Esempio n. 1
def AES_GCM(pt, k, IV, AAD, pad="PKCS7"):
    Galois Counter Mode of AES

    :param bytes pt: plaintext
    :param bytes k: key
    :param bytes IV: initialization vector(96-bit in length)
    :param bytes AAD: additional authenticated data
    :param str pad: mode of padding(default PKCS7)
    :return: final authentication tag
    :rtype: bytes
    from Arithmetic import gmul128
    bxor = lambda x, y: bytes([x[i] ^ y[i] for i in len(x)])
    assert isinstance(IV, bytes) and len(IV) == 12
    pt = padding(pt, pad)
    # encrypt CTR0
    CTR = 0
    CTR0 = IV + CTR.to_bytes(4, 'big')
    eCTR0 = AES_enc(CTR0, k)
    # authentication subkey H = Ek(0)
    H = AES_enc(0, k)
    # compute gi
    gi = gmul128(AAD, H)
    for i in range(0, len(pt), 16):
        CTR += 1
        CTRi = IV + CTR.to_bytes(4, 'big')
        si = AES_enc(CTRi, k)
        xi = pt[i:i + 16]
        yi = bxor(xi, si)
        gi = gmul128(bxor(gi, yi), H)
    # compute final authentication tag
    T = bxor(gmul128(gi, H), eCTR0)
    return T
Esempio n. 2
def AES_ECB_enc(pt, k, pad="PKCS7"):
    Electronic Codebook Mode encryption of AES

    :param bytes pt: plaintext
    :param bytes k: key
    :param str pad: mode of padding(default PKCS7)
    :return: ciphertext
    :rtype: bytes
    pt = padding(pt, pad)
    ct = b''
    for i in range(0, len(pt), 16):
        ct += AES_enc(pt[i:i + 16], k)
    return ct
Esempio n. 3
def AES_CBC_enc(pt, k, IV, pad="PKCS7"):
    Cipher Block Chaining Mode encryption of AES

    :param bytes pt: plaintext
    :param bytes k: key
    :param bytes IV: initialization vector
    :param str pad: mode of padding(default PKCS7)
    :return: ciphertext
    :rtype: bytes
    assert isinstance(IV, bytes) and len(IV) == 16
    pt = padding(pt, pad)
    ct = b''
    yi = IV
    for i in range(0, len(pt), 16):
        xi = bytes([pt[i + b] ^ yi[b] for b in range(16)])
        yi = AES_enc(xi, k)
        ct += yi
    return ct
Esempio n. 4
def AES_CTR_dec(ct, k, IV):
    Counter Mode decryption of AES

    :param bytes ct: ciphertext
    :param bytes k: key
    :param bytes IV: initialization vector(96-bit in length)
    :return: plaintext
    :rtype: bytes
    assert isinstance(IV, bytes) and len(IV) == 12
    CTR = 0
    pt = b''
    for i in range(0, len(ct), 16):
        si = AES_enc(IV + CTR.to_bytes(4, 'big'), k)
        yi = ct[i:i + 16]
        xi = bytes([yi[b] ^ si[b] for b in range(16)])
        pt += xi
        CTR += 1
    return pt
Esempio n. 5
def AES_OFB_dec(ct, k, IV):
    Output Feedback Mode decryption of AES

    :param bytes ct: ciphertext
    :param bytes k: key
    :param bytes IV: initialization vector
    :return: plaintext(padded)
    :rtype: bytes
    assert isinstance(IV, bytes) and len(IV) == 16
    pt = b''
    si_1 = IV
    for i in range(0, len(ct), 16):
        si = AES_enc(si_1, k)
        yi = ct[i:i + 16]
        xi = bytes([yi[b] ^ si[b] for b in range(16)])
        pt += xi
        si_1 = si
    return pt
Esempio n. 6
def AES_CFB_enc(pt, k, IV, pad="PKCS7"):
    Cipher Feedback Mode encryption of AES

    :param bytes pt: plaintext
    :param bytes k: key
    :param bytes IV: initialization vector
    :param str pad: mode of padding(default PKCS7)
    :return: ciphertext
    :rtype: bytes
    assert isinstance(IV, bytes) and len(IV) == 16
    pt = padding(pt, pad)
    ct = b''
    yi = IV
    for i in range(0, len(pt), 16):
        si = AES_enc(yi, k)
        xi = pt[i:i + 16]
        yi = bytes([xi[b] ^ si[b] for b in range(16)])
        ct += yi
    return ct
Esempio n. 7
def AES_CTR_enc(pt, k, IV, pad="PKCS7"):
    Counter Mode encryption of AES

    :param bytes pt: plaintext
    :param bytes k: key
    :param bytes IV: initialization vector(96-bit in length)
    :param str pad: mode of padding(default PKCS7)
    :return: ciphertext
    :rtype: bytes
    assert isinstance(IV, bytes) and len(IV) == 12
    pt = padding(pt, pad)
    CTR = 0
    ct = b''
    for i in range(0, len(pt), 16):
        si = AES_enc(IV + CTR.to_bytes(4, 'big'), k)
        xi = pt[i:i + 16]
        yi = bytes([xi[b] ^ si[b] for b in range(16)])
        ct += yi
        CTR += 1
    return ct