Esempio n. 1
def onCommandClaim(sender, args):
    if not sender.hasPermission("plotmanager.claim"):
        sender.sendMessage("You don't have enough permissions to execute this command")

    if len(args) == 1:
        x = Manager.getPlotX(sender.getLocation().getX())
        z = Manager.getPlotZ(sender.getLocation().getZ())

    elif len(args) == 3:
        x = int(args[1])
        z = int(args[2])

        sender.sendMessage("Usage: /plot claim [x] [z]")

    if Manager.isOutOfRange(x, z):
        sender.sendMessage(''.join(["Plot ", str(x), ", ", str(z), " is out of range"]))
    if Manager.claim(sender.getName(), x, z):
        sender.sendMessage(''.join(["You successfully claimed plot ", str(x), ", ", str(z)]))
        sender.sendMessage(''.join(["Failed to unclaim plot ", str(x), ", ", str(z), ". Make sure that this is a free plot and that you are allowed to claim plots"]))
Esempio n. 2
def onCommandAuto(sender, args):
    if not sender.hasPermission("plotmanager.claim"):
        sender.sendMessage("You don't have enough permissions to execute this command")
    if len(args) != 1:
        sender.sendMessage("Usage: /plot auto")

    x = 0
    z = 0
    step = 1

    name = sender.getName()

    while True:
        for i in xrange(0, step):
            if Manager.claim(name, x, z):
	        sender.sendMessage(''.join(["You successfully claimed plot ", str(x), ", ", str(z)]))

            x -= 1
        for i in xrange(0, step):
            if Manager.claim(name, x, z):
	        sender.sendMessage(''.join(["You successfully claimed plot ", str(x), ", ", str(z)]))

            z -= 1

        step += 2

        for i in xrange(0, step):
            if Manager.claim(name, x, z):
	        sender.sendMessage(''.join(["You successfully claimed plot ", str(x), ", ", str(z)]))

            x += 1

        for i in xrange(0, step):
            if Manager.claim(name, x, z):
                sender.sendMessage(''.join(["You successfully claimed plot ", str(x), ", ", str(z)]))

            x -= 1
    sender.sendMessage(''.join(["You successfully claimed plot ", str(x), ", ", str(z)]))
Esempio n. 3
def onCommandPlotmap(sender, args):
    if len(args) == 0:

        return True

    cmd = args[0]

    plotCoords = getPlotCoords(int(sender.getLocation().getX()), int(sender.getLocation().getZ()))

    if Manager.isOutOfRange(plotCoords[0], plotCoords[1]):
        sender.sendMessage("Out of range")

        return True

    if cmd == "claim":
        if Manager.claim(sender.getName(), plotCoords[0], plotCoords[1]):
            sender.sendMessage(''.join(["You successfully claimed plot ", str(plotCoords[0]), ", ", str(plotCoords[1])]))
            sender.sendMessage(''.join(["Failed to unclaim plot ", str(plotCoords[0]), ", ", str(plotCoords[1]), ". Make sure that this is a free plot and that you are allowed to claim plots"]))

        return True

    elif cmd == "unclaim":
        if Manager.unclaim(sender.getName(), plotCoords[0], plotCoords[1]):
            sender.sendMessage(''.join(["You successfully unclaimed plot ", str(plotCoords[0]), ", ", str(plotCoords[1])]))
            sender.sendMessage(''.join(["Failed to unclaim plot ", str(plotCoords[0]), ", ", str(plotCoords[1]), ". Make sure that you are the owner of this plot"]))

        return True

    elif cmd == "info":
        plot = Manager.getPlot(plotCoords[0], plotCoords[1])

        sender.sendMessage(''.join(["--- Plot ", str(plotCoords[0]), ", ", str(plotCoords[1]), " ---"]))

        if plot.status == Manager.PlotStatus.FREE:
            sender.sendMessage("Status: Free")

        elif plot.status == Manager.PlotStatus.CLAIMED:
            sender.sendMessage(''.join(["Status: Claimed by ", plot.owner]))
            sender.sendMessage(''.join(["Claimed at: ",]))

        elif plot.status == Manager.PlotStatus.TEMP:
            sender.sendMessage(''.join(["Status: Temporarily claimed by ", plot.owner]))
            sender.sendMessage(''.join(["Claimed at: ",]))

        elif plot.status == Manager.PlotStatus.RESERVED:
            sender.sendMessage("Status: Reserved")

        elif plot.status == Manager.PlotStatus.SPECIAL:
            sender.sendMessage(''.join(["Status: ", plot.description]))

        return True

    elif cmd == "tp":
        loc = sender.getLocation()

        x = Manager.getCentreX(plotCoords[0])
        z = Manager.getCentreZ(plotCoords[1])



        return True

    elif cmd == "generate":
        if not sender.hasPermission("plotmanager.generate"):
            sender.sendMessage("You don't have enough permissions to execute this command")
            return True

        for x in xrange(-Manager.radius, Manager.radius):
            for z in xrange(-Manager.radius, Manager.radius):
                unclaim(x, z)

        return True

    elif cmd == "update":
        if not sender.hasPermission("plotmanager.generate"):
            sender.sendMessage("You don't have enough permissions to execute this command")
            return True

        for pos, plot in Manager.plots.iteritems():
            position = getMapCoords(pos[0], pos[1])

            if plot.status == Manager.PlotStatus.FREE:
                unclaim(pos[0], pos[1])
                claim(pos[0], pos[1])

    elif cmd == "reserve":
        if not sender.hasPermission("plotmanager.reserve"):
            sender.sendMessage("You don't have enough permissions to execute this command")
            return True

        if Manager.reserve(plotCoords[0], plotCoords[1]):
            sender.sendMessage(''.join(["You successfully reserved plot ", str(plotCoords[0]), ", ", str(plotCoords[1])]))
            sender.sendMessage(''.join(["Failed to reserve plot ", str(plotCoords[0]), ", ", str(plotCoords[1]), ". Make sure that this is a free plot"]))

        return True

    elif cmd == "special":
        if not sender.hasPermission("plotmanager.reserve"):
            sender.sendMessage("You don't have enough permissions to execute this command")
            return True

        del args[0]

        if Manager.special(plotCoords[0], plotCoords[1], ' '.join(args)):
            sender.sendMessage(''.join(["You successfully reserved plot ", str(plotCoords[0]), ", ", str(plotCoords[1])]))
            sender.sendMessage(''.join(["Failed to reserve plot ", str(plotCoords[0]), ", ", str(plotCoords[1]), ". Make sure that this is a free plot"]))

        return True

    elif cmd == "forceUnclaim":
        if not sender.hasPermission("plotmanager.admin"):
            sender.sendMessage("You don't have enough permissions to execute this command")
            return True

        Manager.forceUnclaim(plotCoords[0], plotCoords[1])

        return True

    return True