Esempio n. 1
def generate_script(project_dict, OT_dict, comments=False, split=True, template=False):
    """Generates a custom imaging script. Only used for imaging."""
    parameters = sg.get_parameters(project_dict = project_dict, OT_dict = OT_dict) 
    script = sg.script_data_prep(parameters, project_dict, comments, template)
    if split == True:
        prep_script = script
        script = ''
    spws = sg.sort_spws(parameters)
    continfo = spws[0]
    lineinfo = spws[1]
    linespws = spws[2]
    script = sg.make_continuum(script,parameters, project_dict, continfo, comments, template,flagchannels=False)
    script = sg.image_setup(script,parameters, comments, template)
    script = sg.cont_image(script,parameters, comments, template)
    if lineinfo != []:
        script = sg.contsub(script,parameters, continfo, linespws, comments)
        script = sg.line_image(script,parameters, lineinfo, comments)
    script = sg.pbcor_fits(script)
    if split == True:
       sg.write_script(prep_script,project_dict, template, filename = '')
       sg.write_script(script,project_dict, template, filename = '')
    #sg.write_script(script,project_dict, filename = '')
    # cleanup temp files
Esempio n. 2
def generate(SB_name, project_path = False, comments = True, template=False, split=True): #template to get template, split for generating 2 scripts instead of 1
    """Main method. Options are: project_path ='directory_where_project_lives', comments=True/False ie verbose or non-verbose, template = True/False, split = True/False ie two scripts or one"""
    if (SB_name == 'Template' or SB_name == 'template'):
        template = True
    if project_path == False:
        project_path = os.getcwd()    
    if template == True:
        parameters = template_parameters()
        project_dict = {'project_path': project_path, 'project_type': 'Imaging', 'casa_version': '4.4.0'}
        flagchannels = '2:1201~2199,3:1201~2199' #whatever is in the example
        print 'this option not completely ready yet!'
        dictionaries = pi.most_info(SB_name, project_path=project_path)     
        project_dict = dictionaries[0]
        OT_dict = dictionaries[1]
        parameters = get_parameters(project_dict = project_dict, OT_dict = OT_dict) #skip up to here
        #print parameters['vwidth']
    script = script_data_prep(parameters, project_dict, comments, template) 
    if split == True:
        prep_script = script
        script = ''
        #print prep_script
    spws = sort_spws(parameters) #skip this?
    continfo = spws[0] #and this
    lineinfo = spws[1] #and this
    linespws = spws[2] # and this ... but check first
    script = make_continuum(script,parameters, project_dict, continfo, comments, template, flagchannels)
    script = image_setup(script,parameters, comments, template) 
    script = cont_image(script,parameters, comments, template) 
    if lineinfo != []:
        script = contsub(script,parameters, continfo, linespws, comments)
        script = line_image(script,parameters, lineinfo, comments)
        print parameters['vwidth']
    script = pbcor_fits(script)
    if split == True:
       write_script(prep_script,project_dict, template, filename = '')
       write_script(script,project_dict, template, filename = '')
        write_script(script,project_dict, template) #, filename = '') #diff filename for template
    # cleanup temp files
    if template == False:
        OT_info.cleanup(parameters['AOT']) # don't need this for template
def generate(SB_name, project_path = False, comments = True):
    if project_path == False:
        project_path = os.getcwd()    
    dictionaries = pi.most_info(SB_name, project_path=project_path)    
    project_dict = dictionaries[0]
    OT_dict = dictionaries[1]
    parameters = get_parameters(project_dict = project_dict, OT_dict = OT_dict) 
    script = script_data_prep(parameters, project_dict, comments)
    spws = sort_spws(parameters)
    continfo = spws[0]
    lineinfo = spws[1]
    linespws = spws[2]
    script = make_continuum(script,parameters, project_dict, continfo, comments, flagchannels=False)
    script = image_setup(script,parameters, comments)
    script = cont_image(script,parameters, comments)
    if lineinfo != []:
        script = contsub(script,parameters, continfo, linespws, comments)
        script = line_image(script,parameters, lineinfo, comments)
    script = pbcor_fits(script)
    write_script(script,project_dict, filename = '')
    # cleanup temp files