Esempio n. 1
def validate_move_location(P_gridString, P_location):
    L_xy = TurtleMove.get_column_and_row(P_location)
    L_x = convert_column_number(
    )  #NOTE!!: This will be assigned 'invalid_range' if it is outside of range. This is done by the convert function
    L_y = L_xy[1]

    #Check if the location is on the board,
    if L_x == 'invalid_range':
        return False

    if 0 <= L_y > 8:
        return False

    #Checks if the location is occupied already
    if 'N' != get_Char(P_gridString, L_x + (8 * (L_y - 1))):
        #All of that math simply takes the number of x + a certain number of rows
        return False
        #If the location is on the board return True.
        return True
Esempio n. 2
def update_string_state(P_gridString, P_location, colour):
    #Get column and row from location
    L_xy = TurtleMove.get_column_and_row(P_location)

    #Extract column and row from above
    L_x = convert_column_number(
    )  #NOTE!!: This will be assigned 'invalid_range' if it is outside of range. This is done by the convert function
    L_y = L_xy[1] - 1  #This needs to start at 0 in order to match the for loop

    #Convert column and row to an index
    L_updateLocation = (8 * L_y + L_x)
    F_LetterTracker = 0
    L_updatedString = ''

    #Iterate through gamesate and accumulate an updated board
    for letter in P_gridString:
        F_LetterTracker = F_LetterTracker + 1
        if F_LetterTracker == L_updateLocation:
            L_updatedString = L_updatedString + colour
            L_updatedString = L_updatedString + letter

    return L_updatedString
Esempio n. 3
def updateStringState(token, location, colour):
    #Get column and row from location
    xy = TurtleMove.get_column_and_row(location)

    #Extract column and row from above
    x = convertColumnNumber(
    )  #NOTE!!: This will be assigned 'invalid_range' if it is outside of range. This is done by the convert function
    y = xy[1] - 1  #This needs to start at 0 in order to match the for loop

    #Convert column and row to an index
    update_location = (8 * y + x)
    letter_tracker = 0
    new_token = ''

    #Iterate through gamesate and accumulate an updated board
    for letter in token:
        letter_tracker = letter_tracker + 1
        if letter_tracker == update_location:
            new_token = new_token + colour
            new_token = new_token + letter

    return new_token