Esempio n. 1
def ProcessBRPage(filename, con):
    dateStr = filename.split('_')[-1]
    gameDate = date(int(dateStr[:4]),int(dateStr[4:6]),int(dateStr[6:8]))
    html = open(filename).read().decode('utf-8').replace('·','*')
    pbp = PlayByPlay()
    pbp.inning = ''
    playNum = 1
    playInd = 0
    #Game Stuff
    b = GameTeamsParser()
    pbp.hAbb = ConvertTeamAbb('BR',b.homeTeamAbb)
    pbp.aAbb = ConvertTeamAbb('BR',b.awayTeamAbb)
    pbp.hTeam = GetTeamfromAbb(pbp.hAbb, con)
    pbp.aTeam = GetTeamfromAbb(pbp.aAbb, con)
    currentGame = Game(pbp.hTeam, pbp.aTeam, gameDate, con)
    b = GameTimeParser()
    currentGame.time = b.time
    lengthStr = b.gamelen.split(':')
    currentGame.gameLength += int(lengthStr[0]) * 60 + int(lengthStr[1])
    b = GameWeatherParser()
    currentGame.temp = int(': -?([0-9]{2}) F',
    currentGame.windSpeed = int('Wind ([0-9]{1,2})mph',, flags=re.IGNORECASE).group(1))
    windDir ='mph ([^,]*),',, flags=re.IGNORECASE).group(1)
    if windDir == 'out to Centerfield':
        windDir = 'tocf'
    elif windDir == 'out to Rightfield':
        windDir = 'torf'
    elif windDir == 'out to Leftfield':
        windDir = 'tolf'
    elif windDir == 'from Left to Right':
        windDir = 'ltor'
    elif windDir == 'from Right to Left':
        windDir = 'rtol'
    elif windDir == 'in from Centerfield':
        windDir = 'fromcf'
    elif windDir == 'in from Rightfield':
        windDir = 'fromrf'
    elif windDir == 'in from Leftfield':
        windDir = 'fromlf'
    weatherStr =',')
    if len(weatherStr) < 4:
        precip = 'unknown'
        sky = weatherStr[-1].replace('.','').lower()
        precip = weatherStr[-1].replace('.','').lower()
        sky = weatherStr[-2].lower()
    field = b.field.lower() if (b.field != '') else 'unknown' = 'Field = '+field+', Prec = '+precip+', Sky = '+sky
    b = GameUmpParser()
    currentGame.homeUmp = b.homeump
    b = GameWinLossSaveParser()
    winPitch = abb(b.winPitch)
    lossPitch = abb(b.lossPitch)
    savePitch = '' if len(b.savePitch) == 0 else abb(b.savePitch)
    b = BRLineupParser()
    for line in b.lineup:
        if len(line) == 8 and line[0].isdigit():
            aBatNum = int(line[0])
            aUID = str(line[1])
            aName = str(line[2])
            aPos = str(line[3]).strip()
            hBatNum = int(line[4])
            hUID = str(line[5])
            hName = str(line[6])
            hPos = str(line[7]).strip()
            if aPos == 'P':
                pbp.aPitcher = abb(aName)
            if hPos == 'P':
                pbp.hPitcher = abb(hName)
            pbp.lineup[abb(aName)] = Lineup(123, pbp.aTeam, aName, aBatNum, aPos, aUID, 'BR', con)
            pbp.lineup[abb(hName)] = Lineup(123, pbp.hTeam, hName, hBatNum, hPos, hUID, 'BR', con)
        elif len(line) == 6:
            pbp.aPitcher = abb(str(line[1]))
            pbp.hPitcher = abb(str(line[4]))
    #Pitch Rosters
    bp = BRPitcherParser()
    pitchIDLookup = {}
    erLookup = {}
    for pitcher in bp.roster:
        uid = str(pitcher[0])
        name = str(pitcher[1])
        pitchIDLookup[abb(name)] = uid
        er = int(pitcher[-2])
        erLookup[abb(name)] = er
        team = pbp.aTeam if pitcher[-1] == 'A' else pbp.hTeam
        pbp.pitchers[abb(name)] = PitchRoster(123, team, name, uid, 'BR', con)
        pbp.pitchers[abb(name)].IP = 0
        pbp.pitchers[abb(name)].pitcherRole = 'Starter'

    #Hitter ID Lookup
    bb = BRBatterParser()
    batID = {}
    for x in bb.batID.keys():
        batID[abb(x)] = bb.batID[x]
        for y in pbp.lineup.keys():
            if abb(x) == y:
            elif abb(x)[:11] == y:
                pbp.lineup[abb(x)] = pbp.lineup[y]
                del pbp.lineup[y]

    b = BRPlayParser()
    for playNum in range(1, len(b.plays)+1):
        pbp.plays[playInd] = Play()
        pbp.plays[playInd].hitterID = b.plays[playNum][7]
        pbp.plays[playInd].pitcherID = b.plays[playNum][8]

        #Inning Stuff
        innPre = 'Top' if b.plays[playNum][0][0] == 't' else 'Bot'
        prevInn = pbp.inning
        pbp.inning = innPre + ' ' + str(b.plays[playNum][0][1])
        pbp.plays[playInd].inning = pbp.inning
        if pbp.inning != prevInn:
            pbp.outs = 0
            pbp.firstBase = None
            pbp.secondBase = None
            pbp.thirdBase = None
        pbp.plays[playInd].startSit = pbp.ReturnSit()

        pitchStr = b.plays[playNum][4]
        if len(pitchStr.split(' ')) > 1:
            pbp.plays[playInd].pitchSeq = pitchStr.split(' ')[1]
            pbp.plays[playInd].strikes = int(pitchStr.split('-')[1][0])
            pbp.plays[playInd].balls = int(pitchStr.split('-')[0][-1])
        pbp.plays[playInd].resultOuts = b.plays[playNum][5].count('O')
        pbp.outs += b.plays[playNum][5].count('O')
        pbp.plays[playInd].runsScored = b.plays[playNum][5].count('R')
        if pbp.ProcessBRPlay(b.plays[playNum][11], playInd):
            pbp.lineup[b.plays[playNum][7]].RBI += pbp.plays[playInd].runsScored

        pbp.plays[playInd].endSit = pbp.ReturnSit()
        pbp.plays[playInd].playNum = playInd + 1

        if playNum in b.subs.keys():
            subs = b.subs[playNum].split(';')
            for sub in subs:
                #Pitching Change
                if'(.*) replaces (.*) pitching', sub) is not None:
                    newP ='(.*) replaces (.*) pitching', sub).group(1)
                    p = pbp.aPitcher if b.plays[playNum+1][0][0] == 'b' else pbp.hPitcher
                    pbp.pitchers[p].IP += int(b.plays[playNum+1][0][-1])-1
                    for x in pbp.pitchers.keys():
                        if pbp.pitchers[x].team == pbp.pitchers[p].team and x != p:
                            pbp.pitchers[p].IP -= float(pbp.pitchers[x].IP)
                    if int(pbp.outs) in range(1,3):
                        pbp.pitchers[p].IP += int(pbp.outs) / 3.0
                    if b.plays[playNum+1][0][0] == 'b':
                        pbp.aPitcher = abb(newP)
                        team = pbp.aTeam
                        pbp.hPitcher = abb(newP)
                        team = pbp.hTeam
                    pbp.pitchers[abb(newP)] = PitchRoster(123, team, newP, pitchIDLookup[abb(newP)], 'BR', con)
                    pbp.pitchers[abb(newP)].pitcherRole = 'Reliever'
                    batnum = int('batting ([0-9])',sub).group(1)) \
                        if'batting ([0-9])', sub) is not None else 0
                    pbp.lineup[abb(newP)] = Lineup(123, team, newP, batnum, 'P', pitchIDLookup[abb(newP)], 'BR', con)

                #Pinch Hitter
                if'(.*) pinch hits for (.*)', sub) is not None:
                    newP ='(.*) pinch hits for (.*)', sub).group(1)
                    team = pbp.hTeam if b.plays[playNum+1][0][0] == 'b' else pbp.aTeam
                    batnum = int('batting ([0-9])', sub).group(1)) \
                        if'batting ([0-9])', sub) is not None else 0
                    pbp.lineup[abb(newP)] = Lineup(123, team, newP, batnum, 'PH', bb.batID[newP], 'BR', con)

                #Defensive Sub
                if'(.*) replaces (.*) playing (.*) batting', sub) is not None:
                    newP ='(.*) replaces (.*) playing (.*) batting', b.subs[playNum]).group(1)
                    team = pbp.aTeam if b.plays[playNum+1][0][0] == 'b' else pbp.hTeam
                    batnum = int('batting ([0-9])', b.subs[playNum]).group(1)) \
                        if'batting ([0-9])', b.subs[playNum]) is not None else 0
                    pos ='(.*) replaces (.*) playing (.*) batting', b.subs[playNum]).group(3)
                    pbp.lineup[abb(newP)] = Lineup(123, team, newP, batnum, pos, bb.batID[newP], 'BR', con)

                #Pinch Runner
                if'(.*) pinch runs for', b.subs[playNum]) is not None:
                    newP ='(.*) pinch runs for', b.subs[playNum]).group(1)
                    team = pbp.hTeam if b.plays[playNum+1][0][0] == 'b' else pbp.aTeam
                    batnum = int('batting ([0-9])', b.subs[playNum]).group(1)) \
                        if'batting ([0-9])', b.subs[playNum]) is not None else 0
                    pbp.lineup[abb(newP)] = Lineup(123, team, newP, batnum, 'PR', bb.batID[newP], 'BR', con)
                    playInd += 1
                    pbp.plays[playInd] = Play()
                    pbp.plays[playInd].hitterID = abb('(.*) pinch runs for (.*) \(', b.subs[playNum]).group(1))
                    pbp.plays[playInd].pitcherID = abb(pbp.aPitcher) if pbp.inning[0] == 'B' else abb(pbp.hPitcher)
                    pbp.plays[playInd].inning = pbp.inning
                    pbp.plays[playInd].startSit = pbp.plays[playInd].endSit = pbp.ReturnSit()
                    pbp.plays[playInd].playType = 'Pinch Runner'
                    replacee ='(.*) pinch runs for (.*) \(', b.subs[playNum]).group(2)
                    if pbp.firstBase != None and pbp.firstBase[1] == abb(replacee):
                        pbp.firstBase = [playInd, abb(newP)]
                    elif pbp.secondBase != None and pbp.secondBase[1] == abb(replacee):
                        pbp.secondBase = [playInd, abb(newP)]
                    elif pbp.thirdBase != None and pbp.thirdBase[1] == abb(replacee):
                        pbp.thirdBase = [playInd, abb(newP)]

        playInd += 1

    #Calculate IP for Last Pitchers
    currentGame.totalInnings = int(pbp.inning.split(' ')[-1])
    pbp.pitchers[pbp.hPitcher].IP += currentGame.totalInnings
    pbp.pitchers[pbp.aPitcher].IP += currentGame.totalInnings
    if pbp.inning[:3] == 'Top':
        pbp.pitchers[pbp.aPitcher].IP -= 1
    elif pbp.inning[:3] == 'Bot':
        pbp.pitchers[pbp.aPitcher].IP -= float(3 - int(pbp.outs)) / 3.0

    for x in pbp.pitchers.keys():
        if pbp.pitchers[x].team == pbp.pitchers[pbp.hPitcher].team and x != pbp.hPitcher:
            pbp.pitchers[pbp.hPitcher].IP -= float(pbp.pitchers[x].IP)
        if pbp.pitchers[x].team == pbp.pitchers[pbp.aPitcher].team and x != pbp.aPitcher:
            pbp.pitchers[pbp.aPitcher].IP -= float(pbp.pitchers[x].IP)

    #Insert Game, Plays, Pitchers, and Lineups into DB
    for x in pbp.plays.values():
        if x.playType not in (
        'No Play', 'Stolen Base', 'Caught Stealing', 'Pick Off', 'Balk', 'Passed Ball', 'Wild Pitch',
        'Defensive Indifference', 'Error on Foul', 'Unknown Runner Activity'):
            pbp.lineup[x.hitterID].PA += 1
            pbp.pitchers[x.pitcherID].ContactStrikes += x.contactX
            pbp.pitchers[x.pitcherID].SwingStrikes += x.swingX
            pbp.pitchers[x.pitcherID].LookStrikes += x.lookX
            pbp.pitchers[x.pitcherID].Strikes += x.lookX + x.swingX + x.contactX
            pbp.pitchers[x.pitcherID].Balls += x.balls
            pbp.pitchers[x.pitcherID].pitchCount += x.lookX + x.swingX + x.contactX + x.balls
            if x.ballType in ('Ground Ball', 'Bunt Ground Ball'):
                pbp.pitchers[x.pitcherID].GB += 1
            elif x.ballType in ('Line Drive', 'Bunt Line Drive'):
                pbp.pitchers[x.pitcherID].LD += 1
            elif x.ballType in ('Fly Ball', 'Pop Up', 'Bunt Pop'):
                pbp.pitchers[x.pitcherID].FB += 1
            if x.playType in (
            'Strikeout', 'Out', 'Double Play', 'Triple Play', "Fielders Choice", 'Reach On Error', 'Single',
            'Double', 'Ground Rule Double', 'Triple', 'Home Run'):
                pbp.lineup[x.hitterID].AB += 1
                if x.playType in ('Single', 'Double', 'Ground Rule Double', 'Triple', 'Home Run'):
                    pbp.lineup[x.hitterID].Hits += 1
                    pbp.pitchers[x.pitcherID].Hits += 1
                    if x.playType == 'Single':
                        pbp.lineup[x.hitterID].Single += 1
                    elif x.playType in ('Double', 'Ground Rule Double'):
                        pbp.lineup[x.hitterID].Double += 1
                    elif x.playType == 'Triple':
                        pbp.lineup[x.hitterID].Triple += 1
                    elif x.playType == 'Home Run':
                        pbp.lineup[x.hitterID].HR += 1
                elif x.playType == 'Strikeout':
                    pbp.pitchers[x.pitcherID].K += 1
                if x.playType in ('Walk', 'Intentional Walk'):
                    pbp.pitchers[x.pitcherID].BB += 1
                    pbp.lineup[x.hitterID].BB += 1
                    pbp.pitchers[x.pitcherID].pitchCount += 1
                elif x.playType == 'Hit By Pitch':
                    pbp.pitchers[x.pitcherID].HBP += 1
                    pbp.lineup[x.hitterID].HBP += 1
        if x.inning[:3] == 'Top':
            if x.hit:
                currentGame.awayHits += 1
            if x.runScored:
                pbp.lineup[x.hitterID].Runs += 1
            currentGame.awayRuns += x.runsScored
            if x.hit:
                currentGame.homeHits += 1
            if x.runScored:
                pbp.lineup[x.hitterID].Runs += 1
            currentGame.homeRuns += x.runsScored
        x.gameKey = currentGame.gameKey
        x.hitterID = batID[x.hitterID]
        x.pitcherID = pitchIDLookup[x.pitcherID]
        x.InsertPlay('BR', con)
    if currentGame.homeRuns > currentGame.awayRuns:
        currentGame.homeTeamWin = True
    elif currentGame.homeRuns == currentGame.awayRuns:
        currentGame.tie = True

    # Go Through Pitchers
    for x in pbp.pitchers.keys():
        if x == winPitch:
            pbp.pitchers[x].Win = True
        elif x == lossPitch:
            pbp.pitchers[x].Loss = True
        elif x == savePitch:
            pbp.pitchers[x].Save = True

        if pbp.pitchers[x].IP == 9.0:
            pbp.pitchers[x].CG = True
            if pbp.pitchers[x].Runs == 0:
                pbp.pitchers[x].SO = True
                if pbp.pitchers[x].Hits == 0:
                    pbp.pitchers[x].NH = True
        pbp.pitchers[x].gameKey = currentGame.gameKey
        pbp.pitchers[x].earnedRuns = erLookup[x]

    # Go Through Hitters
    for x in pbp.lineup.keys():
        pbp.lineup[x].game = currentGame.gameKey

    return currentGame, pbp
Esempio n. 2
from BRParser import  BRPitcherParser
import urllib2

b =  BRPitcherParser()
url = ""
html = urllib2.urlopen(url).read().decode('utf-8').replace('&#183;','*')
for x in b.roster:
    print x