp(x, u"literal", root[x])
		elif x == "double": comp(x, u"double", root[x])
		elif x == "single": comp(x, u"single", root[x])
		elif x == "line continueheeee": comp(x, u"line continueheeee", root[x])
		elif x == "inline hex": comp(x, u"inline hex", root[x])
		elif x == "str1": comp(x, u"double quotes", root[x])
		elif x == "str2": comp(x, u"single quotes", root[x])
		elif x == "str3": comp(x, u"linecontinue", root[x])
		elif x == "str4": comp(x, u"escapes\x01\x02\x40 \x200", root[x])
		elif x == "num1": comp(x, 123, root[x])
		elif x == "num2": comp(x, 1.1, root[x])
		elif x == "num3": comp(x, 0, root[x])
		elif x == "num4": comp(x, 0.1, root[x])
		elif x == "num5": comp(x, 1, root[x])
		elif x == "num6": comp(x, 1e10, root[x])
		elif x == "num7": comp(x, 1e-5, root[x])
		elif x == "num8": comp(x, -15, root[x])
		elif x == "hex1": comp(x, 1, root[x])
		elif x == "hex2": comp(x, 10, root[x])
		elif x == "oct1": comp(x, 7, root[x])
		elif x == "oct2": comp(x, 8, root[x])
		elif x == "oct3": comp(x, 40, root[x])
		elif x == "regex": comp(x, u"123/a\\n%%?", root[x].pattern)
		elif x == "arr1":
			comp(x + "[0]", u"hi", root[x][0])
			comp(x + "[1]", 1, root[x][1])
			comp(x + "[2]", 2, root[x][2])
			comp(x + "[3]", 3, root[x][3])
			comp(x + "[4]", u"regex", root[x][4].pattern)
			comp(x + "[5].hi", u"hi", root[x][5]["hi"])
			comp(x + "[6][0]", 1, root[x][6][0])
			comp(x + "[6][1]", 2, root[x][6][1])
			comp(x + "[7]", 5, root[x][7])
		elif x == "arr2":
			comp(x + "[0]", 1, root[x][0])
			comp(x + "[1]", 2, root[x][1])
			comp(x + "[2]", u"c", root[x][2])
			comp(x + "[3]", 4, root[x][3])
		elif x == "obj": comp(x + ".abc", u"def", root[x]["abc"])
		elif x == "Infinity":
			comp(x, float, type(root[x]))
			comp(x, "inf", str(root[x]))
		elif x == "NaN":
			comp(x, float, type(root[x]))
			comp(x, "nan", str(root[x]))
		elif x == "true":      comp(x, True, root[x])
		elif x == "false":     comp(x, False, root[x])
		elif x == "null":      comp(x, None, root[x])
		elif x == "undefined": comp(x, JSLON.undefined(), root[x])
		elif x == "dup": comp(x, 2, root[x])

	print "\n====== stringify ======"
	comp("Number", u"687123", JSLON.stringify(687123))
	comp("Floating point number", u"10.4", JSLON.stringify(10.4))
	comp("String", u'"abc"', JSLON.stringify("abc"))
	comp("String with escapes", u'"abc\\nd\\u0005"', JSLON.stringify("abc\nd\x05"))
	comp("Array of numbers", u"[1,2,3,4]", JSLON.stringify([1, 2, 3, 4]))
	comp("Array of arrays", u"[1,[2,[3]],4,[5,[[6,7],8]]]", JSLON.stringify([1, [2, [3]], 4, [5, [[6, 7], 8]]]))
	comp("Object of strings", u'{"a":"b","c":"d"}', JSLON.stringify({"a": 'b', "c": 'd'}))

	print "\n====== stringify with options ======"
	comp("Octal number", u"01", JSLON.stringify(1, {"numBase": 8}))
	comp("Hexadecimal number", u"0x1", JSLON.stringify(1, {"numBase": 16}))
	comp("Single quoted string", u"'abc'", JSLON.stringify("abc", {"quotes": "'"}))
	comp("String (strEscapes: cOu)", u'"abc\\nd\\005a\\u0999"',
		JSLON.stringify(u"abc\nd\x05a\u0999", {"strEscapes": "cOu"})
	comp("String (strEscapes: ou)", u'"abc\\12d\\5a\\u0999"',
		JSLON.stringify(u"abc\nd\x05a\u0999", {"strEscapes": "ou"})
	comp("String (strEscapes: x)", u'"abc\\x0ad\\x05a"',
		JSLON.stringify(u"abc\nd\x05a\u0999", {"strEscapes": "x"})
	comp("Prettyprinted object (keyOwnLine|openOwnLine|endOwnLine, specific)",
		JSLON.stringify({"a": [1, 2, {"b": "abc"}, 3]},{
			"keyOwnLine": True,
			"openOwnLine": True,
			"endOwnLine": True,
			"specific": {"a": {"specific": [{"numBase": 16}]}},
	comp("Prettyprinted object (spaceAfterKey)", u'{"a": "b"}',
		JSLON.stringify({"a":"b"}, {"spaceAfterKey": True})
	comp("Prettyprinted array (entriesPerLine, depth)", u'[1,2,\n 3,4,\n 5]',
		JSLON.stringify([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], {"entriesPerLine": 2, "depth": " "})