def lookAroundForMark(self, markNumPR=None, maxAttemptsPR=4): self.lookForward() headAngle = 0 back = False attempts = 0 incrementAngle = math.pi/12 maxAngle = math.pi/2 markData = None turnSpeed = .75 while not attempts >= maxAttemptsPR: time.sleep(0.35) markData = NaoMarkModule.getMarkData(self.memoryProxy, self.landmarkProxy) if not markData or len(markData) == 0: markData = None if markData is not None: if markNumPR is None or\ (NaoMarkModule.getMarkNumber(markData) == markNumPR): break if abs(headAngle) >= maxAngle: headAngle = max(min(headAngle, maxAngle), -maxAngle) back = ~back attempts += 1 if back: headAngle -= incrementAngle else: headAngle += incrementAngle self.motionProxy.angleInterpolation("HeadYaw", headAngle, turnSpeed, True) #while not reached maximum attempts return markData
def lookAroundForMarkMoving(self, number): motionProxy.moveInit() time.sleep(1) names = "HeadYaw" markFound = False angleLists = .25 back = False markData = NaoMarkModule.getMarkData(robotIP, PORT) first = True attempts = 0; while(not markFound): if(attempts >=2): return None if (back): angleLists = angleLists -.125 else: angleLists = angleLists + .125 if(angleLists > 1.0): angleLists = 1.0 back = True attempts = attempts + 1 else: if(angleLists < -1.0): angleLists = -1.0 back = False times = .15 if(first): times = 1.0 isAbsolute = True motionProxy.angleInterpolation(names, angleLists, times, isAbsolute) markData = NaoMarkModule.getMarkData(robotIP, PORT) if(not (markData is None or len(markData) ==0)): if(NaoMarkModule.getMarkNumber(markData) == number): markFound =True first = False return markData
def turnToHeadStraight(self,markData): motionProxy.moveInit() time.sleep(1) global curAngle deltaAngle,dontcare = NaoMarkModule.getMarkAngles(markData) angle = motionProxy.getAngles("HeadYaw",False) print angle[0] motionProxy.moveTo(0, 0, angle[0]) print "Moved to head straight"
def lookAroundForMark(self): motionProxy.moveInit() time.sleep(1) names = "HeadYaw" markFound = False first = True angleLists = .25 back = False markData = NaoMarkModule.getMarkData(robotIP, PORT) while(not markFound): if (back): angleLists = angleLists -.125 else: angleLists = angleLists + .125 if(angleLists > 1.0): angleLists = 1.0 back = True else: if(angleLists < -1.0): angleLists = -1.0 back = False times = .05 if(first): times = 2.0 print times isAbsolute = True motionProxy.angleInterpolation(names, angleLists, times, isAbsolute) markData = NaoMarkModule.getMarkData(robotIP, PORT) if(not (markData is None or len(markData) ==0)): markFound =True first = False return markData
def detectMarkSearchForward(self, number): markD = None searching = True global naomarkSize global robotIP global PORT while(searching): markD = customMotions.lookAroundForMarkMoving(self, number) if(not (markD is None or len(markD) ==0)): print "found something" searching = False else : print "tried turn" customMotions.moveForward(self, .02) x,y,z = NaoMarkModule.getMarkXYZ(robotIP, PORT, markD, naomarkSize) customMotions.moveForwardY(self,x, y)
def detectMarkAndMoveTo(self, markNumPR=None, maxAttemptsPR=4, stoppingDistancePR=.25, lateralOffsetPR=0, walkStraightPR=True): markData = self.lookAroundForMark(markNumPR) if markData is None: print "Mark not found!" return False if walkStraightPR: while abs(self.getLookAngle()) > math.pi/12: markData = self.lookAroundForMark(markNumPR, maxAttemptsPR) self.turnToLookAngle() x, y, z = NaoMarkModule.getMarkXYZ(self.motionProxy, markData, self.naoMarkSize) print "Mark detected at x:{}, y:{} meters from NAO position"\ .format(x, y) self.walkTo(x - stoppingDistancePR, y + lateralOffsetPR) return True
#Testing file for NaoMarkModule getMark XYZ function from naoqi import ALProxy import NaoMarkModule #IP of the Robot IP = "" #Port Number of the Robot PORT = 9559 #Get the x,y,z in meters markData = NaoMarkModule.getMarkData(IP, PORT) #Get data until face is found while (markData is None or len(markData) == 0): markData = NaoMarkModule.getMarkData(IP, PORT) x, y, z = NaoMarkModule.getMarkXYZ(IP, PORT, markData, 0.04) #Print information print "x " + str(x) + " (in meters)" print "y " + str(y) + " (in meters)" print "z " + str(z) + " (in meters)"
def detectMarkAndMoveTo(self): markD = customMotions.lookAroundForMark() x,y,z = NaoMarkModule.getMarkXYZ(robotIP, PORT, markD, .08) customMotions.moveForwardY(x, y)
def detectMarkWalkStraight(self): markD = customMotions.lookAroundForMark() x,y,z = NaoMarkModule.getMarkXYZ(robotIP, PORT, markD, .08) customMotions.turnToHeadStraight(markD) customMotions.detectMarkAndMoveTo()
#Motion code snippet for continuously centering head to a visible nao mark (tests naoMarkModule getMarkAngles function) #Mitch Deplazes #2/2/16 from naoqi import ALProxy import NaoMarkModule import time #IP of the Robot IP = "" #Port Number of the Robot PORT = 9559 #create a motion proxy motionProxy = ALProxy("ALMotion", IP, PORT) while True: #Get angle of the mark wzCamera, wyCamera = NaoMarkModule.getMarkAngles(IP, PORT) #Update head postion to center naomark motionProxy.setStiffnesses("Body", 1.0) motionProxy.changeAngles("HeadYaw", wzCamera, 0.1) motionProxy.changeAngles("HeadPitch", wyCamera, 0.1) time.sleep(1)
def detectMarkAndMoveToLeft(self, number): markD = customMotions.lookAroundForMark(self,number) x,y,z = NaoMarkModule.getMarkXYZ(robotIP, PORT, markD, naomarkSize) customMotions.moveForwardY(self,x, y +.30)
def detectMarkAndMoveToRight(self): markD = customMotions.lookAroundForMark(self) x,y,z = NaoMarkModule.getMarkXYZ(robotIP, PORT, markD, naomarkSize) customMotions.moveForwardY(self,x, y-.35)
def detectMarkWalkStraight(self): markD = customMotions.lookAroundForMark(self) global naomarkSize x,y,z = NaoMarkModule.getMarkXYZ(robotIP, PORT, markD, naomarkSize) customMotions.turnToHeadStraight(self,markD) customMotions.detectMarkAndMoveTo(self)
# File for test NaoMarkModule getMarkNumber function from naoqi import ALProxy import NaoMarkModule # IP of the Robot IP = "" # Port Number of the Robot PORT = 9559 # Make proxy to speech speechProxy = ALProxy("ALTextToSpeech", IP, PORT) markData = NaoMarkModule.getMarkData(IP, PORT) while markData is None or len(markData) == 0: markData = NaoMarkModule.getMarkData(IP, PORT) # Get mark number markID = NaoMarkModule.getMarkNumber(markData) # Say mark number with speech speechProxy.say("The Nao Mark I see is " + str(markID)) print markID
def detectMarkAndMoveToLeft(): markD = lookAroundForMark() x,y,z = NaoMarkModule.getMarkXYZ(robotIP, PORT, markD, naomarkSize) moveForwardY(x, y +.25)
def detectMarkWalkStraight(): markD = lookAroundForMark() global naomarkSize x,y,z = NaoMarkModule.getMarkXYZ(robotIP, PORT, markD, naomarkSize) turnToHeadStraight(markD) detectMarkAndMoveTo()